Shortly after the end of the meeting most of the Shepherds drifted towards the courtyard to get their children. The royal family was the first to arrive and found an interesting sight.

The children had regained their energy and were at play once again. However, play time had become chaos. What appeared to have started as a round of 'Heroes of Justice' had devolved into arguments. Severa and Gerome were arguing with Cynthia and Owain about having to play. Noire was sitting under the tree horrified as Laurent studied bugs. Brady and Inigo were the best behaved, just standing next the flowers talking. Lucina and Kjelle had found sizable sticks they were using as practice swords. Yarne and Nah were off playing with their transformation abilities. The two had small stones they kept as comfort charms when their parents were busy. Not a well thought out idea evidenced by the current situation. Nah had transformed, flew into a tree, transformed back, and now didn't know how to get down.

Alex sat in the middle of all of this, being yelled from multiple directions. Cynthia and Owain were insisting that Alex was the monster for 'Heroes of Justice' and that "monsters don't talk", while Alex tried to settle Yarne and coax Nah down. Kjelle wanted Alex as a judge for a duel and Noire wanted her to make the bugs go away. To make matter worse many of the caretakers had decided that "Grandmother Alex" was doing a good job and they could do other tasks. The two remaining were Lucina's nurse and another young woman. Lucina's nurse was offering to judge the duel, but she didn't know much about duels. The other woman was also attempting to quell the children alongside Alex, but there was no luck to be had.

It was the arrival of the parents that offered some reprieve.

"Father! Mother!" Lucina abandoned the duel as she rushed over.

This got the attention of the other children, and the chaos ceased. Immediately the children began looking for their parents. The sighs of relief from Alex and the caretakers were almost audible from across the courtyard. There was still one problem however, Nah was still stuck in the tree bawling her eyes out almost 15 feet (roughly 4.5 meters) in the air.

"It's okay Nah. Just jump I'll catch you." Alex called up.

"Scary" the little half manakete cried.

"Then transform and fly down. That's how you got up. Come on Nah you can do it." Alex encouraged.

Instead the girl bawled and Alex sighed. Seeing their daughter stranded Nowi and Donnel walked over to get her.

"Come on Nah we'll catch you. Jump it should be fun." Nowi smiled.

"Ya don't got nothin' to worry about. We're right here." Donnel assured.

The child however, didn't even notice them since she was clinging to the trunk with her face buried and only heard her own cries. The adults tried for a while longer, but had no success.

"I could transform and take her down." Nowi suggested.

"Nowi yer dragon form might not work well in this here courtyard." Donnel objected.

"Then what do we do?" Nowi asked.

With a sigh Alex started taking off her boots and socks. She drew her hair back and tied it loosely. Then she stood in front of the tree and grabbed the lowest branch. She hoisted herself up and was now within the tree as well.

"Mother what are you doing?" Robin asked the aging woman.

"She's clearly not coming down. So that means the next solution is to go up and get her." Alex shrugged.

"By climbing?" Robin inquired.

"How else? Trust me I will be fine. You do not want to know how many times I've had to do this over the years." Alex replied.

With that Alex began her assent. It immediately became clear that she must have done this a lot. She was as agile as a monkey. With a mere glance she could identify the best branches. Her arms and legs were deceptively muscular. She had maintained her shape through her years, shown by how easily she hoisted herself up, even jumping for some branches. It didn't take long before she reached Nah.

"Hey Nah let's go now." Alex tapped the girl on the shoulder.

The sniveling manakete quickly wrapped her arms around Alex. With the girl secure Alex started down just as easily as she went up. Soon she was close to the end.

"Nah can you jump to your parents now? It's easier than trying to climb down." Alex prompted.

Now seeing her parents and a much closer ground Nah nodded.

"Okay" Alex moved the girl into position.

"We're here Nah." Nowi beamed.

"One, two, three." Alex counted down.

The little manakete leaped from the tree and landed safely in her mother's arms. Once Donnel, Nowi, and Nah were out of the way Alex also leaped from the tree. She landed easily on the balls of her feet and rolled. After she stopped, she stood and brushed herself off. Robin blinked a little startled at the ease and grace of the older woman.

Alex saw the expression on Robin's face and chuckled, "The amount of things I've had to get out of trees over the years is appalling."

"Including children?" Robin grinned.

"Including adults. I don't understand how they got stuck, but they did." Alex shook her head.

Robin found herself laughing at the befuddlement on Alex's face.

Alex looked at her daughter and smirked, " I wouldn't be laughing if I were you. I had to get you out of trees at least four times. Well three and a half, you only needed help the last time."

Robin felt her cheeks grow warm at the remark. She had no memory of those events, but it was an embarrassing thing to learn in front of friends and family.

"Who are you?" Nowi inquired in a friendly manner.

"I'm Alex, Robin's mother." the woman answered.

"Really?" Nowi's face brightened.

"Yes" Alex reiterated.

"Oh Robin I'm so happy for you." Nowi gave Robin a big hug.

"So that's Grandmother?" Morgan looked at the woman.

Alex turned to look at the young man. It was clear that he was Robin's son. He had his mother's face and his father's hair. She also noticed the young woman next to him. It was Lucina without a doubt.

"Hello" Alex nodded.

"I'm Morgan." the young man beamed, "I'm your grandson from the future."

"I was informed by your mother." Alex answered, "About both you and your sister."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Lucina smiled.

"Did you hear about us too?" Nowi interrupted.

"It'd be an honor if we were mentioned at all." Donnel chuckled.

"Uh yes she did mention her friends who she fought in the war with." Alex blinked at the attention of others.

