Disclaimer: I don't own (OMG DID I JUST C A HAN-) Hetalia. I don't want to cuz I might ruin it QwQ

Warning: OCCness, references and stalkers. Oh and did I mention shounen-ai? Guess I didn't.

Beta-ed by Chichita, who I'd like to also say HAPPY MUFFINMAKING late BIRTHDAY! Why I am announcing it to people who are strangers? Because I can, note that I did not bold the late part.I would never tell anyone your day, sweetie. :)

Just wanted you to feel special (insert heart shape here)

Enjoy .w.

Laughter and chattering filled the air, giving it a cheerful and lively vibe. Even the raven could not stop the small smile from gracing his lips, as he made his way to the appointed place.

This was the more popular part of town, where tourist and locals alike would flock for food, fun and leisure. The law was more vigilant here as well, which gave another reason not to loiter around this area. The last time he came to this part was for a festival of some kind, and he was very young during then. This made him distrustful, yet curious excitement rumbled in his stomach at the same time.

Or perhaps it was just him being hungry. He did not eat when fleeing the house, mainly to avoid being present when Yao finds out that Niran let him out without permission. Fortunately, the Thai did not question him, which kind of surprised Kiku. Then again, the elephant-loving man was always fond of him.

The underboss simply requested that he came home before 7p.m. and went heavy just in case. The raven could only hope that Niran would be alright. The don was considering replacing him with Kim, due to his go-with-the-flow attitude.

So back to waiting for Feliciano, who he knew would be late no matter what. Kiku was leaning against a wall across the address written on the Italian's note. The address led to a café, a French café to be exact. Pursing his lips, the assassin watched as the staff prepared the restaurant. It was still early but a small line of people were lingering around, mainly couples. He blinked a few times at that, tempted to call Feliciano when the raven noticed somebody watching him.

He tilted his head at the blonde in the corner of the cafe across this one. It was a young sandy-blonde man in casual wear with a newspaper in his hands and a plate of black...buns, Kiku assumed, in front of him. After a few seconds, the man realized the Japanese looking back and quickly hid behind the newspaper. That man seemed familiar, a name just at the tip of his tongue but the beep of a message from his phone made him stop.

'Ciao, Kiku! I'm so happy you actually came!'

Kiku was about to reply when his phone chirped again, 'Could you turn around for a moment? :D'

'Where are you, Feliciano-kun?' The Asian typed back and shot a skeptical look at the phone.

'Just do it please ^o^ '

Kiku frowned softly at the reply, debated for a moment before slowly turning. He was about to type a question when suddenly somebody hugged him from behind, making him tense and nearly slip out the knife hidden in his long sleeve.

"Vee, I was beginning to think that you'd had ignored me again." Feliciano laughed, hugging the shorter male tightly and pecked him lightly on the cheek. Today he was dressed in a white shirt with a black vest and pants. "Wow, you look great Kiku! This is probably the first-time I've seen you in normal clothes, vee~"

"Is it bad...?" The elder asked quietly, still slightly flushed thanks to the kiss. He knew it was coming but still could not help it. The note had mentioned that there was no need to come heavy, only wear causally and have a lot of time. Currently Kiku wore a white V-neck, jeans and sling-bag which actually did not hold anything of importance. Those were either kept hidden elsewhere, or on his own person.

Feliciano grinned widely and shook his head, squeezing the other lightly. "Nope, I like it. Are you hungry? Let's go have breakfast vee~"

"Ano, could you please let go first?" The raven leaned away from the Italian, who was practically hanging off him, feeling somewhat self-conscious. It was starting to grow when passersby gave them looks. "People are staring."

The younger man hummed and obeyed. He seemed to calm down for a moment, before taking Kiku's hand captive instead. "Let's go eat, sì?"

"Alright..." Kiku tried to will down his growing embarrassment, ignoring their joined hands. He began to feel rather uncomfortable when a group of teens looked in their direction and laughed. They stopped as soon as it started however, which made the raven blink. Before he could really look at the reason for the sudden silence, he was simply greeted by a bright smile from Feliciano who dragged him into the now open cafe.

The chime of a wind-charm rang as the brown-haired male pushed open the glass door, letting the Asian in first. The cafe was small but neat and had a homey feel to it. White tables with flora designs littered the place with adorable chairs to match. A light shade of red curtains decorated the windows while a couple of pretty oil paintings hung on walls. Feliciano gave a loud greeting, which the staff and some customers echoed, as he led the Japanese to a table by the window. Taking a look at the pleasant scene outside and the surroundings, Kiku was suddenly reminded of those romance novels he read when bored.

