Please read the disclaimer once and then I promise not to put it at the beginning of every chapter.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


"You got me up against the wall

You keep pushing me back

And everything you do

You know I like it like that,

Were up against the wall."

-'Up Against the Wall' by Tino Coury

Bella felt feel the stiff, cold wall press against her back as she was slammed up against it. Jacob reached down to grab her hands and held them captive above her head as he guided his lips to her ear. He knows it drives her crazy when he plays a little rough.

When his hot lips made contact with her ear, a trembling shiver ran down her spine. His tongue darted out slightly and grazed the sensitive skin at the nape of her neck, successfully setting every nerve ending in her body on fire.

Jacob must have been born with the innate ability to please girls, or at least just Bella. He knows exactly where to touch her, what to say, and how to shift their bodies so that by the end they're both screaming. His soul purpose is to get a response from her and he has never failed.

It was still dark around them. No one had figured out where they had slipped away to and Jacob was going to take advantage of every second they had alone.

He trailed his lips up and down Bella's neck, placing sensual and open-mouthed kisses there. He nibbled on her collarbone and sucked the delicate skin behind her ear, eliciting a trembling moan from her.

She managed to catch her breath. "We can't do this." Her words were forced; She was struggling to say anything at all.

"Here? Or at all?" He asked, not disconnecting his lips from her neck.

That's a good question. How do I convince myself to give up something that feels so good, so right, simply because other people wouldn't approve? Why stop just because I'd be embarrassed, to no end, if someone caught us here? Bella thought to herself.

"Both." She answered.

"Really?" He asked, a smile playing on his lips. He pushed her harder against the wall until they were flesh up against each other, and glided his leg between her legs so that it rubbed up against her center in a cruel, teasing way. From their close proximity, she could feel his very obvious arousal through his jeans, daring her to do something about it. With a light thrust, he managed to push his bulge against her center and cause her to moan loudly and uncontrollably. "It doesn't seem like you want me to stop."

Bella grunted. "I don't," she responded, pulling his face up from her neck so that she could look him in the eye. His hands let hers go and came to rest on her hips as she pulled him in for a long and intense kiss. With each movement of their lips, Jacob responded by pulling Bella into him and grinding against her. She wound her fingers up around his neck and into his hair. Her fingers tugged at the small hairs on the back of his neck and scratched his scalp roughly as he continued to rub himself against her center. "But that doesn't mean we should be doing this, here of all places." She whispered.

His eyes were closed now, lips parted, waiting for her to close the distance between them again. She did, gently sliding her tongue into his mouth and exploring it.

"Bells," he grunted, breathing heavily, his voice labored.

She smiled to herself. If he insists on pulling me into the nearest room to tease me, it's only fair that I get a little payback. Running her hand down his chest—closer to where he really wanted it—distracted him well enough. When her fingers reached the waistband on his jeans she gave it a little tug towards her. Kissing him once, quickly on the mouth, she slipped out from under him.

She turned the corner and went back to the party. Jacob fell into the wall, suffering a bad case of blue balls. He braced his arm on the wall above his head and tucked his head under it. He chuckled to himself, wondering why he still insists on chasing her.

It's simple really. You never forget your first.

When the bulge in his pants had dissipated to an acceptable size, he left the room and returned to the party.