Some years ago…

Issei carefully observed his student as the crimson-haired boy lazily moved his Knight across the board. Behind them, a fire danced in the fireplace, illuminating the room with its glow.

"Tell me, boy," he began, gesturing towards the chess board before them. "Among these pieces, which is the most important?"

"The King, of course," the young, red-haired man replied with ease.

"Why do you say that?"

"Once you have lost your King, you have lost the match."

"And the Queen?"

"What about the Queen?"

"The Queen can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally—as many spaces as she wants; the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board."

"But when you've lost your Queen, you are still in the game," Sirzechs retorted. After a moment, he added, "Like you and I, really."

Issei raised his eyebrows with interest. "Go on."

"My family's status gives me great power and flexibility on the board, whereas you - who cannot interfere - have next to none. Yet... if you were to fall, all would be lost." He emphasized this by capturing his teacher's Rook; moving his Queen into a vulnerable spot in the process.

"Are you saying that your loss will not affect the outcome?" Issei asked as he captured Sirzech's Queen with his Bishop.

"You have less power without the Queen," the redhead nodded, quickly avenging his fallen piece. "But as I said before - you are still in the game."

"Interesting," the former Demon King chuckled. "How very interesting."

"And what are your thoughts, Sensei?" Sirzechs drawled, withholding a smirk. "Which is the most important piece?" At that moment, however, Sirzechs caught his mistake as Issei moved his Pawn into checkmate.

"Every piece is equally important," he replied.


Grayfia could only stare at the two men in mute shock as they began exchanging pleasantries.

"It's only been about fifty years, give or take? Issei questioned with a shrug.

"I believe the last time we were all together was at the end of the human war," Ashiya remarked. "London, I believe?"

"Correct," Tamamo smiled, reaching up on the tips of her toes to ruffle the redhead's hair playfully. "Good to see you again, Zechs-chan!"

Sirzechs chuckled briefly, a positively radiant smile on his face. "Tamamo," He nodded. "Morgiana, Suzuki, Mordred. Ashiya-sensei. It's good to see you all."

"Brat." Mordred smirked. Morgiana smiled at the man warmly, while the black-haired ninja merely nodded at him.

"Wait a moment," Grayfia said abruptly. "Maou-sama, who are these people?"

Sirzechs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Grayfia, I'd like you to meet my sensei," he said. "He has been my mentor since I was just a boy. He goes by many names, but you know him best as our King."

"Our… King…?" Grayfia repeated. Slowly, her eyes began to widen as she turned to the brown-haired boy in shock. "You can't possibly mean…"

The silver-haired maid went silent as her husband leaned forward, dipping his head towards the supposedly younger man in a very formal bow.

"Get up, brat." Issei sighed. "I haven't been a king for a long time." He turned towards Grayfia, a bemused smile on his face. "Sorry. Grayfia, you are his lover, correct? Thank you for taking care of this brat. He can be quite the handful sometimes."

The woman merely stood, staring at him with eyes the size of saucers. Finally, after several moments, she seemed to remember herself.

In a single fluid motion, she took to one knee, dipping her head towards him submissively.

"My King," she whispered. "Please forgive my earlier insolence. It's just, I- How is this possible?"

"I'm afraid it's a very long story," the brunet said wearily. "One I'd rather not tell at the moment. Now, please stand. As I said before; I am no longer a king."

"Of course," Grayfia murmured. "My apologies." She proceeded to rise and stand behind Sirzechs, her head still bowed.

"Now," Issei began. "As pleasant as this reunion is, I hardly imagine that it's the sole reason for your visit."

"Perceptive, as usual." Sirzechs laughed. "You sure haven't changed, Sensei." He was quick to sober, however. "Yes. A reunion was not the only reason I've come to see you; today of all days."

"I can only presume it has something to do with Rias' engagement?" the brown-haired boy questioned. "Or perhaps her performance in the Rating Game?"

"The former," Sirzechs nodded. "While her performance was rather underwhelming, it's not the reason I wished to speak with you in private."

"Well?" Mordred demanded. "Get on with it, brat."

Despite the blonde knight's impatient demands, Sirzechs took a moment to collect his thoughts. "As you know, Rias is less than thrilled by this engagement." he said after a while. "It wouldn't be a stretch to say that she's appalled by it."

"What makes you say that?" Suzuki asked ironically. "Her desperate attempts to escape it through a Rating Game? Or the frothing, incoherent shrieks of rage as she tried to blow her fiancé up?"

Sirzechs ignored her sarcastic remarks and instead focused on his teacher. "I've tried to protect her, but the elders remain steadfast in their course," he said softly. "The Pillars are slowly dying out. The elders are desperate to continue the family lines, and the gifts you bestowed upon them."

Issei remained silent as Sirzechs went on.

"They insist on binding her to that pig, Raiser Phenex," the red-haired man spat with startling ferocity. "You've seen the way he treats those he sees as inferior. I refuse to let that happen to my precious imouto. I'd take a bath in holy water before letting her marry that little bastard."

The brown-haired boy stared at him for a long while. There was truly only one thing he could say in this situation.


"Siscon." Tamamo agreed.

"Yandere siscon," Morgiana corrected.

Sirzechs glared at them, an affronted look gracing his face. "So what if I'm a siscon?!" he demanded, puffing his chest out in pride. "What's wrong with caring for my precious imouto; lovingly covering my bedroom walls with her photos?"

"There were so many things wrong with that statement…" Mittelt muttered.

Calawarner, meanwhile, turned towards Grayfia with raised eyebrows. "Does he really do that?"

