Spencer and JJ walked hand in hand down the small path. A slight breeze caught JJ's hair, spiralling it across her face. They walked in silence, no words were needed. Each knew how the other felt because they felt it themselves. In JJ's left hand she clutched eleven white roses, one for each life that Andrew Winters had cruelly cut short. It had been exactly one year since that awful day at the school. Reid and JJ had come to the cemetery to pay their respects and mourn the lives that had been lost. Six roses went to the three couples who had been killed by Winters before he had abducted Reid and JJ. They spent a moment at each grave; sorry for the pain and fear they knew that the couples had gone through before their eventual death. They were also reminded how lucky they were to still be alive.

They moved further down the cemetery, stopping at Sheriff Daniels grave. They had met him once years before when they were working a case; he had been a good man. He left behind a wife and two teenage children. JJ placed a rose of his grave.

Another rose for Robert Phillipson, one of the police officers who had been shot trying to stop Winters from escaping. He had wanted to be a police officer since he was a small boy, he had only lived that dream for three month before he was murdered.

Reid and JJ moved on further into the cemetery. A rose for John Pickering, the second police officer to die during Winters escape. He had a ring in his pocket when he was killed; he never got to ask his girlfriend if she would marry him. She wore the ring on a necklace around her neck now, a symbol that she would always love him.

Amanda Evans was next. She died from a bullet to the head as Winters stole her car. She was only 17 years old. She had gotten her acceptance letter to Pen state the week before. Her family had been so proud of her. Now they mourned all of the missed opportunities, all of the things their daughter would never experience. JJ placed the second to last rose on her grave.

Spencer and JJ approached the last grave, Spencer's hand squeezing JJ's. They looked down sadly at the small headstone. Isabella Reid it read. Spencer took the last rose from JJ's hand, delicately placing it in front of the headstone. A symbol that they would never forget, never stop loving their little girl.

JJ felt tears slide silently down her face. She silently apologised her daughter, she was sorry that she couldn't protect her, sorry that she wasn't strong enough to keep her safe. She thought of the nursery in her house that Isabella had never seen, of all the friends and family that she would never meet.

Reid had been angry for a long time, he'd been within touching distance of the family he'd always dreamed of but it had been cruelly ripped away in just a few hours. And now here they were, still heartbroken, unable to move on. Spencer closed his eyes, reliving the worst day of his life.

Reid ran into the hospital, ignoring all of the stares he received because of his bruised and bloody appearance. The rest of the team fallowed after him. He headed straight for the reception desk.

"Jennifer Jareau. I need to know how she's doing now." He demanded. The nurse didn't protest, she saw the desperation in the man's eyes.

"Room 204" The nurse replied, before she could say anymore the man was sprinting away. Spencer ran like he never had before, needing to see JJ with his own eyes. He needed her to be all right.

Room 204. Spencer rushed inside, not listening to the doctor shouting at him that he needed to leave. He looked at JJ, relief flooding through him. She was alive. She was sat up in bed, her arms cradling something small, his baby Reid realised. JJ looked up at her Spencer and his relief vanished, replaced by sheer panic. Her eyes were red, tears falling continuously down her face. Reid stepped forward, taking his first look at the baby lying in JJ's arms. She was beautiful; she had big blue eyes and a small tuft of light brown hair. But she wasn't moving. There was no rise and fall of her chest. The baby was completely still.

"Do you want to hold her?" JJ asked quietly, offering the baby to Reid. Spencer nodded, taking his daughter in his right arm. His left hand came up and gently stroked her cheek. JJ looked at Spencer holding their daughter, her heart breaking.

"She was already gone when we arrived" JJ whispered "The doctors tried but it was too late...the electric shock plus the fall. It was just too much for her." Spencer just nodded, unable to talk. What could he possibly say? He sat on the bed next to JJ, both of them staring into the face of their daughter. They stayed like that for hours, unable to look away from her, not wanting to face the harsh reality of the situation. Their daughter was dead, and they would have to somehow learn to live with that.

For JJ and Spencer, the last two years had been hell. Just as they thought they had been moving on, starting a family, the same man had come back and shattered their entire lives. Spencer and JJ realised that they would never truly recover from the traumatic events of their past, and they would never be the same people they were before. Some things you could not simply be done with and move on. But they had each other, unconditionally, and that would have to be enough.

Spencer put his arm around JJ and led her out of the cemetery, away from the horrible memories that still plagued them.


So that's the end. I know it was a horrible way to finish the story but I don't think that after all they'd been through everything would be fine and they could play happy families. Please let me know what you think, reviews are definitely wanted! Thank you so much for reading this story.