Ezra's POV

I've anticipated this day for twenty four-years. Today is the day that my son will walk down the aisle with Taylor Cavanaugh.

Jem and I stand in the rectory of the church, and he looks at himself in the mirror.

"You look great Buddy." I tell him truthfully.

"Thanks Dad." Jem mutters in response.

Jem lets out a breathy sigh, I can tell he's nervous.

"What's wrong?" I ask him softly.

"What if I'm a horrible father?" He blurts out suddenly.

"I remember asking myself the same question when your mother was pregnant with you." I tell him truthfully.

"You do?" Jem asks me skeptically.

"Yes, I was so nervous that I would do everything wrong, and you'd resent me for the rest of your life." I say with a chuckle.

"Dad..." Jem starts to say.

"No, let me finish. No parent is perfect, and you and Taylor are going to make a lot of mistakes. The only thing you can really give to your child is all the support in the world, and unconditional love." I say as I stare into Jem's eyes.

"I already love the baby so much, but I'm still afraid. What if I drop it or something?" Jem asks me nervously.

"I dropped you a few times, and you turned out okay." I say with a shrug.

Jem and I both start to laugh at my words.

"I know you're scared now, but I promise all of that fear will melt away after you hold your son or daughter for the first time. It's the most magical feeling in the world." I say with a twinkle in my eyes.

"I love you so much Dad." Jem says as he wraps his arms around me.

"I love you too Jeremy, so much. Enjoy this day, you'll remember it for the rest of your life." I tell him seriously.

"I know, I just wish I could be excited about going to Paris with Taylor." Jem says with a sigh.

"You're not excited for your honeymoon?" I ask him in disbelief.

"I am, I just wish Taylor and I could make the marriage official." Jem says with a blush.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I ask him with confusion in my voice.

"I wish I could make love to her." Jem says as his cheeks turn even more red.

"You're allowed to have sex with her Jem, it's your honeymoon for crying out loud!" I exclaim.

"But Taylor is pregnant! What if I hurt her, or mess our kid up something?" Jem rambles.

"Obviously you want to be gentle with her, but you're not going to hurt her or the baby." I assure him.

"What if get her pregnant again? I don't think I can handle twins, and Toby would kill me." Jem says with a shutter.

I stare at my son with a puzzled look on my face. Does he really think that's how people make twins?

"How did you graduate at the top of your law class?" I ask when I finally think of the right words.

"Hey." Jem says as he nudges me playfully.

"I promise that you and Taylor will have a lot of sex in the next couple of months. Pregnant women are incredibly horny, when your mother was..." I start to say.

Before I can finish my sentence, I hear someone clear their throat. Jem and I turn around and gasp when we see Aria standing behind us.

"H-honey, how long have you been standing there?" I ask as sweat begins to form on my brow.

Aria rolls her eyes in response.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." Jem says before rushing out of the church.

I stare at my wife, and wait for her to yell at me for "being disrespectful" and "embarrassing her."

To my surprise, Aria wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my chest. I don't question her actions, and I begin to stroke her hair gently.

"E-Ezra?" Aria asks me softly.

"Yes sweetheart?" I ask her.

"Let's have another baby." Aria tells me timidly.

I stare at my wife shocked, it would be awfully hard for her to get pregnant again.

"I know I'm to old to get pregnant, but we could always adopt..." Aria starts to ramble.

"Aria, where is this coming from?" I ask her gently.

"They're all grown up Ezra! Jem is getting married and having a baby, Caroline is in a serious relationship, and Patrick is going to formal with that girl and soon he'll be in college..." Aria says as tears begin to form in her eyes.

"I know how hard this is for you, but it's not like we're losing them." I say as I rub her back.

"Yes we are Ezra! They're not going to want anything to do with us after they have their own families." Aria says as she begins to sob.

"Don't be ridiculous Aria! You've been an amazing mother to our children, and they're always going to love you." I tell her truthfully.

"I guess, but I'll be alone Ezra." Aria says with a sniffle.

"Alone? Are you forgetting that you have a husband who loves you more than life itself, and wants to spend every waking hour with you?" I ask as I pull her even closer to me.

"No, of course I haven't." She says with a small laugh.

"And don't forget about Jem's bundle of joy, I'm sure him and Taylor will need a lot of help babysitting." I say with a small smile.

"I hope so." Aria says with a chuckle.

"It was good wasn't it?" I ask her suddenly.

"What?" Aria asks with confusion on her face.

"Raising three beautiful miracles." I say as I think back to all the wonderful times I had with my children.

"It was the best." Aria says with a smile.

Aria's POV

I sit next to my family in the front of the church, and wait for the wedding to begin.

"I love weddings Ethan, they're so romantic." I hear my daughter tell her boyfriend.

I laugh and realize that I'm listening to my eighteen year-old self.

"We should have our wedding in Paris, or maybe Rome." Caroline says with excitement in her voice.

"Okay, but I get to choose where we go for our honeymoon." Ethan whispers to her in a suggestive voice.

Ethan is a horrible at whispering because I heard what he just said, and judging by the constipated look on my husband's face so did he.

"Why did Jem and I give him our blessing?" Ezra whispers to me.

"Because he is a nice man, and our daughter loves him." I say as I rest my hand on Ezra's shoulder.

The wedding music begins to play and Patrick, who is Jem's best man, begins to walk down the aisle with the maid of honor. Jem walks down the aisle after them, and Taylor and Toby go next.

Jem smiles at Taylor, and I can't help but realize how much he looks like Ezra. Tears begin to form in my eyes, and my husband gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

My heart skips a beat when Jem looks directly at me, and gives me a small smile. I smile back, and he mouths "I love you."

I start to cry hysterically as I remember bringing him home from the hospital, taking him to Disney World, and holding him at night when he had bad dreams. No matter how old he gets, Jem is always going to be my baby boy.

I glance across the church and realize that Spencer is crying too, so is Ezra, and Toby is crying harder than all three of us put together.

"Why is everyone crying? This is a wedding not a funeral." I hear Hanna whisper to Caleb.

In a way this is like a funeral, except I'm saying goodbye to a way of life instead of a person. I don't feel like I'm grieving, because even though I'm closing a chapter of my life, a new one is beginning. Who knows, maybe this new chapter will be even more magical than the last one.

"I love you Ezra." I whisper to him.

"I love you too Aria." He says before giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

I know he means it, and all I'll ever need is Ezra's love. He gave me three beautiful children, and a life filled with happiness. We might have our ups and downs, but we are on cloud nine, and I don't think we'll ever fall.

Where do I even begin? I've had a blast writing this story, and I couldn't have done it without all of your support! If I could thank everyone who read this, reviewed, and gave me advice I would, but then this author's note would be longer than the story! So thank you to everyone, and I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I was getting overly emotional when I was writing about Jem's wedding because the Fitz family I created has became a permanent part of me. (I know it sounds cheesy but it's true!) I'm sad to end this story, but I feel like it was the right time and unfortunately I can't drag it out forever! Make sure to check out my stories Rosewood Never Changes, and The Prince and The Peasant if you haven't already. I will be posting a short PLL story called Every Fifteen Minutes later today, and my next long-term story will be called Couples Retreat. I can't thank you all enough, but thanks again!

-Lots of love, Rosewoodgirl317