"I've managed to confine it to our closet," the silver-haired maid sighed. "But yes, he does."

"And you're hardly one to talk!" Sirzechs continued, pointing an accusatory finger towards a surprised Issei. "You were a siscon since before I was even born!"

"He's got you there, Master," Mordred said with a grin. She was very much enjoying this conversation.

"Yup." Suzuki nodded.

"Siscon." Yuuma piped in, a teasing smirk on her face.

"Dammit!" Issei snapped. "I'm not a siscon!"

Meanwhile, Grayfia merely stared at the brown-haired boy doubtfully, a sweat-drop making it's way down her cheek. Was this really the King of Demons…?

"Anyway," Issei sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Back to the situation at hand. While I can understand your distaste with the arrangement, there's little we can do at this point. The moment she agreed to the Rating Game, Rias entered a binding contract. The only way it could be annulled is if the clan elders or Raiser himself decides to revoke the agreement."

"There is one thing," the red-haired man said calmly.

"No," the brunet cut in, a stern glare in his eyes. "I recognize that look in your eye, brat. This isn't something you can muscle your way into."

"It's the only way." Sirzechs retorted. Issei released an aggravated sigh, rubbing his temples in an attempt to soothe his irritation.

"Brat," he finally growled. "You've come a long way, and you've become a fine devil. But in so many ways, you're still the same, scrawny brat I found collapsed on the side of the road."

"You're a leader, Sirzechs," Ashiya broke in. "As such, this needs to be dealt with in a delicate manner. What you're suggesting is that you force Raiser or the elders to comply with your wishes."

"Which is a serious abuse of power," Issei continued for him. "Realize that wars have been started over things like this. Think before you act."

"As you should know, there has been growing dissent over your leadership in recent years," Ashiya said.

"Dissent?" Calawarner repeated, a surprised look on her face.

"Tamamo?" Issei prompted, waving his hand.

"A shadowy faction has been gaining traction as of late," the fox-girl reported crisply. "They call themselves the Old Maou Faction. They seek to oust the current government and re-establish the 'rightful rulers' of the Underworld."

"The Old Maou?" Mittelt asked incredulously.

"Do they have anything to do with the Khaos Brigade you told us about?" Yuuma questioned.

"That, I don't know," Tamamo shook her head. "But the fact remains that if Zechs-chan plans to coerce the Phenex clan into annulling the marriage…"

"The Old Maou Faction would use it as a catalyst to incite rebellion against the current Maou," Calawarner said, realization dawning on her face.

"And of course, there are still those who support the current government," Ashiya explained.

"Which would throw the Underworld into civil war once again," Issei finished, an un-amused scowl on his face.

"I am aware of this," Sirzechs said calmly.

"And?" the brunet demanded. "Are you really willing to drag your people into another bloody war?"

"If it means saving Rias," the red-haired man said, his voice resolute. "Then, yes."

"You- I…" Issei just stared at him incredulously. "You just don't get it, do you?"

"I get it just fine, Sensei," Sirzechs said. "I'm just doing what I believe is right. You should understand. After all, you're the one that taught me to always follow my heart because-"

"- you've got a heart of gold," Issei finished for him with a sigh, rubbing his forehead wearily. "But I also remember telling you that you've got a head full of lead."

"Perhaps not as full of lead as you think, Sensei," Sirzechs offered with a chuckle. "Because the way I see things; we have a second option. One that covers all of our bases."

"And what would that be, my favorite student?"

"For you to annul this farce of a marriage," the redhead said.

There was silence for several long moments in which the two parties merely stared at each other; one patiently and the other in shock.

"...Excuse me?"

"Only you command the sheer adoration and respect necessary to accomplish this without bloodshed, Sensei," the crimson-haired man elaborated.

"...Do you understand what you're asking me to do?" Issei questioned, a single eyebrow raised.


"Then you realize," he continued, his voice beginning to rise. "That my resurfacing would send the angels and fallen angels into a panicked frenzy, very well sparking a second Great War? Have you ever heard the term 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'? Because that's exactly what you're suggesting we do! Is one girl, even if it is your sister, really worth that to you?!"

"Every piece is equally important."

"Don't throw my lines back in my face, boy!" the brunet snapped.

"I have the resources necessary to keep your resurfacing from becoming known to them for several years if need be, Sensei," Sirzechs said.

"Wait one damn minute," Issei broke in. "Your great 'master plan'... is to try breaking it to them slowly?" The brunet sent his pupil a look that clearly said, 'Are you fuckin' stupid?'

"It may not be the greatest plan," Sirzechs said, ignoring his teacher's indignant cry of 'No shit!' "But it's the only plan I have."

The man took a glance at the clock on the wall. "I'm afraid we'll need to cut this meeting short," he said apologetically. "I'm expected elsewhere. Grayfia," He turned to his wife. "I'd like for you to stay here and assist Sensei in any way necessary. Treat his orders as though they were mine."

"Very well, Maou-sama," the maid bowed as a red transportation circle appeared on the ground behind him.

"Sirzechs!" Issei snapped, his voice harsh.

"I'm sorry, Sensei," the man smiled tiredly. "But I'm at the end of my line. So, if you won't do anything, I will."

And with that parting statement, Sirzechs stepped into the circle, disappearing from the room in a flash of red light.

"Wow," Mordred said after several moments of silence. "The brat is blackmailing you. Or exacting you. Something like that. Either way, I didn't think he had it in him."

"He's bluffing, he has to be," Calawarner spoke up, a nervous look on her face.

