"Reid, you coming?" JJ asked, looking at him expectantly.

"oh, yeah" Reid mumbled, his cheeks flushing. He hadn't noticed that all of the team except JJ had left the jet, eager to get home after a hard case. He picked up his bag and left the jet, thankful tht Hotch had given the team the rest of the week of.

"So, any plans for the rest of the week?" JJ asked as they made their way to the cars.

"Actualy" Reid started excitedly "I'm planning doctor who marathon."

JJ smiled as he babbled on about who he thought was the best doctor. Reid looked shyly up at her from under his wild hair and said "Maybe if you're not doing anything, you could join me?" He looked up at her nervously. After a moment of silence he said hastily "Of course you already have plans and err im not sure doct-"

"Spence" JJ cut him off with a laugh, "Doctor who isn't really my thing, but how about lunch tomorrow?" Reid looked like his birthday had come early and JJ chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah that would be great" he spluttered, his cheeks going red again.

"Great, I'll pick you u tomorrow at one."

"Okay" Reid said, barely containing his excitement.

"okay, night Spence" JJ called as she got into her car.

"Night JJ" Reid replied, also heading to his car. As he got in he sat back into his chair and closed his eyes. JJ was going out with him tomorrow! Of course it wasn't a date he said to himself, but he was seeing her outside of work and as far as he was concerned that was a step in the right direction. He drove home, barely paying attention to the road out of anticipation of his lunch with JJ tomorrow.

Reid looked up at his kitchen clock. 1.13pm. That's it, he said to himself. She's not coming, shes figured out what a loser I am and has made better plans. She had realised that she already had to put up wih his dorky ramblings t work and couldn't stand to have to listen to him in her free time as well. Just as he was about to go change back into his pj's so he could comfortably lie in bed and wallow his phone vibrated in his pocket.

I'm outside xx

Reid swallowed, all disappointment disappeared and was replaced with a nervous energy. The trip down the stairs and into her car took no time and before he knew it he was sat in the passenger side of JJ's car. God, shes beautiful he thought as he looked at her. Her long blonde hair fell elegantly around her face, and he big blue eyes looked at him expectantly. He realised that he had been sat staring at her for at least ten seconds, he went scarlet.

"Err, Hi JJ" He stammered, blushing even more as he tripped over his words.

"Hey Reid, sorry I'm late" JJ said back breezily as she started to drive out of Reids apartment complex.

"Oh no, that's fine" He said back equally casually, neglecting to tell her how he had been sure she wouldn't turn up.

Before long they arrived at a small Italian restaurant that JJ had chosen, just a couple of blocks away. They were seated by a bored looking teenage girl and given their menus. Reid was ecstatic, the lunch was going great. They had plenty to talk about and JJ seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself, asking him questions and smiling at his little ramblings.

From two tales over sat a large, attractive man. He was watching the couple, well he thought to himself, more watching the beautiful blonde. His fingers drummed the table, he had to have her. And who knew, the scrawny guy might turn out be fun too. He felt a familiar hunger within himself, the feeling he got when he had to have someone, when he just couldn't wait. He barely took his eyes of the couple as he watched them eat. He smiled when he saw the blonde throw back her head and laugh at something the guy had said. Yes, he thought, these two will be perfect. He watched as the thin guy paid the bill, smiling as the blonde protested that she would pay half, but the thin guy just shook his head. He followed them home, watched as the man and woman got out at an apartment complex and walked up the stairs. He knew it would be foolish to take them so soon, but he couldn't control himself. He got out his car and followed.