Yes, yes. I know. I have way too many fics that need to updated…but I had this rolling around my head for a few days and decided the only way to quit thinking about it, was to type it out.
This was actually a dream I had. There's actually more to it, so I figure I'll make this a drabble fic, or maybe just a short two parter? I don't know… I haven't decided yet.

Disclaimer: I, for serial, do not own DBZ.

The first wave of attacks were quick and stealthy. The enemy was well trained, so well in fact that they went undetected by anybody until they were attacking the outer walls of the palace.

The heavy pounding on the thick wooden door jarred the couple awake, making the blue haired woman jump and her husband grab hold of her protectively and growl in the direction of the ruckus.

"Your highnesses!" The muffled voice of Kakkarot yelled urgently from the other side. "We are under siege!" Explosions from far away could be heard, accompanied by battle cries of both the enemy and soldiers of the Saiyan army. "The Cold's! They sent their armies!"

The King bolted up out of bed and to the large window that was across their large room, peering down at the mayhem. Fires were blazing, and ki blasts were lighting the midnight sky, flashing blues, greens and reds. He roared and pounded his fists into the window sill. The fact that an enemy landed and attacked without so much of an inkling of them attacking angered him beyond his limits and made his race of warriors look like bafoons.

King Vegeta knew the Colds were going to retaliate. He, after all, stole Coolers betrothed. But it had been over a year of silence on the lizard's part and he admittedly had forgotten all about him…

This all started when he had intercepted communication that a human female was promised to marry Cooler in exchange to keep her planet, Earth, safe from the Cold's. The King of Saiyans, at the time, thought it would be devilishly humorous to steal the Earthling female and take her for his own, making Cooler look like a fool as payback.

He came to Earth, and wasn't surprised that human female would rather marry him instead of the ugly lizard, Cooler. But at a price of course. She expected Earth to be under the protection of the Saiyans. Which was fine with him, as long as he got what he came for.

They married on Earth and promptly sent a communique to Cooler, telling him a wedding gift was expected for he and his new bride... the Saiyan King even included a holographic picture of the couple, smiling mockingly into the camera.

That sent Cooler into a fit of rage, but was unable to sway or scare the King of Saiyans. The threat of war or beheaded soldier's corpses he sent to him had done nothing to make Vegeta regret his actions towards Cooler.

The first three months living with the blue haired woman was hell. So much so that he was contemplating knocking her smart mouth out, stuffing her in a pod and sending her to the Colds with a big red bow upon it. But, as the months went on, the two grew on each other and was starting to enjoy married life with one another. They both complimented the other, he was her ying and she was his yang. They couldnt have found a better match if they tried.

"They've almost breeched the walls!" Kakkarot bellowed, snapping the King's attention back to the matter at hand.

He whipped around and ran to his closet that housed his battle armor. He tossed on a pair of pants, boots and chest armor. He then flung the door open and barked something to Kakkarot in his native tongue. The soldier nodded and disappeared down the hall, running full speed to fulfill whatever his King requested.

"Get up! We need to get out of here."

The young queen scurried out of bed and followed her husbands suit. She put on a pair of pants and a shirt, followed by a pair of standard issue saiyan army boots that she wore around the palace labs or being trained by her husband in the arts of self-defense.

He grabbed hold of her hand and hurriedly led them down the hallways. Soon she was unable to keep up her husbands fast pace. With a frustrated growl, he tossed her into his arms, and flew down the hallways at neck breaking speeds.

As they turned the corner, The Saiyan King came to a halt and the queen let out a shrill scream. Someone they both were not expecting to ever see in their palace was standing right in front of them. It was not like him to actually be present when attacking… he was more pissed than Vegeta assumed.

Cooler's lips twisted into a maniacal smirk at their reactions to his surprise appearance.

"Greetings, Monkey King." He said in a way that was reminiscent of his brother Frieza.

The King snarled, barring his sharp, white teeth. "You've made a colossal mistake doing this, Cooler." His deep gravely voice booming and reverberating off of the surrounding walls.

Cooler pursed his lips and shook his head mockingly. "I'm only here for her." He looked to the Queen who was holding onto her husbands breast plate like her life depended on it, but managed to look the lizard square in the eye. Her husbands presence giving her strength. "You brought this upon yourself, Vegeta. Honestly, this is worse than killing my brother Frieza." He sighed. "I thought we were allies after the whole Frieza debacle."

The saiyan chuckled darkly at his remark and backed up just little, making the queen look up at her husband, she knew he was calculating something.

"We were never allies, Cooler. Ever." He shook his head. "Frieza may have been the one to murder my father, but you had a hand in it. Consider me taking the woman as payback."

Coolers cool demeanor cracked. "You just sealed the deal, Vegeta. You will die by my hand, and I will take her and she will pay for your foolishness." He said as he started to advance on them.

"I dont think so." Vegeta growled and sent a large ki blast up into the ceiling, successfully making it fall directly on top of Cooler. He turned and flew in the opposite direction, towards the hangar that was attached to the palace.

"That will buy us maybe a few minutes."

"What are we going to do?" She asked, gripping his breast plate even harder than before.

Vegeta frowned. "Woman, I am not strong enough to take him on. I need time." He didn't want to admit the fact out loud. "I have to send you away."

"What?" She screamed. "No! Please, I don't want to be without you!"

Now in the hangar, flooded with soldiers, running to and fro trying to get to their stations to ward off the intruders. He set her down, trying to ignore her large, blue eyes that were bubbling with tears, pleading with him to reconsider. He turned and grabbed the closest soldier, ordering him to prepare a pod for the Queen immediately. The soldier did as he was told and flew off to complete the task.

"Wife," He said, grabbing her attention with the one word, a term of endearment for her, and taking her by surprise as he grasped her face with his large, battle worn hands. He looked straight into her eyes, his deep black ones softening ever so slightly as he looked down at her. "This is only temporary." He said softly, stroking his thumb over her cheek, wiping away a wayward tear. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but I don't see this going our way if you remain here. Sending you away will buy me time and will keep you out of danger."

She nodded her head sadly, acknowledging her husbands logic. "Where will I go?"


Her blue eyes furrowed and she shook her head, confused. "Won't that be the first place he will look?"

He smirked. "It's too obvious. He will assume that I sent you somewhere else. He will be scouring the universe for a while before he realizes where you are. And by that time, you'll be back here, with me." He reached behind and grabbed a capsule out of his back pocket. "I knew this day would come. In this, you will find a non traceable scouter and a few things you will need once you land on your home planet."

He placed the small capsule into her palm and gently brought her fingers over the item, making her hand into a fist.

Off in the distance a loud crash was heard, accompanied by yowl that belonged to Cooler.

Vegeta looked over her head, in the direction on the sound. "Time to go." He led her to the pod the soldier prepared for her and helped her in. His soft look he only reserved for her now abandoned, his stone like expression he always wore now present. "Contact me once you land." He said a little too gruffly, masking his concern for her.

She nodded, fresh tears running down her cheeks. His eyes lingered on her for a second more and without another word he shut the hatch. The take off sequence almost immediately initiated, telling her take off would commence in fifteen seconds, and stasis would take effect in thirty. She stared out the small port hole, gripping the arm rest with one hand and the capsule in the other as the engines whirred to life.

The last thing she saw, before the pod rocketed out of the hangar and up into the sky was Cooler crash into the hangar and her husband crouch into a fighting stance, readying himself for the fight of his life.

To be continued…. Maybe.

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