"I don't claim to know what is going on through my husband's mind," Grayfia said softly. "But when it comes to his sister, he doesn't bluff."

"I'm beginning to think that stubbornness is the true ability of the Gremory Clan…" Issei scowled heavily.

"What now, Issei-sama?" Ashiya questioned.

"The same thing we always do, Ashiya."

"Try to take over the world?" Suzuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No!" Issei snapped. "And stop watching old cartoons! No… We need to deal with this subtly." He paused for a moment. "But first, there's something I need to do."

Rias was silent as she sat in the infirmary; the jarring sound of heart monitors haunting her as she looked over the broken bodies of her servants.

She had failed them.

Each of her servants had gone above and beyond - all for her sake. And yet, when the time came for her to step up, she had faltered.

The crimson-haired girl flinched as she heard Akeno release a moan of pain. The healers had spent well over an hour attempting to repair the damage inflicted by the female Phenex. And while the worst of it was healed, the black-haired girl still found great difficulty in moving.

Her eyes wandered towards Kiba, surrounded by healers as they worked their magic. On the bed next to him, Koneko lay sleeping. Thankfully, Tamamo had come in earlier and performed a healing ritual to repair her destroyed muscles.

Now, the white-haired girl was simply sleeping off chakra-exhaustion. Rias turned her gaze towards Asia, who was still unconscious. She wasn't sure what Xuelan had done to her, but the healers didn't seem too concerned; instead focusing their efforts on Kiba and Chiho.

Chiho. Her adorable little «Pawn» had truly come into her own. When Rias had first turned her into a devil, she had to admit that she'd been slightly disappointed with the girl's performance.

She never could have imagined that this tiny girl wielded so much power. She'd been Rias' shining star in the Game.

And it was for this reason; Rias felt she'd failed Chiho the most. The brown-haired girl had worked so hard.

And Rias wasn't able to pull through. She had humiliated herself, her servants and her family. And now she had doomed herself and her peerage to servitude under Raiser Phenex.

The red-haired girl felt a lump rise up in her throat at the thought. Tears began to prickle in the corner of her eyes, but she held them back. She would not cry; not over this. She was Rias Gremory. She would hold her head high and face her fate with pride befitting her station.

Just as she finally began to regain her composure, the door to the infirmary opened, and a familiar brown-haired boy stepped in.

"Rias," Issei said quietly as he approached her.

"Issei-kun," Rias stood and faced him. To his surprise, she dipped forward and entered a low bow. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" he questioned, a bemused smile on his face. "What for?"

"I failed you," the girl elaborated, still bowing. "I promised you that we would beat Raiser. I asked you to train us. And for a week, you did. For a week, I-I thought I had a chance…"

"Rias," Issei began, as the girl's voice began to crack.

"You told me," she continued, still refusing to look him in the eye. "You told me over and over that strength alone would get me nowhere. But I didn't listen. I-I want to say I'm sorry. Sorry for wasting your time."

"Rias," he said, more firmly this time. "There's no need to apologize. When the student fails, it is the fault of the teacher."

"But… I-" She was silenced as Issei placed a hand on her head. Rias blinked in confusion as a strange sensation washed over her. "What… was that?"

"I cast a disillusionment charm over us," he replied as he leaned back, taking a seat on a nearby infirmary bed. "I can see that you have a few things you'd like to let out. This way, no one will see."

Immediately, she stiffened up. "There's nothing to 'let out', Issei-kun."

The boy let out a sigh. "Of course there is Rias," he said. "You're being forced into marriage with someone you despise with all your being. You're hurting, Rias. I can see it as clear as day."

"I'm not hurting," the girl snapped. "I am a Gremory, I-"

Once again she was silenced, but this time by a flick to the forehead.

"I believe I've already told you," Issei said, a small smile on his face. "That I don't care that you're 'Rias of the Gremory'. I look at you now and all I see is a girl. A girl that is about to fall apart at the seams."

"But… I-" Rias felt the lump in her throat rise up again… the tears prickling in the corner of her eyes.

"No one is watching," he said softly. "It's just you and me. It's okay to cry every now and then." Rias stared into his eyes, his smile engulfing her with its warmth.

The dam broke. All the anger, fear and humiliation rose up in glorious tears. She let out a choked sob as her knees began to buckle. Issei quickly reached out and steadied her.

Rias didn't resist; instead latching herself onto him, burying her face in his chest as her entire body was wracked by sorrow.

"Why?" she cried softly. "Why does this have to happen?"

Issei had no answer. He just wrapped an arm around her back to steady her and used the other to gently caress the back of her head.

Finally, after several moments of comfortable silence, Rias pulled away from him. Wiping her eyes, she gave him a small smile.

"I needed that," she said quietly. "Thank you, Issei-kun."

"I wish I could do more," he replied, just as quiet.

"You've already done more than I could ever ask for." Rias took a look at the clock on the far wall. "I should go. My family wished to speak with me."

Issei simply nodded, releasing his spell and allowing the girl to step away from him.

"I'm told that the wedding will take place tomorrow at noon."

"That soon?" he asked, stunned.

"Believe me, I was just as shocked," Rias shook her head wryly. "Apparently they've been preparing for quite some time." She gave him a small, sad smile. "It would mean a lot to me if you could attend."

"I will."

With a smile still plastered on her face, the crimson-haired girl walked away until she stood near the center of the room, where a red transportation circle suddenly came to life.

"Rias!" he called when she stepped into the circle. The girl looked back at him in surprise. "You're not alone."

The look of surprise quickly turned to gratitude. "Promise you'll be there?"

