Hi dearies! Soooo I hope you liked the last chapter, I finished my homework and have no work so I have time to write! I hope you guys like this next chapter. I've been pondering all day trying to figure out how exactly I'll be writing this out. Anyways I hope you guys LOVE IT!

By the way thank you for all the sweet reviews. I really appreciate it and it motivates me to stop being such a lazy ass and write more.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans...I still wanna marry Robin though.

SHOUT OUT TO MY FAITHFUL FOLLOWER Chica's Cupcake. Without her I would of never try to finish this story. LOVE YOU!

JulieAndrews13: Gurlfriend that is priceless!


After school the gang walked out of the school together parting ways when they got to the parking lot.

"I'll see you tomorrow Honey Bun." Vic said kissing Karen while she giggled like a school girl.

"Bye guys!" Gar yelled from his mom's car as it drove by.

Kori walked slowly to her car, all of the days plans have been ruined.

As she opened her door a hand grabbed her from behind making her jump in surprise. She turned around and saw that it was Richard who did not look sick or looked like he had been banging some chick.

"I need to talk to you." He said to her.

"Well I do not want to talk to you at all." Kori said to him even though she her heart was telling her otherwise.

"That's too bad 'cause you don't get a say in this." And with that Richard grabbed her then threw her over his shoulder. Kori did not have time to react.

"RICHARD!" She squirmed in his arms.

"Stop it or I will drop you." He warned her...

Kori decided that it was best if she stopped moving around and decided to stay in place.

"Now that's a good girl." Richard nodded at her approvingly while patting her bottom once. Kori just rolled her eyes at him.

"Where are we going?" She asked him after about five minutes.

"To my bike." He answered nonchalantly as if taking something against their will was an everyday normal thing to do.

"Richard put me down please." She told him again.

"If I put you down you'll try to run away, not that you would get very far but still."

Kori pouted and whined even more. "I WANT TO WALK NOW."

Richard pretended to think about it. "No."

She was starting to get frustrated so she started to squirm again. "I promise I will not run way."



"No, no, no."


"Kori do you realize how childish this is?" Richard told her looking amused which made her even more annoyed.

Kori's cheeks turned pink which made Richard smile, "I do not care if this is childish, what you are doing is absurd!"

"And what is it that I'm doing?" His smile widened.

"Y-you're kidnapping me!"

Richard burst out laughing, it was a deep sound that made Kori's heart beat faster. "Kidnapping you would mean I'm taking you against your will. And we both know you secretly want to come with me."

"I do not want to go to wherever you're taking. So yes this is considered a kidnapping." Kori insisted.

"I don't think kidnappers take their person out on a date."

"I do not ca-wait this is a date?"

Richard laughed again setting her down finally ones they stopped in front of his red and black motorcycle. "Of course it is. What, did you think I was going to take you to the dark streets of Gotham where I could kill and dispose of your body? That wouldn't be very romantic now would it?"

Kori huffed adjusting her clothes before looking up to glare at her kidnapper. "I do not care for a date with you."

"Aw come on Kori, let me explain." He put his hands on the curve of her waist holding her softly and firm as if he didn't want her to disappear. "Look I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know why I did it and if I could I would go back to change it. But please you have to believe me when I say that I'm sorry." His eyes were boring into hers as if he wanted her to see how much he meant all of that.

Kori sighed "Richard I do not know why you care so much. We are not even dating, we only went on one date. It does not matter to me."

"But it matters to me, look I've never felt this way about a girl before. I never cared about having a relationship with any other girl because they are all the same. But you are different. Yeah I just met you but I can't help but feel that way.

"From what I have learned so far I know that you are smart, beautiful, and very kind. Any other girl with your beauty would flaunt it around and let it get to their head, but not you. You are so compassionate and different from all the others out there. I can't stay away from you. You're like a magnet pulling me to you. Please say you forgive me."

Kori's heart melted at his words, she didn't know what to say. So instead she acted and reached up to kiss him softly once before pulling away to give him a smile.

"Ok." She said still smiling, "I want to give you a chance because I really like you too."

"Really?" Richard teased her, "That's all I get? That you really like me, even after all those nice things I said about you"

"Well mister Grayson what do you want me to say? That you are the most charismatic men I've ever met? Or that your good looks can make any women of all age swoon." She couldn't help but tease back.

He grinned at her, "Yeah I want you to say all of that."

"Ok then, I believe you promised me a romantic date."

"Hop on then misses Anders." He said getting on his bike waiting for her to hop on.

"Um Richard..." Kori started.


Kori hesitated before answering, "I've never been on a motorcycle before."

He smiled at her before taking her hand. "Well don't worry, lucky for you I am an expert at this."

He showed her how to get on and right before they drove off he said, "Hold on."

Her face twisted in confusion. "Hold on to what?"

"To me of course." and with those last words they blasted off towards the streets of Gotham making Kori squeal with excitement before putting around Richards middle.

She blushed as she felt his rock hard abs and scooted closer to him.

"This is amazing!" She shouted over the sound of the motorcycle.

"I know. It's the closest you'll ever get to flying on the streets." Richard called over his shoulder before speeding off.

Kori just smiled and lied her head on his shoulder inhaling his scent. 'This is going to be so much fun' She thought.

Well my dears this is all for this chapter. Next up is the date! I still don't know the setting, I like to surprise myself. But anyways if you guys have any idea please, please, please let me know! I will not let you go without getting any credit.

I know this chapter was short but it was just a filler chapter.


I love you guys have a nice morning/day/night!

Until next time!