"Feliciano-kun," The younger hummed in reply, even as the raven's eyes narrowed. "Is this a date?" The last word was strange on his tongue, coming out as somewhat strained.

"Vee, why would it be? It's just a hang out as friends! We're friends and it's been so long, right~?"

"If so, why is it that we're the only two here?"

"That's because they're not here yet, vee." And that you don't have any, were the unspoken words neither of them needed to add. The Asian sighed while the other watched him patiently with a smile.

"I was expecting something important, Feliciano-kun."

The elder bit his lip when the other pouted and gave him the puppy-dog eyes. "Vee, is being with friends not important?"

"I-It's important, but Yao-san—"

"What he doesn't find out, he won't know." The Italian cut him off with a smile, yet the look in his eyes told another story. "I can give you an excuse if you like."

"No thank you. He does not know I'm here, Niran-san let me out."

"Ve, no wonder. I should thank him later but for now, just be yourself and choose something to eat~!"

Kiku sighed inwardly but let a smile grace his lips. He knew Feliciano was just trying to help, make him feel normal. After all, this is a one-time thing and he highly doubted there would chance of an experience like this when he goes back later.

Just as they opened the menu, the assassin had to stare. There were so many things to choose from and he was not too familiar with French cuisine, he really had no idea what to pick. While the brown-haired male waited for his companion to choose, he suddenly perked up when someone entered the shop and waved. "Ciao, big brother Francis!"

"Ah, bonjour mon ami~" The French man made his way over to the two, hugging Feliciano and exchanging kisses on the cheeks. Kiku had to blink a few times; the sparkling effect around the stranger's prefect looking hair was not a light trick. "What brings you - My, what a lovely flower we have here."

The stranger pulled out a rose from nowhere and smiled slyly at the raven. He gave a slight bow and took Kiku's hand, laying a slow kiss on it. "Francis Bonnefoy, at your service."

That name rang a bell somewhere, perhaps from a past acquaintance. Ignoring the creeping blush, the Asian glanced at the Italian for help. Feliciano sent him a wink, leaning back in his seat. This could mean that he either did not care, or that this man was a 'friend of his'. Kiku shot him a glare, before turning back reluctantly to the waiting Frenchman. "Yuki Takahashi. Nice to meet you."

"Hmm, you don't look like a Yuki though, mon chère." Francis said thoughtfully, but sensed the shorter man's discomfort and released the pale hand. "Oh well. How are you enjoying the food, my dears? The finest in town, I must say."

Feliciano laughed somewhat nervously, scratched the back of his head. "Vee we haven't ordered yet, big brother. Ki— Yuki's not sure what to get, it's his first time here."

"Oh why did you not say earlier, Feli?" The blonde exclaimed, clapping his hands loudly as he called to the counter. "Gaston, Louise! Bring out the instruments; we have a first-timer here!"

"Wait, what?" The words barely left Kiku's mouth as the two men peeked out from the kitchen at the shout, grinned and went back in. Seconds later, they came out with a violin and an accordion. Greeting them, Francis swiftly spoke to them in French before they turned back to the two.

"Ma chère monsieur, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you today." A fedora was passed to the Frenchman who placed it on, stepping closer to them. "And now! We invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair. As the café presents…your breakfast."

The blonde bowed slightly and gestured over to a waitress with a tray of all kinds of snacks and treats. There was a second's pause before Francis started to dance. "Be our gues-"

"What's with zhe noise?" A woman's voice from the kitchen interrupted, making them freeze. "I zhought I said no more of zhis."

"Oh, come now madame, we hardly even started! We are just providing the finest entertainment for the newcomer." The blonde plead, motioning the waiter with the violin to continue as he went into the kitchen.

"Feliciano-kun, Is this normal?" Kiku whispered, leaning over to the said male as the violinist played. The Italian giggled softly, nodding with a grin. Taking a deep breath, the Asian forced himself relax a bit and let Feliciano order for him. The waiter seemed to be enjoying himself, which the same could be said for the other customers and staff. Maybe today would not be such a bad one, he mused.


Cooing softly, Kiku munched happily onto his sugary treat. They called it a macaroon and the Asian found himself liking most of the mini sandwich-like biscuits, except for the blue one. He made a mental note to ask Jia Long or Mei to buy some for him when they went out next time. Currently he was waiting for Feliciano, who had gone outside to answer a call, to come back.