"I promise." With that said, and with one final smile, the girl teleported away.

Issei sat in silence for several moments before getting up and walking towards the door. Waiting for him on the other side were his servants, the fallen angels and Grayfia.

"Sorry for the wait," the boy said, allowing them inside.

"You've concluded your 'business' then, Issei-sama?" Ashiya questioned as rest the group began to file in.

"Indeed," Issei nodded.

"So, what now?" Mordred asked, crossing her arms.

"For now, you will remain here," he replied. "Rias' servants will need to be informed of what has transpired when they wake up. I'm sure they'd rather be told by friendly faces than by the healers." He then turned towards the pink-haired girl standing next to him. "Tamamo, I'd be grateful if you could check up on them as well; make sure nothing is wrong."

"As you wish," the kitsune bowed. "And what will you are doing in the meantime, Master?"

"All of this originated from one source," Issei explained. "Ashiya and I will be confronting this source."

"May I ask how you intend to do this, Maou-sama?" Grayfia questioned.

"That's where you come in, Grayfia," the brown-haired boy smiled. "I need you to take us to Castle Gremory."

'Gremory' was a name that was well known throughout the Underworld. They were known for their great power; and with that power came great wealth and prestige. And responsibility, but let's not focus on that.

Their family owned a large strip of land approximately the size of Honshu; and situated at the very center of it was the magnificent Castle Gremory.

With its high, grandiose towers and sweeping, flying buttresses, it was the embodiment of classic, Gothic architecture. And while its exterior was certainly glorious to behold, its interior was just as magnificent.

Ornate stained-glass windows illuminated its richly decorated rooms and hallways with dappled light.

It was through one of these hallways that a woman made her way towards her bedchambers.

Gorgeous. This was the only word to describe her as she elegantly glided through the halls. She had long, fiery hair that cascaded past her hips and framed a heart-shaped face. Bright, crimson eyes reflected the fading light as the sun slowly set on the horizon.

The woman wore an elaborate black robe with a long, sweeping cape. On her feet was a pair of black boots and on her arms, elbow-length gloves. And adorning her hair was a crown that resembled a pair of bat wings.

Rounding a corner, the woman came across two maids chatting in the hallway. Immediately, her beautiful face was marred with a sneer.

"Lazing about, are we?" Her voice was calm, but it had the desired effect. The two females let out a panicked squeak before bowing to her.

"M-Mistress!" they cried in unison. "It's not that, we were just-"

"Were this any other day, I'd have you flogged."

"Mistress, please…!"

"Silence." The two immediately quieted, visibly shaking in fear. "Thankfully for you, I am in a… forgiving mood."


"Get out of my sight." Not even sparing them a second glance, the woman glided past them towards her room.

Once she was out of sight, the two maids let out a relieved sigh. "That was close," one of them said.

"I thought she'd beat us where we stood," her friend shuddered. "I wonder why she was so… 'forgiving' today…"

"Haven't you heard? Lady Rias lost her Rating Game. She'll be wed to Raiser Phenex in less than twenty-four hours."

"Really? No wonder. She's been trying to set them up for years now. Poor girl. I heard the Phenex boy is a real prick."

"Oh, well. At least it got us out of another punishment." The two friends shared a laugh as they began making their way back to the servant quarters.

Down the hall, the woman made a mental note to have both of them flogged. A simple spell allowed her to hear their every word.

With a cold smile, she opened the door to her bedchambers and stepped inside. Immediately she froze, as the entire room was suddenly cloaked in shadows.

Behind her, the door closed and locked itself with a decisive click, bathing the entire room in absolute darkness. The woman grit her teeth as she felt a powerful barrier erect itself over the room.

"Step out of the shadows and show yourself, coward!" the woman barked.

Suddenly one of the candles on the wardrobe beside her sparked to life with an eerie blue flame. Her gaze fell on the candle and her eyes widened in shock.

One by one, the candles lining her bedchambers came alive, bathing the entire room with their unsettling blue glow.

"It's been a long time, Lisara," a deep, rumbling voice called out to her, as a tall figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Hellfire…" the woman murmured. "The fairy tales are true, then? The angel wench cooled your wrath, and turned your Hellfire blue?" She smiled coldly. "I preferred it when they were as black as the darkness you rule over."

Her eyes fell to the figure before her, drinking in his appearance. He looked exactly the same as she remembered. Tall; well over two meters in height, he towered above her. Plated armor, midnight-black in color, with bronze trim that glinted in the low lighting. He wore a cloak of liquid shadow that pooled around him. In place of feet were a pair of large, cloven hooves and sitting atop his black hair, like a crown, was a pair of horns.

Lisara smiled, somewhat mockingly. "My King," She bowed with a deeply exaggerated flourish. "You live on. Tell me, what brings you to my humble abode; tonight of all nights?"

"Watch yourself, wench!" another voice snapped. The woman's eyes widened a fraction of an inch before she fell back into a confident smirk.

"Ah, of course," she muttered. "Where would our esteemed king be without his favorite lapdog?"

From the opposite end of the room, the white-haired demon stepped out of the shadows. Like his master he, too, wore a dark cloak. It draped across his shoulders, concealing his form from her critical eyes.

However, from beneath the cloak, an enormous, scorpion-like tail rose up, twitching towards her in anticipation. The man's face twisted into a snarl as a black, exoskeleton-like armor began to grow in place of his skin. His hand twitched as his fingers extended into scythe-like claws.

"Enough, Ashiya." the Demon King commanded.

