Author's note:

Wow, it's been a while! So sorry guys :c I still have hand-issues, and on top of that I have trememdous amounts of reading at uni.

Still, it's no excuse for tardiness! Here is a short, ominous chapter – Hopefully the next chapter will be here sooner rather than later ;)

"Well if it isn't Hammer!" The man's voice was sickeningly sweet. Justin almost threw the phone in disgust.

"Oh, hey Darwin!" He said in an equally sugary tone, hoping the so-called "Darwin" would take the hint.

"I've confirmed that our friend is on his way to your club.."

-It's not my club and he's not my friend- Justin thought to himself, irritated, but knew better than to say anything possibly suspicious on the phone.

"Oh, great!" he said instead.

"I'll make sure to give him your very best regards!"

As the unknown man on the other end of the line hung up, Justin looked down at the plastic-bag in his hand. The powder looked innocent enough. As innocent as a white powder in a tiny plastic-bag ever did.

But the secresy with which he'd acquired it, and the relative importance of the intended target, suggested it might not be. Hammer shrugged.

When he'd first started the business as a drug dealer, selling drugs that were clearly meant for harmful purposes, such as roofies, had left a bad taste in his mouth.

But in the end – If he didn't do it, somebody else would, and that would just result in him losing business avenue, and no one would be saved anyway.

He went back to the party and sought out Jasper, his second-hand-man.

"Jasper!" he shouted over the sound of the music. The tall blonde turned his attention towards him.

"When Stark asks for the usual, give him this, okay?" he pressed the bag into Jasper's palm.

"Stark? I get to deal with Stark?" a gleeful grin was spreading across his face.

"Yeah-yeah, just make sure he gets the right package okay, no mistakes and no touching what's mine!" he spun around on his heel to leave. Hopefully Jasper would adhere his advice.

For a time he'd insisted on always personally dealing with Stark, and then fooled the others into thinking he was getting sexual favours in return for the drugs.

It probably said something about the general intelligence of his lackeys that they'd expect someone as well off as Stark to whore himself out.

Oh well, all good things must come to an end. And with the money "Darwin" was paying him, he was willing to allow even his most-hated rival to restore some of his public dignity.

Who even knew if he was going to need it anymore?

Justin left the club with a smirk on his face, hailed a cab and put the deed out of his mind.


Veryyyy short, but it's transitional in nature, so ~

Also, don't worry, nothing too terrible is going to go down. I guess it depends on how you define terrible, but to be specific I'm not heading towards any kind of non-con..