AN: Hay y'all! I'm back again, so read up! I'm trying to explain as much as I can while still keeping the story going, so if something looks weird I'm sorry. Anyhoo, hope ya likey!

Chapter 4: The Daily Life of a State Alchemist

"Gail? I'm back!" I shout, shutting the door behind me. I drop my bag by the door and slip my jacket off. A blonde head of hair pokes out of the kitchen and smiles.

"Welcome back, Mey-Flower! I was worried you'd miss dinner." She says, pulling her head back in. I follow it and turn right. The smell of lemon and rosemary hits me like a slap in the face as I enter the clattered kitchen.

"As long as you're cooking, I'll be here." I say, plopping down in one of the four chairs at the kitchen table. Her blue eyes sparkle as she wipes a smudge of flour off her face with her thumb. Cooking is one of her favorite things to do.

"How was your first day?" She asks. I shrug and kick my feet up on the table. "Better than I thought it would be."

"Did you make any friends?"


"How about that Fullmetal Alchemist boy? He's about your age, right?"

"You mean Ed? Yeah... I met 'im."

"What's he like?"

"Short. Height and temper-wise."

She laughs and stirs a bowl of something white and creamy. "Well you should at least try and be nice. I hear he's very high up there, and pretty close with that Mustang guy. So getting on his good side wouldn't be a bad idea." She says. She gracefully dances around the kitchen, humming an unfamiliar tune as she does so. I snatch a can of lemonade off the table. I take a pencil and draw a small transmutation circle on it so I can carbonate it, forming it into a lemony soda. I take a big gulp, downing almost half the can in one go.

"So is he cute?"

I spit out that 'half the can' I just drew into my mouth.

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"

"No! It was just a question..."

"Well don't ask it again!" I say. She smiles. "Okay. I promise. A lot of people say you take after your mother, but to me you're exactly like you dad." She says. I roll my eyes and take another sip, a much, much smaller one.

"Thanks, I guess?" I say, though I can't help but smile. Everyone says I look like my mom but talk like my dad. I guess they're right, I'm nowhere near as sweet and kind as my mom. I smart-mouthed, clever and witty, just like my dad.

"Ah!" She says, turning to the oven as it dings. "It's ready!" She says, opening it up and pulling out whatever she's made for dinner.

"Morning," Al says as I step in the room. I smile.

"Morning! Where's the midget?"

"IM RIGHT HERE, IDIOT!" Ed's voice shouts as he jumps from begin his brother. I laugh.

"I was only joking. Jeez," I say. I enter the room fully and look around. After failing to find a coat rack I simply drop the blue mass of cloth on Ed.

"Wait, what?!" He exclaims. I laughed. "Oh, nothing. Just hanging up my jacket, that's all." I say, trying to hide my smile. He frowns.

"Shut up..." He doesn't drop my coat though. I wonder why...?

"How was your day, Mey-Rin?" Al asks. I shrug and plop down on the couch. "Pretty much normal. My aunt pestered me about everything, though. But her chicken pot-pie was delicious so I can't complain." I spill.

"Mmm... chicken pot-pie? Sounds good... maybe I should add it to the list of things to-" Ed elbows his brother in the side, the sound of metal-on-metal sounding out for some reason.

"Of things he needs to learn how to make! Right, Al? You sure do love cooking, don't ya?" He finishes. Al gasps and nods quickly with a nervous laugh. "Yeah! I love cooking... and baking... and, uh..." He trails off. I narrow my eyes at the two of them, then shake my head and sigh.

"You two are the weirdest some times." I say. I catch myself, though. "Actually, scratch that. Most of the time."

AN: BLARGH bad ending I know. But I don't care. I ARE AUTHOR. I DO WHAT I WANT. BITCHES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAoshiwudwbcnoq8rmo2p{a'haUHIGHNWG wat

ANYWAY this particular fanfic isn't going to be updated often, it's more like something I'll update if I finish some of my main stories early and am in the mood. So frequent updates are not forseeable. Totally spelled that right.

Anyway, if you could drop a review on your way out, that'd be great! Heck, if I come back with at least four I might even update quicker... HAHA BARGAINIIIINNNNGGGG

Later, loozers!