"Angel? What's wrong? You've been so quiet tonight." Patch says. He kisses my neck gently and strokes my hair. I turn around and bury my face in his chest.

"Patch" i whisper , a sob catching in my throat. Patch wraps his arms around me , pressing a kiss on my head.

"Tell me Angel" he says gently. I start crying.

"Angel" Patch's voice starts to get worried. He pulls me against him tighter and pats my back.

"I love you." i sob into his chest.

"I love you too , but tell whats going on." he gently nudges my forehead with his nose " stop crying Angel." he whispers.

"I'm p-p-pregnant" i stutter quietly.

"Thats great! Why are you crying ,Angel ?"

"I thought you would be angry" i sniffle.

"Why would I be ? I love you ! "

"Oh , Patch" i whisper , looking up through my tears. He wipes away my tears with his fingers and presses his lips to mine. I kiss him hungrily. I never grow tired of his kisses. His touch send chills down my spine , making me shudder in pleasure. Finally , he pulls back.

"I love you and I love our baby." Patch says. I smile. Our baby. He pulls back a bit and ducks his head to place a kiss on my abdomen. Giggling , i pull his head up.

"Put on your clothes" i say.

"Why? I want to stay in bed with you!" Patch moans.

"It's 11 o'clock in the morning. Time to wake up. We're going for my sonogram." i say , sitting up. He sits up too and picks up our clothes from the floor.

"To see our baby?" he asks excitedly. I nod.

" you must let me dress you."

I giggle as he helps me put on my clothes.

"Impressive" i say after i am fully dressed.

"I dress to impress" he says with a twitch of his mouth. I smile too , remembering the time we made out at a barn at Vee's wedding.

"No , Jev. You undress to impress." i say.

Suddenly, he reaches over and touches my stomach.

"It's bigger" he says.

"Ofcourse , i'm pregnant."

"No, your stomach was flat when i kissed it just now , but now it's bigger now."

I look down. Sure enough. My stomach is swelling. When i saw it in the morning , there was only a tiny bump. How could it have become so big so fast ? I look up and meet Patch's eyes.

"Our baby is not normal" i whisper , my voice cracking. Patch pulls me into his arms.

"It's alright Angel. We'll find a way. I know someone who may be able to help."


"Dabria's brother , Cupid" he says in a serious tone. I laugh.


"Not the cupid you read in stories. He is an angle of death like Dabria." Patch explains.

" , you want him to predict my future?"

" do you want to leave?"