The white-haired man continued to glare at her, but his claws and exoskeleton retracted. His tail slowly lowered itself until it was hidden beneath his cloak once again.

"As you command, Issei-sama."

"Oho," Lisara let out a sharp laugh, delicately covering her mouth with her right hand. "Is that what you're calling yourselves these days? It seems my grandchildren aren't the only Japanophiles."

"Indeed. And how fortuitous that you would mention them," Issei said lowly. "For your grandchildren are the reasons for our appearance here tonight."

"Ah," the red-haired woman chuckled. "So, they've told you their little sob story, have they?"

"What happened to you, Lisara?" he questioned, studying her. "You know that Gregor-"

"Do not say his name!" Lisara hissed.

"You know that Gregor would frown upon this," Issei continued, ignoring her enraged expression. "He valued his family above all else. You both did. What you're doing now is tearing it apart. Even if you've thrown such values away, the least you could do is show loyalty towards his memory."

"Do not speak to me of loyalty!" the woman roared. "Not when you abandoned us; your people!"

"You-" Ashiya snarled.

"No," she spat. "I would have words with our King." She turned towards the towering figure once more. "Do you know of the suffering you forced upon us while you were busy doing God-knows-what? The humiliation we suffered at the hands of our enemies? You weren't there when the fallen angels rampaged throughout the Underworld. You weren't there when they dragged him through the streets of their filthy capital. You weren't there when their holy magic tore him apart!"

Issei could only watch in shocked silence as she raged before him. He had not known… any of this.

"There was a time," Lisara continued, her voice growing cold. "When we thought all was lost. Did you know, My King? That the majority of elders died, not from battle, but of their own volition?"

She watched with grim satisfaction as his eyes seemed to lose focus.

"That's right," she whispered. "Many of our comrades… our friends took their own lives."

"...Who?" Was all he asked.

"There were once 72 Great Pillars," Lisara answered quietly. "Only 34 remain."

"Then… the 38 that vanished…" The woman simply nodded sharply.

"Do not speak to me of loyalty," she repeated, but the anger was gone. In its place was sheer exhaustion.

Issei was silent as Lisara collapsed onto a nearby armchair.

"The servants will have noticed the barrier around my chambers," she said tiredly. "Unless you wish to reveal yourself to them, you had best leave before they attempt to force their way in."

"Issei-sama," Ashiya said softly. "She is correct. My wards sense many of them rapidly approaching our location."

Lisara made a gesture with her hand. "Grayfia," she called. "I can sense you hiding in that corner. Come out."

Slowly, the silver-haired maid did just that. Her eyes were wide as she did so, glancing sharply between the three ancient devils and feeling incredibly out-of-place.

"Mistress," she said, somewhat awkwardly.

"Please, take them back to wherever it is they're staying."

Grayfia glanced at the two males in question. Ashiya nodded in place of his master, who still appeared to be lost in thought.

"To the clubroom, if you would," the white-haired man said solemnly.

Nodding, the woman stepped towards them and extended her arms. Beneath them, a bright red magic circle came to life.

"Gregor and I made this clan into what it is today." Lisara said as the circle activated. "I will carry on that legacy and I will allow no one to tell me otherwise. Not even you, My King..."

The trio appeared in the Occult Research Club room in a flash of red light. Silently, almost robotically, Issei sat down on one of the room's many armchairs.

"Ahem," Ashiya cleared his throat, causing Grayfia to glance at him. "I believe Issei-sama would like a few moments to gather his thoughts. I will go inform the others of what has transpired. In the meantime, would you be kind enough to brew some tea for him?"

"Of course," the maid nodded. The white-haired man smiled gratefully before taking his leave. Grayfia took one last glance at her brooding king before heading towards the room's kitchenette.

Across the room, Issei sat alone in his thoughts as his body slowly began shifting back to his human form. Grayfia strode back over, a tray with a teapot and cups in her hands.

"I'm an even greater fool than I thought I was," he said suddenly, nearly causing Grayfia to spill the tea.

"Maou-sama?" the maid questioned after regaining her composure.

"I thought…" His eyes lost focus once more. "That by hiding myself, I was protecting my people - my friends - from our enemies. Not once did I think that the ones they truly needed protecting from… were themselves."

Grayfia shifted awkwardly as the now-brown-haired boy let out a dark chuckle.

"Thirty-eight," he said, absentmindedly taking up his tea and sipping it. "Thirty-eight of my closest comrades and their families - dead. As a result of my actions. And I imagine that's still not accounting for everyone." He let out a tired sigh as he placed his tea back on the tray. "Tell me Grayfia…"

"Yes, My King?"

Issei noticeably flinched as she referred to him by title, but he pressed on regardless.

"Whatever happened to Lucinda?"

Grayfia's eyes widened before she averted her gaze. "My sister… She…"

"Tell me."

"She is alive…" the maid said uncertainly.


"I think it would be best if you saw it for yourself."

"We still have time." Issei said, standing up. "Lead the way."

"Very well, Maou-sama."

"This… is…" Issei stared at the sight before him. It was an enormous lake, its shimmering, glass-like water reflecting the moonlight above. At the center of the lake was a grand palace with a small hamlet nestled in its shadow.

It was his old home. "Ente Isla," he murmured. It had been thousands of years since he had last seen it, but it still looked exactly as he remembered. "It's unchanged."

"There's a reason for that," Grayfia said from behind him. "And it correlates directly with my sister."

"She's been maintaining it?" the brown-haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"You could… say that." The woman's voice once again became hesitant. "Perhaps it's best if you see for yourself. Please, approach the water, My King."

