Summary: Years after Rory walked out on Jess at Truncheon, he has finally found a way to deal with the pain and the anger she left him with. Although, the efficiency of his anger management methods could be argued. *Inspired by E L James' Fifty Shades of Grey* Warning though: The story is rated M for good reasons.

I'm not sure where to go with this story or even if I should keep writing it, I just wanted to put this out there to see how the idea would be received – so please, let me know.

Anger Management - Chapter 1


I don't need a fucking psychiatrist to tell me why I do this. I know very well why I'm doing this. You don't need a degree to understand that it is because of her I'm doing this; because she left and took everything with her. The only things she left behind were anger and pain, and so I've formed my existence around those remains.

"Please, Sir" The girl on the bed whimpers and her pleading voice snaps me out of my thoughts and brings me back to reality.

I take a step back to indulge in the sight of this beautiful brunette spread across my bed, her entire body shivering with desire. Desire for me. I smirk.

Her hands are steadily tied to the bedposts. Yes, you can't escape now, can you? I think to myself as I step closer to her, noticing how her body stiffens in anticipation as the sound of my footsteps catches her attention.

I bend down over her naked body and with soft, tender movements I let my fingers trace a pattern, starting at the point of her neck where I can feel her pulse racing under my touch, continuing slowly down towards her breasts and a smile creeps onto my lips as I feel her twitch and try to shift her body to change the predestined pattern of my fingers to run over her breasts instead of through the valley between them.

"Be still" I order and she obeys instantly. Yes, I've learned through years of experience how to give orders that won't be questioned.

If only I'd had that experience back then… Maybe I could have ordered her to stay. I shake that annoying thought away and try to focus on the task at hand.

"Please" She begs again and I smirk, halting my fingers halfway down her belly. Her body stiffens when she realizes her mistake. Yes, Miss Sparks, where have you manners gone? Lost in the haze of lust?

"…Sir…" She adds, her breath shaky as she utters that one little word. That one little word that tells me I'm in control. In control of her, of her body, her mind…everything I could ever wish to be in control of. Except…it's the wrong girl. It always is.

Focus, I command myself as I lean forward to let her know her little slip hasn't gone by unnoticed. Damn, I have to take a deep breath to keep my cool. This exact moment always put my self-control to a hard test, almost as hard as certain parts of my body; this moment when the decision lies in my hands whether to punish her slip or to offer her the release she's so desperately yearning for.

"A little late, don't you think Miss Sparks?" I whisper, close to her ear before I bend down and nibble her earlobe, just a little bit too hard to be a loving gesture. I'm rewarded with a drawn out moan. Yes, she loves this every bit as much as I do… The anticipation…

"I'm sorry Sir" She tries to oblige me and for a split second I regret my decision to blindfold her. I would have loved to see that remorse mirrored in her eyes, that eagerness to please me.

I let my finger run slowly, teasingly between her hipbones, just out of reach for the spot she wants me to touch, lingering in the moment… Ah, to punish or to pleasure… I inhale a deep breath of air.

Her slip isn't one that I would normally care to punish. She did find her manners rather quickly when she realized it. But today…I nod to myself, having made up my mind…Today, I think a proper round of punishing might do me good.

After seeing to that Lana was okay after our little session, I settle into my home office to check my e-mail. Theoretically, I'm supposed to have the weekends off, but my staff doesn't always seem to understand that. I skim through the e-mails, but I don't find anything urgent regarding the company.

I sigh and lean back into my chair. I went too far in my punishment today. I was out of control. I never lose control with my sub-missives. I never lose control period.

It's her fault. She made me lose control.

I glance at the computer screen and I see her name among the received e-mails. Rory Gilmore. It stands out as if it were written with huge, neon lights.

I close my eyes to avoid seeing it and pictures flashes before my eyes, Pictures of Lana's naked behind, bending over the leathered bench in my playroom. Only…it isn't Lana I see. It's her.

It's her, leaning forward in submission, accepting the punishment for leaving and causing all that pain. And I can't stop. Red mark after red mark rises on her pale skin and I can't stop. It isn't until I hear Lana shouting her safe-word that I finally find the strength to stop my punishment.

I've never taken it that far before. Usually I can read my sub-missives like an open book and I know not to push them too far. But this time…

I have to make it up to Lana later. Pleasure and pain. Yes, but not that kind of pain. Pain under control. Not uncontrolled pain.

I'm surprised she didn't terminate our contract on the spot. She would have every right to. I'm not allowed to lose control like that. She's supposed to feel that she can trust me. She has to be safe in the certain that I can handle the control.

I open my eyes and lean forward to yet again read the e-mail that caused me lose my precious self-control.

From: Rory Gilmore
Subject: Coffee
Date: May 5th 2012 15:12
To: Jess Mariano


I know it's been years, but I got to thinking about you earlier today.

I'm back in the U.S and was wondering if you'd like to grab a cup of coffee and maybe catch up?

I'm in New York Tuesday - Thursday, I have some interviews booked, but hopefully we could find time for coffee.

Rory Gilmore

I sigh again. Coffee. Catch up. Yeah…I can imagine that catch up conversation…

"So Jess, what's new in your life?"

"Well, you see Rory, I've gotten myself a new little hobby…"

"A hobby you say…"

"Yes, you see…I've found out that tying up, spanking and whipping girls with certain features that resembles yours gives me a great outlet for all the pain you left me in and the anger that stemmed from it…"

I shake my head.

I have tried so many different ways to find an outlet for all the pain and the anger she left me with. I've tried writing about it, my usual emotional outlet. But writing reminded me too much of her, and besides, my editor wasn't thrilled about my sudden need to fill my characters with anger and their actions with violence.

I don't write anymore. Writing doesn't offer any outlet for the anger and the pain. If anything, it enlarges the anger and the pain, gives them more space to roam freely.

The sessions with my sub-missives in my carefully appointed playroom is the closest I've ever come to release some of the pain and anger; releasing it onto someone else, someone with brown hair resembling hers and a set of full lips of just the right color.

But never blue eyes, I remind myself.

No, I draw the line at blue eyes. They're a certain deal-breaker. I couldn't stand having her blue eyes staring at me, boring into my soul, as I give way to my pain and anger in my own, twisted version of anger management.

As if on their own accord, my fingers dart to the keyboard and I start typing an answer.

From: Jess Mariano
Subject: Re: Coffee
Date: May 6th 2012 19:15
To: Rory Gilmore

Miss Gilmore,

Let me know when you're free and I'll make sure to clear my schedule.

Jess Mariano
CEO, WA Publishing, Inc.

I have to admit, it fills me with a weird sense of satisfaction referring to her as Miss Gilmore, the way I always refer to my subs using their last name.

Without giving me enough time to think or change my mind, I hit send.

I lean back in my chair again, feeling a hint of a smile creeping onto my lips. So you were thinking about me Miss Gilmore… I wonder what those thoughts might have been… Surely not the kind of thoughts I have about you…

If you think I should continue the story or abandon it – let me know, I'm not sure whether this might be a little too…Well, you know…Much…

Anyways, if you want me to continue, I can promise I'll try to give more insight into the character of Jess and his transformation…Both career-wise and personality-wise.