"Enjoying yourself, dear Yuki?" A voice whispered huskily as Francis pulled a chair to sit next to him, causing the Japanese to pause at the sudden closeness.

"Yes," He began, leaning away slightly with a polite smile. "Thank you for trying just now, it was a nice performance."

The bearded man wore a predator-like grin, coming closer. "Hmm, I can give you the full show and more, for someone as lovely as you."

"No thank you, Francis-san. I don't wish to trouble you."

"Oh ho ho, it won't be any trouble at all~"

The raven raised a brow at him, moving further away. He did not really want to hurt this guy, but should the need come... "I'm sorry, but I prefer not to have relationships with people I've just met."

"Oui, but we can meet a lot more if you like, mon amour." At this point, Kiku was trapped between the table and the older man. Now he was not too sure about not hurting the other, especially when a hand settled on his lap. Much to his luck, a presence made itself known.

"He can't. We're heading to the park now."

Both of them looked up to see Feliciano behind the Frenchman, wearing an odd smile. The blonde paled slightly and laughed nervously, moving away from Kiku. Nodding in thanks to the brunette, the raven caught a glimpse of something being placed back in the Italian's pocket.

"Well then, big brother should get going soon…" Francis trailed off, gaze moving to the window and he chuckled. "Oh, what do we have here?"

Sharing a glance, the two peeked out and Kiku spotted the blonde that had been staring at him previously. Apparently he had been staring again, ducking behind the newspaper once more. The restaurant directly across this was empty, besides that man and the owner, who seemed to be spilling his woes to the poor man. He also noticed that the crowd tended not to walk near it, as if avoiding it on purpose. That earned a questioning look from the Asian, in which Francis noticed and decided to answer his thoughts.

"Ah, you see that restaurant, non? See how the people unconsciously avoid it? Look how bad the business is. It is all because of one thing," The Frenchman made a dramatic pause, before pointing accusingly at the said café. "It is British."

Kiku could not help but just stare at Francis, whiles Feliciano nodded with a giggle.

"…Quoi? Do you not know the horrors the English call 'food'? How they claim those black monsters as pastries?" The bearded man exaggerated and gasped loudly as the raven simply shook his head. "Mon dieu, I must educate you about it then! I shall not let a hapless soul be lured into their terrible hands."

"Mi dispiace brother Francis, however we have to go now." The Italian spoke up before the other could spend an hour of insulting the café and confusing his friend. "I've only got a day to bring Yuki around."

Francis frowned slightly at the other's interjection, but shrugged. They stood up and the Europeans shared a quick hug, before the Frenchman turned to Kiku expectedly. Biting his lip, the raven awkwardly hugged the taller man, turning red when a kiss was pressed to his temper. "Have a nice day, mon chère. Perhaps fate shall let us meet again someday."

With that, the two quickly left the restaurant and a waving Francis behind. Feliciano began to lead the elder to what seemed to be the shopping district, making sure to stay close. He glanced back and caught the barely concealed interest Kiku had, his gaze wandering to the shops. They were mostly tourist shops, selling cheap souvenirs from China, but the Italian knew where the good stores were. Stopping at a corner where it was not as crowded, the brunette turned to his friend.

"Vee, no worries. They're friends of mine." Feliciano said, causing the Asian to freeze and close his mouth. "Besides, they don't really remember you~"

"But if they did?"

"What's there to rat about, ve?" The raven seemed to consider this, and gave a reluctant nod while the Italian wore a satisfied smile.

"We have some time so let's shop~ Vee anything catch your eye, Kiku?" The said male was about to object, but Feliciano saw his eyes flicker over to one of the stores selling genuine local trinkets. Sharp eye, the younger thought with a grin as he dragged Kiku by the hand.

Hours flew pass like water sipping out of cupped hands, as they visited many shops. Most all of it was spend on window-shopping despite Feliciano offering to pay, reasoning that the hang-out was his idea after all. However Kiku would have none of that, simply responding that he was just looking. In the end the Italian still brought him a fedora and a snow-globe with an adorable tabby kitten reaching up to a butterfly with flower-shaped glitter, which the raven had been squealing inwardly at its cuteness.

Through that entire process however, the raven had the feeling of being watched ever since they left the restaurant. Currently, the two stood on a bridge of the town's park, feeding the residents of the large pond.

"Any intentions of telling your real reason for taking me out here, Feliciano-kun?" Kiku leaned against the railing, glancing to the side at the sound of screams and laughter from a group of children playing ball.

