Ok this is something I have been wanting to do for ages now. This is for my debatable OTP, I say "debatable" because of Johnlock; that shit confuses the fuck outta me when I try to pick which one I like more. This is a Hijack fanfic; If you don't know what that is I doubt you'd be here, but it's Hiccup from HTTYD and Jack from ROTG. This is AU and OC on Stoick's parts, so in sorry if an uncaring father does not fit your headcannon. The story is modern day and Jack is not an ice spirit but an amazing Skateboarder/Snowboarder, and can make impeccable designs and drawing out of ice. Hiccup is a horse rider where Toothless has a lost a leg; Hiccup still draws and does designs for Toothlesses leg. But we're just gonna see where this takes us, yeah? So good luck for the both of us…

Summary: Hiccups father is uncaring and indifferent towards Hiccup, so he, once again, rents out half of the small boys room.

WARNING: Cursing, character abuse, rape mentioning (possible rape flashbacks), possible molestation, and angst


I DO NOT OWN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, OR DREAMWORKS. This is purely fan made and in no way promoted. But if I owned DreamWorks, in httyd 2 Hiccup and Jack would have so much sex… beautiful ice fairy-Viking sex…

"Dad, please don't," Hiccup begged desperately, litterally dropping to his knees and almost pulling at his fathers coat. "Get out of my way, boy. We need the money so I'm renting out half of your room," the tall man snarled, "The only reason Richard left was because he got a job on the other side of town." "Yeah…and thank goodness…" the small boy mumbled softly, horrible images from that dreadful night popping into his head. He nearly threw up. "Go find something to clean," Stoic said,"and don't argue with me again." He pushed the freckled child out of the way, nearly knocking him down, and stalked off.

Hiccup went up to his room after being yelled at by his father, and sat down on his bed; he picked up a pencil and his sketch pad trying to think of what he should draw. As he was thinking, images from that same fucking night kept flashing in his head. Oh well, only one thing to do; he was going to have to draw it.

The night had been like any other, Hiccup was in his room keeping to himself, when the new boarder, Richard, walked into the room with his bathrobe on. "Hey, Hiccup, what're you doing tonight?" The 28 year old man asked. "Nothing," Hiccup mumbled, he didn't have any friends so he never went out. "And do you know where your father is…?" Richard asked climbing onto the small boys bed. Hiccup swallowed slightly, and responded a little higher pitched than he would've liked. "H-he's on a business trip i-in Vermont…" "That's right, you're so smart Hiccup… so smart…" the older man had crawled up and started nuzzling the back of the boys neck with his nose, kissing his freckles lightly. He bristled and turned around quickly. "L-look Richard," Hiccup stammered scooting towards the wall,"I-I don't know what you think you're doing, but whatever it is, please don't." He looked pointedly away from the man and was a furious shade of red. Richard paid no heed to the boys attempts to defend himself, and nipped on the ear that was facing him. "Come on, little Hiccup, I'll make you feel so good," the older male purred huskily into his ear. "N-no! Get off of me!" he fought, his push not phasing the man at all, Hiccup hunching up his shoulders at an attempt of a shield. "Trust me, Hiccup, it'll hurt at first but it will feel amazing…" he pinned Hiccup down and started roughly biting his neck. It was clear that Richard was going to get what he wanted, but Hiccup was not going down without a fight. He kneed the man as hard as he could in the stomach and tried to free his wrists from the vice-like grip. "Oh-ho, someone's feisty tonight,"

Hiccup snapped back to reality, drenched in a cold sweat, he shook his head violently and began sketching out bodies. He started with the framework, a few different poses; one pinning down another figure, one bitting the other, and finally someone bent over another. Slowly he added in details and finished the sketches and eventually it was him and Richard. He sighed staring at the images that continued to haunt him day and night, when the door opened. "Knockity knock, anyone here?" Said a voice quietly. Hiccup turned bright red and scrambled to get the pictures out of sight. "Y-yes, hello, you must be my new…roommate," said Hiccup, hiding his face. The male chuckled, and put all his stuff down. "Hey, kid, it's ok, I won't bite. I promise," the man said sticking out a hand. Hiccup turned to look at him and his jaw nearly dropped. This guy had white hair! With pale white skin, teeth and fingernails to match. His eyes were a deep cerulean blue, like frozen puddles of ice, striking underneath, oddly enough, raven black eyebrows. Not to mention he was gorgeous, seemingly on the thin side, but still beautiful, with a sharp jaw line and a perfect nose to boot. Hiccup absently took the males hand and shook it, still drinking up his striking features. The man chuckled again, "My name's Jack, Jack Frost, and you are…?" He let the question hang, hoping for the boy to bite. Hiccup was pulled sharply back to reality, "H-Hiccup, my n-name is Hiccup…" he stammered, embarrassed for so blatantly staring at the other man. "So, we're gonna be sharing rooms, eh?" He asked rhetorically, ruffling the small boys hair; Hiccup just nodded and averted his eyes once again. "Well, I hope you don't mind, but I like the room pretty cold, is that ok with you?" Hiccup just nodded in response. The white haired male assessed the boy sitting in front of him, he wasn't just shy, he would be a little less scared looking. It wasn't even the typical scared look you get either, it looked like he would give anything to not be there right now. Jack might not be a genius, but he deduced that something horrible must have happened to this boy, something really horrible, and probably something to do with the last boarder. Whatever it was, Jack was determined to befriend the boy, the fact that he was rather attractive didn't hurt either. "Well, Hiccup, it's nice meeting you, do you want to go snowboarding?"

WELL THAT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD PLACE TO END IT! Phew, yes the rape scene will continue in later chapters in a more depressing way :3 (and yes I do realize i got very italics happy) by the way for all of my readers who were expecting a Johnlock fic, yes I am working on it, but this right now is my primary fic, so it will take me longer to update any other ones once I upload them. I apologize. BUT YAY IVE WANTED TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG! :D I'm also planning on doing another Hijack fic later (after I've completed my other Johnlocks) where it's on it's original time and Jack fed toothless an eel and Hiccup gets mad and says some things he didn't mean to say… hehehe, got your attention now, don't I!? X3 I got the idea from a tumblr person

Here's the link to the page: tagged/30day/

It's a comic from the day 3 of the hijack challenge. See you next chapter! LOVE YOU MY LITTLE COCK SLUTS! 3