Hey all, thanks for reading! I'm not really sure how long I'll be posting these for, as you may have noticed, these are just drabbles of stories and erotica strung loosely together. Hope you all enjoy! Reviews would be appreciated!

At times Christine felt lonely by the silence of the deep home Erik had created, although she knew she was never truly alone. Erik was constantly there, they were hardly separated for more than a handful of minutes at a time. To dress for dinner, to bathe, to dress for the day, or to sit waiting as he went in search of the wine to be served with dinner. And in these moments of abandonment, Christine was on edge, waiting for them to be returned to each other. Relief came each morning as she rushed to the music room to find him, shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows, a small smirk upon his lips to hear her gasp of pleasure at the sight of him. Joy tumbled from her mouth in high pitched giggles that he reveled as she bound from the bathroom in her silk robe, wet curls tickling his face as he allowed her to nestle into his lap for a nightly reading. Their embraces were cherished by both, her silken skin a gift Erik thought he would never receive, his small smiles a blessing she didn't know existed.

Propriety was forgotten as time went on, small displays of affection were given freely, sexual endeavors explored greatly, and conversations flowed easily as they grew more and more comfortable together. No longer did she feel as if she was intruding on the life he had created for himself, no longer did she feel as if she was pushing her way into a home she would never truly fit into. Love, the world toppled from her lips frantically one evening when she rocked atop his lap and his hands were buried deeply in her curls as he brought her to the rim of ecstasy. They crashed together in a symphony of explosive desire, her arms wrapped lovingly around his neck as Erik crushed his distorted face against her collarbone, leaving kisses on her sensitive skin.

"Do you?" The words were nearly unheard under Christine's gasps of breath, sensations flooding through her limbs as she fought to ground her swimming mind. The feeling of his long hands caressing up and down her sides did not help to calm the small coos she was unable to contain.

"Do I?" Seemingly unaffected by his orgasm, he clutched her hips tightly in his slick palms. This topic of conversation was one not to be taken lightly, and his stare was so intense she felt her heart slow under as if he had ordered her to calm.

"Do you love me, Christine?" The seriousness was merely a curtain, of course, a swirl of smoke that only she could see through. When the smoke was fanned aside, she could see the timidity in his eyes, the terrible uncertainty of her true feelings for him.

"Yes Erik, yes, I do love you." He studied her for a moment; to be sure that what she was speaking was true, before his lips dragged her back into the deep waters of pleasure.

It had been explained to her, long ago, what felt like was in another lifetime when she was a ballerina and danced upon a stage in white skirts of tulle and lace, that love was not something every woman could look for in a suitor. One was to look for money, title, propriety. She would never think that she, Christine Daae, a violinist's daughter, would fall so quickly and float upon a love that overtook her so wonderfully. For love was much like the ocean that she remembered form a childhood traveling along the shore. The way her skirts had been ruthlessly tossed about and dragged down, pulled whichever way the water pleased. But Christine did not mind, Erik had her best interest at heart and would never pull her in a direction that would be poor for her, of that she was sure. If loving him was like the ocean, then she was drowning, sinking deep down and letting her body become consumed and overtaken by the cool waters of pleasure.

Erik often insisted that she repeat her love for him. In the mornings her purposefully kissed her upon the cheek and whispered his love for her into her ear, a gentle hand tucking her hair behind her ear, much like a young suitor he beamed to hear her return the words with a soft smile. Sometimes when she was seated in his lap listening intently as he read to her of pirates and far off lands, he would rest his thumb in the book to hold his page, and speak to her the three words that had changed her life so completely, and she would repeat them back with eyes alight with joy. And then, there were times at night when he held her as close to him as a man could hold a woman, and begged her to say the words that brought him to a stupor of pleasure each and every night they came together.

There were still some days, however, where Erik was put in foul moods by the simplest of things. If Christine had scooped too much sugar into her tea, or the fire smoldered too harshly against him in the evenings, and especially when his piano playing was not as magnificent as he wished it to be (although, this was something Christine swore she could never notice the difference of, he was always amazing.) It was on a night like this, when Erik had smashed a tea cup in frustration and Christine sat scrunched on the chaise lounge unafraid but very much annoyed as she watched him tire himself out by pacing ferociously across the floor.