The Italian shrugged, tossing out a small piece of a sandwich he brought from the cafe earlier. They both watched it land in the waters and a dozen ducks began to fight for it before it sunk. As they fought, a fish came from under and stole it, before swimming away lazily. A few seconds passed and Feliciano threw in another piece, repeating the cycle. Shaking his head, he turned to face the raven with a bright smile. "Just wanted you to have a little fun. After all, you don't get out much."

"If this is your way of sugarcoating, then I'm sorry for it's not working."

"Kiku," Feliciano set the sandwich aside, placing his hands on the assassin's shoulders comfortingly. "I'm not going to force you. You still love your famigila and I respect that, I just want you to be happy, capire?"

The Japanese searched the other for a lie, but only found a sincere smile. For a few moments, they simply stared at each other before Kiku finally sighed with a nod while the younger let out a happy vee. Feliciano was about to throw in another piece of bread, when a shout and footsteps made them look up.

"Oi Feli! Was ist los?" An albino man ran up to them with a little yellow bird fluttering behind, grabbing the Italian in a headlock and ruffling up his hair. "Kesesese, didn't think I'd find you here!"

"Buongiorno, Gilbert. Just with a friend, vee." The younger managed to escape the hold, before gesturing with Kiku.

"Your comare, ja? Where's she? Always wanted to meet the apple of your eye that's been..." Gilbert stopped when he locked gazes with the Asian, both red and brown orbs widening slightly in recognition. "Hon -"

"Did you know that ducks had corkscrew penises?"

Feliciano added with a causal smile, earning two looks, one confused while the other down right horrified. Near silence hung in the air, broken by the sound of birds, laughter and quacking of the said waterfowls below. Tilting his head in confusion, the youngest of the three was about to ask about the stares he got from them, when a ball bounced over at his feet. Looking in the direction from where it came from, the Italian smiled at the group of kids waving at him for their toy.

"Torno subito, stay here vee~" With that he picked up the ball and went off, leaving the two behind.

"...Never thought the kid knew something like that, eh?" The Prussian started after a few minutes of silence passed, resting against the railing. His bird landed on his head, chirping in support.

"You haven't changed at all."

"Kesese, of course! Why would I need to anyways, I'm awesome the way I am." With a lop-sided grin, Gilbert reached over and ruffled up the Asian' s hair. "Plus, I could say the same to you."

Making a noise, the raven ducked his head away to try and fix the damage. "He asked for you to come, didn't he?"

"Kind of, it was more of a choice." He sighed and smirked at the younger man. "It's been awhile, ja?"

Looking at the waters below, Kiku felt somewhat grateful that it never stilled long enough for a reflection to come visible. "Perhaps."

"How's life?" With a shrug, Gilbert pushed himself up to sit on the railing and continued. "Mine's quite good. Relaxing, nothing too stressful, that kind of shit. What about you, Honda?"

The Asian did not answer, his gaze still locked on the waters below. Nested on his head, Gilbird cooed before fluttering over to perch on Kiku' s shoulder, as if to attempt to get a reply.

"I heard you went back. Not the best choice for a 'Juliet', but at least you're still breathing." The albino's grin dropped slightly when he got no response. With a growl, he dropped off his place and walked over to Kiku, before pinching the younger' s cheek. "Don't ignore me."

Yelping in pain, Kiku smacked the Prussian's hand away and rubbed his sore face. "I wasn't. I was just trying to decide how to answer that."

"Well you took too long, kesesese~" He snickered, ignoring the other's annoyed glare. Kiku huffed but softened slightly when Gilbird chirped at him. The bird's owner saw this and chuckled, before trying to mess up his hair again.

"How's your brother?" The raven asked nonchalantly as he stepped out of the German man's reach.

Although Gilbert noticed the change of subject, he went along with it. He grinned widely, looking like a proud father. "You should see him. West looks nothing like that little boy you adored."


"I got a picture of him, wanna see?" Not waiting for an answer, the older man began digging around in his pockets. He yanked out his phone and held it in the air like a trophy for a moment.

Unfortunately, before the albino could find the said picture, a slightly-disgruntled looking Feliciano returned with ice-cream in hand. Kiku watched as the youngest whispered something to the Prussian, who opened his mouth to argue but closed it, choosing to nod instead.

"Sorry, but I've gotta go. Need to get home before West finds out that I left the washing machine on again." Gilbert snickered with his lop-sided grin, giving Kiku one last playful ruffle of the hair. Then, he leaned in and whispered, "Bis nachher, mein rabe."

