Rolling over to my left side for probably the 50th time tonight, I contemplated how I'd end things with Tetsuo. Flipping back to the right side, I let my mind drift to the unrealistic situation of staying with him just because he deserved it, but then Klein would find a way to remove that possibility. With a sigh, I settled to my back, staring at the plain ceiling that I'd come to fabricate images on in my head to simply avoid seeing the sickening white flatness that taunted me by the hour. I loved Klein and I couldn't escape that truth. Staying with Tetsuo would be wrong on so many levels.
I closed my eyes and raven-colored hair looking with emerald eyes gave me a devilish grin. For the first time since entering this world, I'd remembered the man I'd left in my old one.
What if we actually reached floor 100? If we returned to the real world, what would I tell him? At this point, the vague memory of the real world became more and more distant every day. It was hard to imagine what real food tasted like. What a feeling of water trickling on my skin from a light rain, dripping down and washing everything away. Water never felt like it cleaned anything here. It just erased any trace of dirt, wear, and tear. More than anything, the true warmth of touch. Skin against skin was the most amazing feeling. Here, you can tell that it's all virtual. You get the main idea of the feeling, but it's not nearly the same thing. I guess the more you forget about the old feeling, the more you come to accept the new one. The cakes we had, the food we eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This was all a lie we'd come to accept so well that we all have forgotten how unreal it was. Somehow, though, this felt okay. Almost scarily so. Having no real responsibilities, falling in love, and making movement that codes recognize and consider as "moves", usually requiring minimal effort from day-to-day. The pros and cons equalled out in a weird way.
As I struggled to focus on grasping at the few strands of old-world memories, everything faded out and I was finally some degree of "at peace".

"-shiiii~" In what felt like minutes, I felt my consciousness flood in like a dam had broken. "Come on, lovely! Wake up before I go all sleeping beauty on you." I heard a soft voice accompanied by a light chuckle. Not more than a few moments later, I felt a pair of lips meet mine. Sending me back into dreamland like a jolt in a weird way, I lost control of my actions, letting the dream take me in.


I was pretty happy Kerushii hadn't woken up because it allowed to lean in for a good-morning kiss. I loved her so much that even though I'd intended a little peck, knowing she'd get worked up, I had to take a little longer, adding some passion in. My eyes snapped open as she quickly yanked me ontop of her and flipped me over.

"Wh-what's gotten into you, Keru?" I felt my face start to burn up as I stared at her face that had been so mocking and playful.

"Something you're going to enjoy!" She giggled tauntingly. "Would you like to know what?"
I took a huge gulp of air, trying not to make any assumptions. This was all coming from nowhere.

"Yes, I would like to know."

"What's getting into me…" she trailed off and leaned into my ear. I let out a shaky sigh. "...is you~" She whispered, her warm breath sending chills down my back.

I tried so hard to hold myself back, but it was useless. My hands went for around her waist, my lips for hers, but she'd caught my arms and slammed them onto the bed, moving her lips to my neck, instantly moving to kissing up slowly, then back down slowly. The suspense was killing me, but then she sat on my crotch. Simultaneously, she bit me, enticing a moan from me that I was able to stifle until she moved to sucking. She stopped suddenly and looked me in the eyes mockingly again, obviously excited to see how well she'd done in getting me worked up.

"Oh is someone unable to control himself?" She let out another of those indescribably adorable laughs.

She wasn't going to win this though. I gave her an innocent smile in return. "Yeah. I don't feel like it's very fair for you to just get your fun out of this."

"Well I'm on top and have you held down, so I guess it can't be helped." She seductively undermined me.
"As cute as that is, I'm a man-way stronger than you." I grinned as I flipped her over. She struggled, but I easily overcame it. I quickly ripped my headband off and wrapped them around her hands, grinding her a little in the process. As she let out a few struggling moans, I could see the pure desire in her eyes. "Oh, I see! This is what you're into." She looked away and pressed her legs together. I hung her bound hands on the headpiece of the bed. Her body was heating up more by the second. "You feel pretty warm. Maybe I should help you out a little." I teased, yanking the top of her gown, 3 buttons desperately ripping apart. She pressed her legs together harder as her breathing had become more frantic, a bead of sweat forming on her forehead. She looked about ready to explode already. I smirked as I figured she was sick of this untouched teasing. I ripped the rest of her gown to reveal her body. I took a moment to let this image sink in. I had the most beautiful woman I'd ever met in only a bra and undies tied to my bed post. Not only was it so amazing, but I was unbelievably horny, about to lose complete control and jump on top of her. I leaned in to check how tight her hands were tied, she bit my shirt, tugging at it. I yanked it off and started rubbing her thighs and worked my way up her waist, through the center of her chest, up to her neck, noticing this very big spike of desire that dropped as I began rubbing down her sides. "You really are one kinky woman aren't you?" I questioned mockingly, which she bit her lip in response to. I looped my hands back to her back and up, unhooked her bra, and heard the breathing intensify again.

