Peter Pan

A/N: I made this because I am SICK (sick, I tell you) of people bad-mouthing Zelda for sending Link back in OoT. So, here it is, the scenario in which Link does not go back.


She looks into the man's eyes and sees a little boy. The little boy that should have been a man by now; except he isn't, and is it really surprise? He lost so much-everything, actually, except his childish innocence. Many times she's wondered how he managed it-never growing up, that is. How can a boy kill so many, so thoughtlessly, and remain a child? The answer is quite simple, really. Children are heartless, and they kill all the time. To them, to kill is to be a hero. Night and day, day and night, that is all they dream of. But, you could say, it is only a dream, only a game, only pretend. It is so much different than the real thing. You're right. So right. When adults kill, they are affected by it. Their victims' blood taint their hearts. But to him, it was just a game, and he was just protecting his Princess, just as a Hero should. To kill is to be a hero-all children know that. Besides, it's just a game. It is still a game, she realizes, and it tears her apart. Don't cry, Princess, he isn't being cruel. He's just a child. He is just another boy who wouldn't-couldn't-grow up.