The assassin watched as the albino walked pass them, handing a flyer to Feliciano with a wave before disappearing into a crowd. The Italian waved back cheerily, shrugging with a grin at Kiku's look of expectance at Gilbert's obvious lie. The German never leaves the washing machine on, it was always the TV or the dryer and he knew that well.

Seeing that the raven was not relenting, the brunet chuckled and gave in. "Little Turks from the Russians. Don't get that everyday, vee?"

Kiku vaguely remembered 'rumors' about the boss doing business with...company that they were not fond of. He also recalled Mei mentioning that their big brother had been far busier than before, skipping meals and sleepless nights. If they were stalking him, it was possibly to take him as a hostage for an upper-hand. Unless of course, it was Feliciano they were after, which would be a whole different story.

The Wang family and the Russian Mafia's alliances never lasted long, both always finding ways to try and kill each other off. So that explains the feeling of eyes on him...

"Ve, are you listening to me?" Feliciano whined with a pout, his face suddenly too close to Kiku's.

"I'm sorry, I was distracted. What were you saying again?" The raven asked, leaning away from him.

"I said," The Italian smiled brightly, handing Kiku the ice-cream he brought and waved Gilbert's flyer. "We're going to an art gallery vee~!"


"Selfless Guard. It's like a milk puzzle for some, but a sad meaning for others, sì?" Feliciano read out-loud softly while Kiku tilted his head at the misshaped white line of the black background. Was the line a wound on the darkness or something? This was one he could not make out. However, before he could decipher its meaning, the Italian was leading him to another exhibit.

"How are you liking it so far, vee?" He asked excitedly as he led them pass a rose statue and a large canvas of an angler fish in a dark ocean fixed on the floor. "This is the second time Weiss Guertena' s exhibition came to town, it'll be heading back home soon vee."

"It's interesting to say the least," The Asian paused momentarily at the sight of A Well-meaning Hell, a painting of a lady presumingly forcing her son to play a disordered keyboard, as they made their way to the stairs. "Although some are unusual, they all have a beauty of their own."

Feliciano made a hum in response as they reached the second floor. This level was slightly less crowded than below, the loud buzz of discussion lowered to murmuring and whispers. Among the dozen of visitors was what they presumed to be a couple, standing in front of the painting next to the one of a woman with a newspaper.

The two were a middle-aged man with purple hair and a long ragged coat, with a young brown-haired lady in a red dress by his side. They were staring at a fading portrait with mixed emotions, before sharing a glance and leaving hand in hand. Once they were gone, the two went over to observe the old painting.

It was an oil-based picture of an elderly man dressed in middle-class garments, hugging a little blonde girl wearing a green dress. Both of them were crying in delight, roses of many colors surrounding them. The words 'Welcome Back' sat on below the frame, looking like a child had drawn them by hand with crayons.

"Vee? I could have sworn The Hanged Man was here last time." Blinking, Feliciano shrugged before heading south to three mannequins of the primary colors. "Oh well, it adds a nice touch~ Up next, the power rangers in dresses!"

They spent more than five minutes looking at Death of The Individual, unable to understand its purpose. Although the younger did joke that the headless statues chased people after dark. Just as they were moving over to the next work, Feliciano had to excuse himself to answer a phone call; which left the raven to observe it alone.

The Reserved Seat was a white sofa for one, despite being big enough to sit three people. It had red and black barbed wires covering the backrest, as if trying to claim it for its own. While figuring out its meaning, Kiku shifted to the side when he heard another visitor stop beside. He did not think much of it until the stranger suddenly spoke up.

"A chair fit for a queen, da? The wires are like thorns trying to protect the rose, don't you agree?" His voice soft and somewhat child-like unusual for his broad form.

Craning his neck up just to see the other's face, the first things that came to the Asian's mind was tall and intimidating. Despite the innocent smile, Kiku could not help but edge away from the beige-haired man. Kiku glanced around to ensure that the question was directed at him, before replying slowly. "It depends. I saw it as a seat meant for nobody, but it's only a matter of opinion. Only the artist really knows."

"Da, that is true. After all, they cannot keep their queen forever; someone will steal her eventually." Nodding, the stranger stared at the art piece and smiled. A full minute passed before Kiku made his way to the next exhibit. He was not surprised when the other visitor followed, but of when he tried to start another conversation. "Are you alone?"

"That's a...rather odd question to ask a stranger, don't you think?"

The violet-eyed man chuckled, observing the painting of an axe and apple on a desk known as Still Life On Table. "Indeed, but it'd far odder for a little man like you to be wandering around here alone, da?"

