Heaven Above's Characters

Amora- Scarlett Johansson

Gabriel- Jake Gyllenhaal

Ruby- Sarah Polley

Hector- Ty Burrell

Amora P.O.V

I watched as the other angels from the balcony I was on, I watched as they trained, their sword high in the air, running fast as the wind. There was a war against the devil. The devil had cast a curse upon the planet called earth. The devil made the dead come back to life, to eat anything living.

"Amora" I heard my creator said to me.

I turned around grabbing the hem of my long dress, walking on the castle floor, the walls hand painted by angels. Two angels bow before me, and then opened the golden doors to let me in. A bright light came out when the doors opened, I walked to a golden thorn, and I looked upon and saw my father and the man's son who made world.

"Father, you asked for me." I said as I knee a front of him. I looked up looking up at him.

"Amora, walk with me." he said walking towards me, he opened his hand a front of me. I saw the Stigmata on his hand. I took it in my hand. We walked together to his balcony. I looked out I saw a portion of earth.

"What do see, my child?" he said changing the view. I gasped as I took a step back; he put his hand on my back.

"It's alright. Tell me what you see?" he asked me again.

I saw building, people running from the dead. I saw as one of the dead grabbed a woman from her hair and ripped a chuck of her neck, as she yelled for help.

"I see the dead rising, eating humans." I said closing my eyes.

"The devil wants to kill me, he wants to hurt me, and he had cast a plague on earth. He is killing me by killing my sons and my daughters." he said. I looked at him, tears rolling of his cheeks.

"Why did you call me, Father?" I asked looking at him.

"I have a job for you." He said tucking a strand of my midnight black curly hair behind my ear.

"Anything father." I said.

"I need you to go to earth and help a group. I had made the future. A man called Rick Grimes will defeat a man called Phillip. The devil is in his soul, he will kill many, include some of Rick's group member. You need to keep them safe, until I tell you to let them die. Protect them." he said grabbing her hand.

"You must." he said.

I looked at the view again; I took a deep breath and nodded.

"You must not tell them that you are an angel they won't believe you, until you could find one person that will believe in you" he said to me walking away from the balcony.

"I shall hide your wings from them." he said, just I felt a pain on my back. I turned to see the back of my shoulder, not seeing my white wings.

"Don't worry child. They are there when you need them they will pop out." he said, making me look down. He grabbed my hand to the doors.

As they opened them, father and I walked down the stairs, I saw the other angels walking towards us, they bowed down. I looked back at the castle of Jesus Christ. We step at the end of a cloud, all I saw as darkness of space, at the end I saw a light; earth.

I looked at my brother at the end of the cloud.

"Gabriel" I said as he turned around and smile. He held out his hand to me, grabbing it

"I told him, if I could do instead but he said it was you." My brother said looking at me.

"I'll be careful. I know how to fight, I know how to kill the dead." I said.

"The earth is still cruel." He said.

"It's not like it was before when we were humans." I told him, making him shake his head.

"You must remember. You will see horror during your time on earth, death, pain, and sorrow. I shall be with you. Call me and I will help you." He said as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you, my dear sister." He said as he walked away.

As he walked away, I turned my head, seeing his face for the last time. I took a deep breath jumping off the cloud into space.

"I love you too, my dear brother." I said before i jumped off.

End of Amora P.O.V

It was the middle of the night; the moon was full and bright. Dale was sitting on top of his RV as always, he had the night watch. He turned his head seeing the Dixon brothers in their campsite Daryl cleaning his arrows, and Merle smoking a cigarette. Dale took a deep breath as he looked down seeing Amy and Andrea talking next to the fire. Carl was outside from his tent reading a comic book. All of the sudden a lighting stuck on top of the highest hill where the moon was. Dale took a good look and saw where the light hit. He saw a body, lying on the grass. Dale took out his cap, and went down the ladder.

"What's wrong Dale?" Andrea said walking towards him with Amy back of her.

"There is a body on the hill" he said pointing on the hill, making Andrea give him a look.

"You're seeing things dale." Andrea said.

"No" Dale said walking toward hill as he grabbed his gun. Andrea rolled her eyes and follows him with Amy by her side. The Dixon's brother looked at the man.

"Where the hell do ya think ya goin'" Merle yelled.

"There is a body on the hill." Dale said going to the hill ignoring the stares that Merle was giving him. Daryl stood up looking at the hill, looking closely at the hill. Daryl saw a body and grabbed his crossbow.

"Sit your ass down boy" Merle said to Daryl.

Daryl frowns as he said "It could be somebody."

"Old man lost his mind. It's a damn biter." Merle said, spitting on the ground. Daryl turned his head looking at Dale, who was walking up the hill.

Dale kept his gun close to him as he made it to the top, he saw a pale woman, lying on the ground, and her hair was long, black and curly. Her nose slender, her eyebrows was thin and black. Her plum lips stain with red. He saw blood coming from the side of her forehead. She wore jeans and a mid long selves black shirt that went to her elbow. Dale frowned as he saw her with no shoes. Dale grabbed the girl, and then carry her downhill earning a few gasped from the sisters.