Issei raised another eyebrow at her request but complied regardless. He took a step forward, only to take an instinctive step back as a magic barrier suddenly erected itself before him. "This is…"

"The Aura-Lock Ward," Grayfia said quietly. "It surrounds the entirety of the lake, barring all entry." Issei slowly approached the barrier and placed his hand upon it. "According to official records, it has been in place since the final days of the Great War," Grayfia explained. "Since you…"

"Since I 'died'," he finished softly.

"But that is not the extent of it," the silver-haired woman continued. She made a gesture towards something at his feet. "Look closely, Maou-sama."

Issei did so, crouching down at the water's edge. Through the water's surface, he could make out the silhouette of a small fish. But… it wasn't moving. It simply stayed in the same position no matter how long he gazed at it. He then realized that it wasn't just the fish, either. The surrounding waters were completely still; even its waves were locked in the same position. As though frozen in time.

"You don't mean…" Issei breathed, his eyes widening in shock.

"Despite the fact that my family erased her from the family tree," Grayfia began, her voice muted. "They still kept records of her. My sister was well known for her affinity with time magic."

"So... you mean to tell me that…"

"When news of your death reached the Underworld, my sister placed herself and the entirety of your estate in time-locked stasis," she said solemnly. "And the Aura-Lock Ward ensured that only the return of Satan himself would free her."

"But it was thought there was no chance of my survival…!"

"I know," Grayfia murmured, casting her gaze downward. "My sister had effectively committed suicide."

Issei felt as though he'd just been dealt a blow to the stomach. He swallowed the lump in his throat and placed his hand on the barrier once again. "Lucinda…" he whispered. "You've been waiting for me… all this time?" His eyes slowly shut as he extended his aura forward.

Immediately, he felt the barrier waver as it resonated with him. Finally, with a great crash, the barrier shattered. The two devils were greeted by the sound of waves as time resumed its normal course over the lake.

"Maou-sama?" Grayfia questioned. He didn't acknowledge her.

Suddenly, his long cloak came to life, springing up and forming an enormous pair of bat-like wings. With a single, powerful, downward thrust, he was sent rocketing forward. He vaguely registered Grayfia's alarmed shout as he took off toward the palace, but he disregarded it. He reached the palace portcullis in a matter of seconds and pried them open with his bare hands.

Making his way into the grand entrance hall, he wasted no time on the black marble staircase; instead flying over it and towards the audience chamber above. Landing, he threw the doors open only to immediately freeze at the sight before him.

There she was.

Sitting atop his old throne, eyes closed, was one of his oldest servants. Slowly, he approached her, taking care not to make too much noise. With every step, he drank in her appearance. She looked exactly as he recalled her. The woman's lustrous silver hair fell to her shoulders, framing her delicate face perfectly. And though they were still closed, he knew her eyes were the same striking blue he remembered. Dressed in nothing but a dark cloak, her thin, pale figure looked so fragile sitting there atop his grand throne.

Finally, he reached her and gently cradled her face in his hands. Slowly, tiredly, her eyes fluttered open.


"It's me, Lucinda," he said softly. "I'm here."

"You… came back…" she whispered. "I knew… you would…"

"Shh... It's alright... Just relax. You're still weak from being in stasis."


"Sleep, Lucinda," Issei said, smiling softly. "I'll be here when you wake up."

With a tired nod, the woman fell quiet once again; the only audible noise being her slow, rhythmic breathing. Issei gently shifted her into a princess-carry and stood once again. The sound of heels clicking behind him alerted him to Grayfia's presence. "Maou-sama?" she asked hesitantly, gazing at the woman in his arms. "Is that… her?"

"It is." Issei nodded with a nostalgic smile on his face.

"I can see why you were so taken aback when we first met," Grayfia noted. "We look… shockingly similar. Almost identical."

"Indeed," he said, shaking his head in wry amusement. "Come here. I'm going to transport us to our apartment." She did so and in a flash of blue light, she suddenly found herself surrounded by several familiar faces.

"Welcome back, Issei-sama," Ashiya greeted them. His eyes widened, however, upon seeing the woman in his arms. "I-Is that…?"

"Yes," the boy nodded. "It's Lucinda."

Tamamo immediately sat up in alarm. "She's weak," she said worriedly. "Very weak. Her ki is barely detectable. What happened to her?"

"She just spent the last few thousand years in time-locked stasis," Issei replied as he gently laid her down on a futon.

"You're kidding," the fox-girl blurted out incredulously. "Do you realize the kind of magical fortitude you'd need to create and live in a stasis field that powerful?"

"Yes, I do," he said before turning to his lieutenant. "Ashiya, we still have spare identification papers, correct?"

"Correct, Issei-sama." The white-haired man nodded. "Do you wish for me to create a new identity for her?"

"Yes," the brunet said. "Oh, right." He added as the white-haired man walked off. "Tamamo?" He faced the fox-girl with a look of exasperation on his face. "Make sure he doesn't pick a stupid name."

"Got it." She grinned before bouncing off to go assist the white-haired man.

"Suzuki," Issei called. "Could you go gather Yuuma and the other fallen angels? Emi and her entourage as well."

"Alright." The ninja nodded before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

"Mordred, clean up those leaves."

"What the hell?" she protested. "Why should I?!"

"Please?" he asked. "For me?"

The blonde knight let out a loud swear but went to retrieve the dustpan regardless, muttering obscenities about the black-haired girl all the while. Issei just shook his head in bemusement while Grayfia watched in pensive silence. Admittedly, she'd been skeptical when her husband had introduced him as the Demon King, but after witnessing everything today... There was no longer any doubt in her mind.