"I'm with a friend." The raven answered with his usual nonchalant politeness, revealing no emotion. He sighed inwardly in relief when he spotted Feliciano coming their way. The brunet glanced at the stranger and back at him, sensing Kiku's slight discomfort and bravely stepped in.

"Vee sorry I took so long, mia cara~" The Italian pulled Kiku into a hug, kissing him on the corner of his lips. Ah, the 'I'm her boyfriend' act. While the raven turned pink, Feliciano gave the stranger an empty smile. "Can I help you signore?"

The pale man only smiled, wrapping his scarf around his neck tighter. The two stared at each other in a silent exchange, their smiles turning into something different before the taller chuckled. "It's nothing, just wanted to make sure your friend here was alright." The visitor began to walk away, looking over his shoulder and chuckled. "Even in a nice place like this, you never know. A lone soul might even get trapped in this gallery, da?"

"Vee! Well grazie signore~!" Feliciano said cheerily and waited till the man was out of sight. When he did, he quickly moved away from the Asian to inspect him, looking close to tears. "Vee are you alright, Kiku!?"

"Hai, hai" The raven smiled worriedly, awkwardly hugging the other to calm him down. Although he had to endure body contact (He was getting a lot of that today, huh.), he was thankful for Feliciano's efforts of getting the stranger to leave. "I'm fine, are you?"

"That was so scary vee..." Sniffing softly, Feliciano managed a reassuring smile as he returned the hug. A few moments passed and the younger let out a happy sigh. "I'm feeling much better now, grazie Kiku!"

Kiku smiled in bemusement at the other's swift recovery, letting him lead them to the next painting. As they walked, Feliciano threw a casual glance behind and met a narrowed gaze squarely. The Italian simply smirked, before dropping it for a cheery smile as he turned back to the tour.


"This day was meraviglioso, vee~" Feliciano sighed happily while Kiku 'vee'ed in agreement as they exited the Italian restaurant. "Did you like it, Kiku?"

Yes, the fact that Italian people were contagious (or that Japanese are easily influenced) has resurfaced. Despite the bubbly mood, the raven knew that there was a low chance for this kind of events to happen again. Still, it was rather refreshing compared to his daily life.

"Vee, it was fun. I wish we could do this again." Kiku answered, inwardly bewildered by his words. What on earth happened to his facade? Perhaps the younger had spiked his drink, which would explain his unusual character.

"We could, all you have to do is let go."

Kiku blinked contently, his facade back on. "We've already talked about this, Feliciano-kun."

"Yes, but you didn't say I had to stop pestering vee~"

"It's not that simple..."

"Vee at the same time, it really is."

They stopped and locked gazes, somewhat grateful for the fact that the street they stood on was not crowded. The raven was about to answer when a familiar voice called out to them.

Francis waved at them, together with Gilbert and another man. Before any of them could react, the new person pushed pass them and grabbed Feliciano in a hug. "Hola Feli! How's my Lovi?" He did not wait for an answer, attention already on Kiku. "Who's this, your comare?"

"Vee~ he's a friend, fratello Antonio" The Italian laughed while the other three, not counting the said man, sweat-dropped.

"Oh, he." The tanned man paused, letting that piece of information sink in. He walked over to the raven and lifted him up, much to Kiku's shock and embarrassment. "You sure amigo? He looks and weighs like a señorita."

The cold barrel of a gun against his chest made him pause and look up. The raven stared down at him emotionlessly, pressing the piece harder. "Please put me down. Now."

"Lo siento." He apologized still smiling happily, as if not caring that Kiku could end him right there. Setting the Asian down, the Spaniard offered a hand and a cheerful smile, completely oblivious that he just invaded personal space. "Pleased to meet you Kiku, my name's Antonio Fernandez Carriedo."

They shook hands firmly, the shorter man returning it with uncertainty. Wait, since when did he give his name? Before Kiku could ask, the hand still in the hold was used to pull him into a hug. His breath hitched as a swift kiss was planted onto them before Antonio released him. The raven stumbled away from him slightly, forcing himself to take a deep breath.

He seriously had to get used to European greetings quick, judging from the company he was in, otherwise die from embarrassment or having too much blood fill his face.

While Francis, Antonio and Feliciano chit-chatted, the albino made his way over to him. Kiku supposed it was not too bad, for he rather not have a flirtatious man or one who could not sense the air near him at the moment. Unfortunately, Gilbert being Gilbert, swung an arm on his shoulders. "Kesese, you alright there Honda?"

