For those of you familiar with the infamous anime R season break-up scene, this should ring a bell.

Title: In Another Life
Author: Crystal Saturn
Rated: K
Scene: 19 - The Broken-Hearted
Word Count: 407

I just wanted to use the payphone.

It was 1992. I'll never forget that day.

I'll never forget the way her red, bloodshot eyes brought out the cobalt blue of her irises, drowning among her tears. It was such a deep, intense blue… so clear that I swear, but for a moment, I could see straight into her broken soul. I'll never forget the way her body trembled with every painful sob, or how the tip of her nose was kissed pink from her flustered state...

As I watched her during our brief encounter, my own heart ached alongside hers. I had only known her for the whole of three seconds, but three seconds was all it took for me to feel as though I wanted to keep her safe. I wanted to reach out and wrap my arms around her and hold her so tightly, telling her that everything would be alright. I wanted to tell her that it was okay to cry, to whisper encouragement and words of strength in to her ear, to tell her that I'd always be there, and that I'd never let her go… and that I'd never break her heart like he did.

But I couldn't.

As I opened up the phone booth door and found her on the floor, leaning against a perspex panel and pouring her heart out, I found myself speechless. Bits and pieces of a torn up photograph lay about her, haunting her with broken images of her own smile… and his. And here I was, standing there, staring at her like a fool. Thinking that she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered, "I'll just go use another one." Like an idiot, I closed the booth door and walked away.

I couldn't sleep that night. I don't know why, but every time I closed my eyes, her tear-stained face haunted my dreams, my soul. So I returned to the place I had met her the next day, and waited for her. I don't know why… but I came back to that booth and waited. I had no idea what I was going to say to her if I saw her again… but I waited anyway… and waited… and waited… and waited. She never came back. But why would she? It was her most painful memory… and yet, my most cherished.

And all I wanted was to use the payphone.


The next fic-let should be out again soon. Feel free to add me on facebook (link is on my profile) and suggest a few first meeting scenes for me.

Crystal Saturn