"Maou-sama?" she spoke up softly. "I imagine you have much to ponder on. If you wish, I will look after my sister in your place."

Issei glanced at her for a moment before nodding. "Thank you," he said quietly before slipping out of the room; for the most part, unnoticed.

However, one pair of eyes did notice and followed him in concern.

"Issei-sama?" a soft voice called out.

The brown-haired boy, who'd been busy gazing at the stars above, turned towards the voice in surprise. "Morgiana?" he questioned as the red-haired girl flew up to the apartment rooftop to join him.

"Uncle Ashiya told us what happened," the red-haired girl said quietly, retracting her wings. "About what you… discovered."

"...I'm a fool, Morgiana," Issei chuckled softly. "The King of Demons… Ha! The Fool King is more appropriate. I thought what I was doing was for the best… But truly, who knows what is best? Not my brother; and certainly not I."


"They revere me as a god," He continued. "But the truth is; I am no different from them. I'm a person, just as you and the others are. I make mistakes, I get discouraged and sometimes, I give up. I feel emotions, just like anyone else. Anger, happiness, love, hate… fear…"

"Are you scared now?" she asked quietly.

"I am," Issei nodded. "More than you could possibly imagine. Things are escalating out of control. I'll admit that part of me regrets ever coming to Japan… But, as bad as all this is… It's made me realize something."

"Realize what?"

"That all this time, while I told myself that I was protecting them… I was running." He smiled wryly. "Like a coward, I secluded myself from the people who needed me most. Even now, I don't know why I did it. Perhaps I'd just come to enjoy my freedom... Perhaps I just got tired of fighting… Running from my responsibilities…"

They fell into silence as Issei trailed off. They simply sat staring at the stars above. Finally, after several minutes of silence, the red-haired girl spoke up.

"Then maybe it's time to stop running," she said simply.

"Ha," Issei chuckled. "If only it were that simple. After all that's happened, how can I just return? I'm not the same person I was before, Morg. I'm not the fearsome King of Demons anymore. How can I expect them to follow me? How can I expect to protect them?"

"Issei-sama," Morgiana began. "I have been with you from the beginning and not once have I ever seen you as a god. I have seen you make mistakes. I have seen you get discouraged and I've seen you give up. But none of that matters, because you're right. You may have god-like power, but you're still a person. And do you know what kind of person you are?"


"You're someone that I would follow to the deepest pits of hell and the highest peaks of heaven," she continued. "Because you're the kind of person that inspires love and loyalty in all you meet. I've followed you for thousands of years and will continue to do so until the End. Because… I love you. More than anything."

"...And I love you, too, Morg," he smiled at her softly. She smiled back at him, but was shocked as he suddenly leaned forward, capturing her lips in a kiss.

Slowly, her eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to him. Finally, after several minutes, they broke apart. "And I'm sorry for not noticing before," he whispered.

"Apology accepted," she whispered back, a small smile forming on her face. "Siscon."

"I- You- Wh-" he stared at her in abject shock as she began giggling.

"Am I interrupting something?" a voice called out. The two turned to see Suzuki balancing on a nearby telephone line. The ninja had a single eyebrow raised as she smirked at them.

"Suzuki!" the brunet exclaimed in alarm. "How long were you there?"

"Long enough," the black-haired girl said offhandedly. "Anyway, Yuuma and Emi's groups are here."

With that, she disappeared in a swirl of leaves once again.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" They heard Mordred's enraged shriek. "I JUST CLEANED THAT SHIT UP!"

"Well, better get back in there," Issei sighed, standing up. He reached down and pulled Morgiana to her feet.

The two flew back down to the apartment and stepped in to see Ashiya barely restraining the enraged blonde as she attempted to attack the ninja. A small pile of leaves on the floor was all they needed to see to understand what she was so angry about.

"Ise-kun," Yuuma said softly, drawing everyone's attention to the doorway.

"I'm glad you're all here," Issei nodded.

"Alciel told us the story," Emi said, crossing her arms. "Are you seriously going to do this?"

"I've been deliberating on this for several hours now," he replied. "And I've come to a decision." However, just as he was about to go on, a groan caught everyone's attention. They turned as one to see a silver-haired woman stirring from her place on Issei's futon.

Emi's eyes widened. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Ma...ster…" she called out.

"I'm here," Issei said, striding over to her.

"Issei-sama," Ashiya said, walking over with several papers in hand. "I've finished creating her new identity."

"My… new… identity?" the woman repeated, confusion plain on her face.

"You've been asleep for a very long time, Lu," Issei explained softly. "For the time being, you'll need a new name to fit in with the local humans."

"Your family name will be 'Izayoi'," Tamamo piped in. "Your given name will be 'Sakuya'."

"Sakuya… Izayoi…?" the woman repeated.

"Sakuya, eh…?" Issei mused, repeating the name in his head several times. "It means 'Flowering Night' if I'm not mistaken?" The boy smiled briefly. "It fits." He looked down at the weakened woman. "Well, Sakuya-san, I don't wish to alarm you, but I'm afraid that I need to make a short… trip."

"You're leaving?" the silver-haired woman asked, reaching out to grasp his arm fearfully.

"Only for a short time," he whispered in a soothing voice, gently removing her hand from his forearm. "I'll be back for you. I promise."

"So, that's your decision?" Emi asked coolly. "You realize what this could entail, correct?"

"I'm fully aware, Emilia," Issei replied, standing and facing her.