"H-hai, thank you for your concern." Slipping out of the German's hold, Kiku motioned to the three. "They are the ones you told me about, aren't they?"

"Ja, they were so excited to meet you but then you left."

"...How much did you say about me?"

"D-don't worry, I didn't tell them much!" Gilbert said quickly, waving his hands in front of himself at the raven's skeptical look.

"Right." Kiku muttered, shooting him one last glare before he turned to his friend. "Feliciano-kun, I should be going now - "

The said male bounced over to him in excitement, interrupting him. "Kiku, Kiku, Kiku! Listen, we're going to a karaoke party vee!"

"Etto, I don't think I can. I have to go back soon..."

"Vee, please~" The Italian pouted and began to use the Please-tactic. "Pleeeeeee - "

"No thank - "

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaa - "


"eaaassssssssse - "

"I'm sorry but no." Kiku said softly, but firmly. "And that's final."

A few seconds passed and amber eyes watered. That was the only warning they got before Feliciano burst out in tears, attracting the attention of passersby in the area.

Kiku stood firm to his decision for a while, but slowly crumbled to the Italian's trap. Groaning inwardly, he murmured, half-hoping that the other would not hear. "Fine, I'll go."

Instantly, the youngest straightened up, tears gone and smile bright. "Vee~ Let's go then." He turned and waved at somebody across the street. "Fratello! Come join us!"

"...How long has he been standing there?" Gilbert whispered to the blonde, who mirrored his confused look with a shrug. Meanwhile Antonio grinned like no tomorrow as he went to greet and drag Lovino, who was wearing a terrible disguise - how could he had missed that mustache? - all this time.

He seriously could not remember how much time had passed. The moment they entered the room, the other four threw themselves onto the comfy sofas, claiming which was theirs and such. After auguring which song to sing, they finally settled on some random love song. Kiku managed to stay out of it, content with watching them instead.

The real trouble came when the alcohol was introduced. He lost count of how many times he politely declined a glass, until Francis said something that irked him. Soon empty glasses were being repeatedly refilled, the haze of alcohol dulling the mind and laughter in the air. Someone, probably Gilbert, purposed the idea that the drunkest would sing for the next song. Fortunately Kiku was a heavy-drinker, so by the time he was somewhat tipsy, he still looked sober compared to everyone else.

Even so, the raven found himself joining the singing and such. He had just finished singing Tubby Wubby Pony Waifu with either Lovino or Feliciano, or maybe both. He could not tell, the annoying giddiness preventing him from thinking too much. Shaking his cup slightly, Kiku sighed at the realization that it was empty. He absentmindedly thought about asking who had the bottle, when movement beside him snapped him back to alert, though slower than usual.

"Hey, you alright amigo?" Jade-green orbs stared at him warmly, and the Asian could not help but just stare into those mesmerizing eyes. However, he still instinctively leaned away when the man (Antonio was it?) tried to poke his cheek.

"Yes, thank you for asking." Kiku answered softly, watching the others. Francis was asleep half-naked on the other side of the sofa, Italy was laughing and taking pictures with his phone, Lovino was nowhere in sight while Gilbert was still singing. "Shouldn't you be joining Gilbert-san?"

"Nah, he can have the spotlight. How was your fecha with Feli?" Smiling, the Spaniard produced another bottle, gesturing to the raven's cup. Kiku was about to decline, aware of the state he was, but the sudden puppy-dog eyes Antonio sent had him muttering his thanks as he reluctantly allowed his glass to be refilled.

"I do not understand that word so I'll assume you're referring to my day? If so, it was interesting and fun, to be honest. Feliciano-kun was a great guide."

Antonio stared at him for a moment, before laughing and shaking his head. "Dios mío, If it weren't for that drunk flush and knowing you downed that many cups, I wouldn't believe you were drunk at all. Come, let's toast!"

Shrugging, the Asian raised his cup and smiled as the other cheered loudly. Both drained their drinks -his vision was getting harder to focus- and fell quiet as they watched their albino friend shout/scream the current song playing.

"Ova, sidevayz und under on ah mahgic-carpat kesesese!" The German paused, taking a deep breath. "A VORLD NEW VHOLE, A NEW FANTASTIC PLATE - "

He did not finish, stumbling and face-plating onto the space beside them instead. They watched as their pasta-loving friend bounced over to the fallen Gilbert, snapped some photos and stopped in front of them. Taking a picture of the two, Feliciano grinned before tilting his head to the side at the Asian's dazed look. "Ve? You okay, Kiku? Are you drunk?"