Then the sharp pain in my chest shocked me into reality. She had to end things with Tetsuo still. This wasn't going to happen yet. It physically hurt that she's still with another man.


Anticipation coursed through me as I stared Klein's shirtless body up and down. Was it possible for him to finish me without even touching anywhere sexual? The dominant and possessive grin on his face was screaming yes as a response and I felt more hot liquid drip down my thigh. My breathing only got heavier as I wondered where this intense desire had come from. I'd never felt even a fraction of this before. I wanted him to do anything he wanted to me. Right when I reached the peak of being teasingly untouched, I felt his hands meet my hips again and slowly rub upwards. As soon as he reached the bottom of my boobs, craving him more than ever, he stopped and took his hands off, smiling politely at me.

"Please fuck me," the whisper escaped without permission.

"As much as I'd love to, I'm done." He continued his innocent smile.

"No. Why? Don't stop please. I'll do anything you want!" I begged, letting my desire control my speech and actions. I shifted my legs again in discomfort.

I saw desire flash through his eyes as he clenched his jaw. "You don't get your treat until you're mine." He paused. "Only mine." He added possessively.

It was hard to do anything other than beg, overwhelmed with so much want. I couldn't even think straight. "Please? Just for a second? I just need to feel it in me." I breathlessly pleaded.
"Begging looks amazing on you, but for nothing until he's gone." He emphasised before quickly turning around and walking to the door.

"I really mean anything, Tsuboi." I tried again.

After a moment of hesitation, he opened the door.

"Stop! Please! I'll do anything. I want it so bad." I trailed off as the memories consumed me.
"Breakfast will be ready for you when you meet me in the kitchen." He responded, walking out and shutting the door.

As he shut the door, though, my eyes met with Dale, who had apparently been in the hall. I felt my face heat up quickly as I sat up and pulled my hands above the headboard. I shimmied my way out of the bandanna and got dressed. Why had I lost all self control the moment this started? Was my body deteriorating in the real world or something? Maybe I'd just been tired when I'd woken up and not really completely awoken. Either way, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for the moment I'd just shared. But a part of me was thrilled and looking forward to when it really happens. I walked out to the kitchen and placed the bandanna on the table, staring downwards. I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone right now. I could feel multiple eyes in the room glued to me, and I wasn't about to face them and share that awkward moment. A plate was placed in front of me and I looked up to see Klein's glazed eyes. I handed the bandanna to him and noticed his face redden lightly.

"Thank you for holding that for me." He trailed off, joining me at the table. We both silently and slowly picked at our, what I could only assume to be, scrambled dragon's eggs.

"Are you meeting Tetsuo today?" He asked, but I knew his true question. Are you breaking up with Tetsuo today?

"I may have to at this point." I responded and felt the staring intensify. I scrambled to make it sound better. "I mean with how we have nothing to do here and all."

"I think that's a good idea." He responded, giving me a concerned look.

I opened my menu to message Tetsuo, but saw that he'd already messaged me.

Heading into a dungeon for training again today. Kirito is leading us all, so it shouldn't take too long. I love you, Kerushii! You better save me a kiss for all my hard work! ^O^ 3

The feeling of guilt evolved into full-on, gut-wrenching pain. I shut my menu and looked back at Klein, who now had an unbearably curious look on his face.

"He has plans for the day." I tiptoed my words around his feelings.

It didn't seem to matter because I watched the curiosity evolve into a grimace.

"You okay?" I asked with a careful tone.

He stood up and put his plate in the sink. "No." He was obviously done keeping up appearances in front of our guild, as the room felt like it was shrinking and like the gravity was getting stronger.

Feeling like my clothing was made of lead, I followed his actions. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." I went back into my room and my eyes felt unbelievably heavy. I welcomed the feeling and allowed myself to drift off back to sleep. I'd wake up to meet Tetsuo after his mission. Until then, I purposefully wasted the day sleeping.