"Erik, perhaps it would do best to sit and be quiet for a while before returning to the piano." His eyes flashed as he turned on her, a flicker of flame from the fire glinted across his depths of piercing brown and she regretted the suggestion, immediately.

"Would it, darling, would it do best?"

The words were knives of ice as he stalked toward her, a hand reaching out to clasp her arm firmly in his grip. For a brief moment she wondered if she could find it within herself to be scared of him again, after weeks of prancing sweetly throughout their home without a care for what he thought, how odd would it be to revert back to walking on egg shells around him? Her thoughts were shattered when his lips clasped her lips, fiercely but gently, he seduced her mouth with a quick tongue and pulled her up to a standing position, forcing her back against the wall of the sitting room. A small gasp left her as he struggled with the clasps of her gown, frustrated fingers scratching away at her back as he moved lustfully against her cool form.

"Christine, help me."

"I am not to help a madman, Erik. Calm yourself and we shall proceed." She was half-joking as he continued to fumble at the buttons near the small of her back, but he did not find her funny. It was too bold, he decided, and with a smirk a sudden coolness washed over him he continued to release the dress from her.

Green material rustled to the ground about her ankles as she stood in corset, shift and stockings against his clothes form. A hand pressed to her neck and pushed her flat against the wall, no words were necessary as his eyes told her to stay still while he quickly and with little flourish tossed his jacket and cufflinks to the floor. The wall was cool against her back as his hot form pressed tightly against her. A curious hand slipped between her thighs and tickled her as he gently pulled at the little knots of her stockings before she was released in the most improper of ways. The cotton slid down to sit around her ankles as one of his hands splayed atop her heaving chest and the other into her heat.


"Ah, ah, Christine. You would do best to remain silent." It was not a challenge, but a direct order, though there was lightness in the order, she felt her lips closing of their own accord as his lips clasped the throbbing pulse at her neck. She had expected to be tortured with pleasure, to have to writhe in his hands and beg for mercy before he would let the threshold break and light to seep into her pores as she found her climax. This was not the case, no.

Erik moved quickly and unselfishly, hand upon the stomach of her restricting corset as his other hand moved under her shift, bringing her to ecstasy rapidly. Her hands stretched out to grasp his shoulders, the shock in her eyes forcing him to chuckle as her knees shook in their weakness at the intensity of her orgasm. He was relentless, hand continuing its task, fingers turning up in time with her harsh breathing. Fire pierced her veins and a small sense of panic shot through her as she gasped breaths into the tightness of the corset, his exploring fingers shaking her world until she could do nothing but squeeze her thighs against his invasive hand and hold herself up against his sturdy figure, mouth slack and eyes tightly shut as she felt the familiar bubbles bursting across her skin. This continued, multiple times seeking no pleasure for himself, Erik brought her to see stars across her eyes again and again. She was overwhelmed, the continuous pleasure had shook her until tears began to spill forth and her shaking hands found his cheeks and she stared him down in frantic confusion,

"Why're you doing this? You don't have to do this-" Erik claimed her lips again, slower this time, before resting their foreheads together as she relaxed her shaking form against the wall, still on guard at the feeling of his fingers tracing patterns against the soft skin of her delicate thighs.

"I want you to feel the pleasure you bring me by merely existing."

"Erik-" Her protest caught in her throat as he knelt down and lifted the shift above his head, hot breath tickling her thighs before he caught her most heated spot in a long kiss, as if he was engaged with her mouth. Sliding a few inches down the wall, Christine thought her legs would definitely give out from under her if he wasn't finished with her soon. Her breasts felt heavy as he continued on, truly loving her in every sense of the word as the oddity of his face created sensations she thought herself lucky to be the only woman to experience, as his name soared from her lips. She felt wholly consumed by him as his hands clutched her rolling hips as he slowed his pace and she relaxed in her drunken state of drowsiness.

"I feel much better, don't you?" Erik paused to study her flushed face with a satisfied grin, her breathing had quieted and her chest had stopped heaving so heavily, "I love you." He whispered with a slight chuckled as she weakly clutched her arms around his form. It was torture of the most wonderful kind, to have his warm embrace around her shaking frame as he lead her back to the chaise lounge where she was settled in his lap, once more.

"I love you." The words were slightly slurred as the room darkened and her head grew heavy and thick, lolling back against his shoulder.

"Sleep now, Christine, it would do best for you to get your rest." She obeyed with a slight smile, his laughter ringing in her ears.