Slowly looking up at the Italian, Kiku stared at him blankly. "I'm the grass man."


"Take me back home to my shoe please. Mr. Balloonicon makes a good waterfall by the way." Were his last words and the raven abruptly collapsed onto his seated companion's lap. Antonio and Feliciano stared at him in shock, before chuckling softly.

"Well, that was amusing." The curly-haired man smiled, refilling his cup and offering another to the other. Accepting the cup, Feliciano sat next to him with a yawn. "So you are going home, si?"

The Italian hummed in thought, kicking his legs slightly. "Waiting for fratello, vee."

"Ah, I see. Well, I should be going home as well then." Stretching till a satisfying crack was made, Antonio lazily glanced at his two out-cold friends while a hand played with Kiku's locks.

"Vee, we called a taxi for you, should be here in two minutes or so. Oh and we're taking Gil home so you only have to carry one Francis, vee~" There was a muted click as the door swung open, Lovino and a tall muscular blonde man entered. Feliciano waved at them, watching his brother carried Kiku in bride-style while the other man hoisted Gilbert over his shoulder.

"I hope you know what you're doing Feli," The Spaniard raised a brow as he downed his drink, winking at the older Italian as he left the room. "The Wangs can be quite...problematic sometimes."

"Col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta, brother Antonio. Thank you for your worries, but let us toast to this wonderful day instead vee~" Feliciano happily refilled the elder's cup and stood up. Sighing fondly, Antonio stood up and lifted his drink into the air.


"Cin Cin, vee!"



It was warm and hard to move about. Frowning slightly, the figure tried to turn away from the source of warmth but something heavy restricted the movement. This in turn made it hotter and somewhat stuffy but he slept on. However, the heat soon got too much for him to tolerate.

Dull eyes blinked beadily, taking what seemed to be hours to push back the constant pounding at the back of his head. They should have adjusted to the lighting by then but to no avail. At first, the possibility of a blindfold arise when the ability to think was enabled, due to the constant darkness in front. Yet he could feel his breath when he breathed out, no doubt against something solid. It took a while for his worn-out brain to slowly process the position. He was on his side, trapped between two very warm things and could smell...tomatoes?

Ignoring the headache and the feeling of nausea, the young man managed to sit up, although he did not manage far for his legs were entangled with something. Taking deep breaths, he slowly blinked a couple of times as he tried to comprehend the sight before him.

The Vargas brothers slept on either side of him, naked. Apparently what had been holding him down was Feliciano' s arm while the solid object was Lovino' s neck and chest. He glanced down at himself, nonchalantly noting that while he was still clothed, the pajama was definitely not his. Fortunately, he still was too tired and sleepy to panic over any of this.

Moments later, the younger Italian suddenly pulled him back down in a hug, murmuring in his native tongue. The other twin could only grumble at the sudden loss of his warmth, before shifting closer and effectively trapping him again. The raven stared at the unfamiliar ceiling blankly, covering his face with one hand.

"What the..."

Come heavy - Armed, have a weapon.

Friend of mine - introduction of a third person who is not a member of the Family but who can be vouched for by a Family member.

Rat - To tell info or betray one to the Law when caught or questioned

Comare - (also goomah, goomar, or gomatta): slang for girlfriend or mistress. No self-respecting wiseguy is without one.

Little Turks - Younger, less traditional generation of Mafiosi. Less likely to live by the old rules.

Col tempo la foglia di gelso diventa seta: old Italian saying meaning, "Time and patience change the mulberry leaf to satin."

Like it? Hate it? 7k words baby! XD

I'm sorry for not updating sooner. Last few days were late cuz of school. I had study skills and Flag day (It's to go around asking people to donate money, we did ours for disabled people, etc.) today. Tip: Act cute, smile and sing your greeting that makes you feel like a recorded message after five times. My arms ache from carrying the coin bags, got the most out of mah group. Is feeling kinda happy.

Oh and Pony Waifu is a real song, here's da link:

www .youtube watch?v=4mBa0civN5Y

AND SURPRISE, THERE ARE QUITE A FEW REFERENCES HERE~! If anyone actually noticed and realize what they were, leave a review and tell me your guesses.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chappie. I didn't want it to be the usual 'date' crap, it's way to mainstream and predictable. I mean, it's nice and all but add something new makes it special, yes? The Art Museum and Karaoke ideas came from my sister, Cookie-Loving Kiara. If you know TF2 and like Scout, go check out her page.

She has Reader-insert/Fem!Scout X Scout smut.


Like all normal authors, reviews are appreciated.