It was then she noticed the gathering crowd around her. After managing to avoid attention all day she was suddenly surrounded. She felt her heart quicken slightly and her mouth go dry. With a nonchalant motion she hid her hands in her pockets and balled them into fists. Outwardly she maintained an easy, placid face.

It didn't take long for the barrage to begin. There were so many Shepherds and all of them were friends with Robin. All of them knew that Robin was pained by her lack of memories: including of her family (made only worse with the revelation of her father). Therefore it was wonderful to see their friend find a link to her past (especially a reasonable one). They wanted to know what their friend's life had been like.

Alex did her best to answer the basic questions within reason. Where did she live? How old was she? What were her hobbies? Did she study tactics? She flat out ignored any questions related to the Grimleal, Validar, or Grima. She simply pretended she didn't hear them. With every question it felt like the group was moving closer and closer. However, Alex held her ground and placid exterior. Though her nails were all but breaking the flesh of her palms.

After what felt like an eternity, Robin came to her mother's rescue, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would appreciate if we could have some time to talk as a family."

"I would very much enjoy that." Alex agreed, silently thanking the gods for an escape.

The other Shepherds left as the royal family began to head out. Alex mentioned that she had some books to return to the library and suggested they talk there. She did not state that she found it the most comfortable environment, but meant it with the suggestion. Everyone agreed instantly to Alex's relief. They all settled comfortably in the sofas and chairs surrounded by books.

"So where do we start?" Alex asked.

"Where do you live and how did you not find out about the war?" Morgan began immediately.

"I live in an Outrealm, which I haven't left in 25 years." the grandmother answered.

"That's a long time. Where you born there or here?" Chrom inquired.

"I was born in this realm, but never wanted to return after I fled, with good reason. I barely felt comfortable letting Robin travel when she was a grown woman. Anyway what sort of things do you do, Lucina and Morgan?" Alex attempted to shift the conversation.

"I play games and have some lessons. Playing with my friends is the most fun, but they're not always around. So I'm really looking forward to my baby brother." the young Lucina chirped from Chrom's lap before the older could respond.

"I bet." Alex smiled.

"And-" little Lucina tried to start again.

"Lucina you spent all day with Grandmother. Why don't you let big Lucina and Morgan answer?" Robin patted the child on her head.

"Okay" the little girl nodded.

"I travel a lot. The world I grew up in was apocalyptic so I'm enjoying the peace we earned." Lucina answered.

"You left out the part about Inigo." Morgan chided his sister.

Alex raised her eyebrow.

"Her husband" Morgan clarified.

"Morgan!" Lucina snapped bright-red.

The younger brother only laughed at his sister's embarrassment.

"His wife is Cynthia." Lucina retaliated.

"Lucina!" Morgan redden at the payback.

Alex found herself chuckling at the squabbling siblings. Their parents just sat back used to the sight. Without meaning to, Alex started thinking about another set of siblings she once knew. They squabbled like that all the time too. It was fun to chime in sometimes. At least it was before life went to hell. The warm nostalgia growing in Alex's memory shifted into cold desolation. For a moment her face lost its cheer and faded into a distant, empty expression.

"Grandmother?" Lucina called.

Alex quickly recovered, "Sorry it's been a long day and I'm a bit out of it."

"It is getting rather late." Robin noticed the sun starting to set.

"Dinner is probably already waiting for us." Chrom added, "Come on, we should go eat."

"After that I can show you your room Mother." Robin smiled.

"Thank you." Alex returned the grin.

"How long will you be here Grandmother?" Morgan asked.

"I'm not sure yet." Alex answered, "Probably only a few days."

"Then we have to make the most of them." Morgan beamed.

"So we will." Alex smiled.

Alex flopped onto the bed. It was very soft: softer than anything she had felt in years.

"That's enough you fool..." she muttered to herself.

She had spent far too much time thinking about the past. It was over and done with. Those horrors would never rise again, and thinking about them wouldn't change what happened. She just had to bury them in the back of her mind like she had before she returned to this realm. There was no point in dwelling on her past when she had the present. She had a daughter, son-in-law, three grandchildren, and all their extended relatives. There were plenty of people here. That was where her attention belonged, not in her memories.

Sounds of bickering were heard slightly outside the door. Apparently Morgan and Lucina had yet to settle the score from earlier. Alex chuckled, and despite her self-lectures, once again thought of those siblings.

"I wonder what happened to them." Alex sighed.

There were only three people who Alex would let herself think even a little about over the years. Two of them were those siblings. ThAose three (four with Alex) had been best friends when they were little, and her only friends once they joined the Grimleal.

Alex sat up in bed abruptly. The Grimleal were gone and all four of them were free from their hands. Maybe she could find them again, or at least find out what happened to them. There was no need to run in fear, so why should she have to only wonder what happened to her friends.

"Yeah, I might just take a few extra days." Alex smiled to herself.

Maybe she had been looking at this the wrong way. She hid from the painful memories for years because she had to keep her and Robin out of danger. It safe now she could deal with them. Perhaps find a little closure in the midst of reunion. After all there was nothing to fear now.

Author's Notes

As always thanks for reading. I managed to find some time to get this out at a decent pace. I do have something I want to ask everyone. I still have yet to give this story a cover. I was thinking that I would love suggestions from you guys. Therefore we'll call this another contest of sorts. I will write a one-shot for every single entry I get. The place to submit any art work will be my tumblr: Greatnerowl .tumblr .com (submit box) (submit request along with art.) I hate asking people to do things like this, but it could be fun. And I will write a one-shot for every single submission I get, and the one I like the most will be the cover. No one has to do anything if they don't want to, but I would love to hear from you guys. After all you are all amazing, thank you once more.