"Then, you know it is my duty to prevent another war from breaking out," The redhead girl's hair slowly began turning silver, as a sword began to take shape in her hand. The entire room seemed to grow cold as the two stared at each other. Were they really going to fight now of all times...?

"I'm not going to fight you, Emilia…"


"Because I can't afford to have you destroy the city again!' Issei snapped.

"T-That was completely different!" Emi retorted, her hair returning to its reddish color.

"Whatever, washboard…" He said this last bit under his breath. It didn't stop her from hearing him, however.

"What did you just call me?!" she roared.

"Emi-dono, I think there are more important matters at hand here," Suzuno said in an attempt to placate her.

"What could possibly be more important than this?" Emi snapped, glaring at the brown-haired boy.

"In all seriousness, though," Issei sighed. "Yes, I'm fully aware of what this entails. That's why I need your help." He turned to the room at large. "All of your help."

"U-Us, too?" Mittelt asked, pointing at her fellow fallen angels.

"Yes." He nodded. "I need the three of you to stay here and help Luci- Sakuya." He corrected himself. "Fill her in on what she's missed and help her integrate into the modern world."

"And Emi," Issei turned towards his self-proclaimed nemesis. "I'd like you to watch over them. We have yet to receive word from Azazel. Kokabiel may still be at-large. And while you're doing so, contact your father. He needs to be kept in the loop."

"Wait one damn minute!" Emi snapped. "Just why the hell should I do anything you say?"

"Please, Emi," he asked softly. "I need you."

The girl blinked before her face began glowing even more red than her hair. "F-Fine!" she huffed, looking away from him.

Saber nodded at him solemnly. "Upon my honor as a knight, I will protect them," she placed a fist against her breast. "I swear it."

"And as for the rest of you…" Issei turned to his servants. "Ashiya, Tamamo. Morgiana, Mordred, Suzuki…."

He turned towards the window, where the sun had just finished rising into the sky. A new day had begun.

"You're all with me?"

"Didn't we go through this already?" Suzuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mordred nodded, crossing her arms. "How many times do we have to say it?"

"To the ends of the earth." Tamamo smiled.

"To the ends of time." Ashiya added.

"Always." Morgiana said simply.

"Then, let's go," Issei ordered, a transportation circle appearing at his feet. "We have a wedding to crash."

A/N: This was a very awkward chapter. A part of me was tempted to just trash it and skip straight to the wedding, but I felt we needed Issei to have SOME reason to actually take action.

I think we can officially name this chapter "The Emo Chapter". I had a really hard time writing it and I'm not entirely sure if some parts made sense. I'm trying to convey a certain tone and emotion with this chapter, but I'm not sure I executed it correctly.

OMG Morgiana character development? It's about damn time she got her time in the spotlight with how much Tamamo and Mordred seem to enjoy hogging it.

And two new characters introduced this chapter!

Lisara Restall Gremory - (Dakara Boku wa, Ecchi ga Dekinai/So I Can't Play H?) - Lisara was one of the first 72 devils ever created and the first to bear the name "Gremory". She and her husband, Gregor, established the family's (in)famous tradition of treating their servants as family. However, after her husband's death, she grew resentful of the world.

Lucinda Lucifuge/Sakuya Izayoi - (Touhou Project) - Sakuya was born into the Lucifuge family as Lucinda Lucifuge. From the day she was born, she was raised to be a servant of the Lucifer clan. However, Lucifer's family was cruel and sadistic. She vehemently argued against her parents about her duty to the Lucifer clan and even went as far as to besmirch their name in their presence.

Humiliated by their daughter, the Lucifuge family banished her from their estate. She was thrown out onto the street with nothing but the clothes on her back. But Lucinda had been raised her entire life to become a servant. She didn't know any other way to live.

It was then that she was stumbled across by the Demon King. As he looked down at her dirty, groveling form, he felt pity for her. Satan offered to take her in as one of his servants, which she immediately accepted. It was during her time in his service that she discovered her unique talent; the ability to manipulate time and space.

Later, when her family realized that she had become the personal servant of their king and gained a unique ability in the process, they greedily attempted to assimilate her back into the family in order to benefit from her new power and status. Their plan backfired however, when their daughter publicly rebuked them, expressing disgust at their actions.

Furious at her actions, the Lucifuge forever burned her name from their family tree, the greatest shame a pure-blooded devil could receive. The Demon King was infuriated by this and made to personally condemn their actions but was stopped by Lucinda.

She told him that she wished to cut all ties from her family and start anew under his service. She swore to him her eternal loyalty and servitude.

This loyalty was put to the ultimate test, when her master was reportedly slain in his final confrontation with God. When the news of his death spread throughout the Underworld, Lucinda cast a powerful spell over her lord's palace, placing herself and the entirety of his estate in a stasis field that could only be lifted by the return of Satan himself.

She had effectively committed suicide, as there was almost no hope that he'd survived the battle. To this day, she remains locked within her master's palace in a state of purgatory; awaiting the day of her king's return.

A/N2: Sakuya was requested by several people in one of my earliest chapters. Here's to you, my faithful reviewers!

As always, you can find her on my Devil Among Devils site under "Main Characters".

You can find Lisara under "Misc. Characters".

On a completely unrelated note, we finally reached 666 reviews! ...for, like, 5 minutes before someone ruined it.

Once again, I thank you all for reading.

Oh! If you happen to be a fan of RWBY and My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, then I've got the first chapter of my crossover, "I Can't Be a Huntsman!" up. Check it out!

- Your King