Dear Harry,

First, I should apologize. I'm sorry. I truly am. I know I should have written you sooner, but I wanted to wait until I had good news to report. It may have taken four years, but I finally found my parents! They were horribly mad at me at first, but they know I was only protecting them. I hope that you understand too, that I could not stay. And that you are not angry with me for not writing sooner, and for leaving so abruptly. I just couldn't be there any longer, couldn't handle the pain that came with being near him. I loved him Harry, really loved him. I just... He broke my heart.

Oh, you probably think I'm going on about Ron, then, don't you? Please, don't be angry with him, it wasn't necessarily his fault. Though, if he hadn't kissed me, perhaps things would have been different. It's too late to dwell on 'if's' now, though. It wouldn't do us much good. No, don't be angry with Ron. I suppose things with Fred wouldn't have worked out anyway, we're entirely too different people.

Does is surprise that it was Fred? It surprised me, when I realized how deeply I cared for him. Honestly, I still love him. Please don't be angry with him either... I suppose it's asking a lot of you, to not be angry at me for leaving, Ron for causing Fred to be angry, and Fred for breaking my heart. If you have to be mad at anyone, it should be me...

Maybe I shouldn't have ran... Maybe I should have stayed and tried to work things out. But mostly, maybe I shouldn't have been in Gryffindor, because I seem to have lost any sense of courage. I'm only minimally sure I will actually send you this letter, but I had to write someone... Let someone know I'm alive, let someone know everything I've been through, and let someone know why I actually left. If I do send this, is it too much to ask that no one knows I've written? And if you do tell them, please don't tell them the reason I was such a coward.

You see, it wasn't just that Fred had rejected me... I had tried to tell him, but he wouldn't hear me out. I was pregnant when I ran, Harry... Unknowingly, he rejected our children. Their beautiful, Harry. Twins... If I send this, I'll include a photo of them as well. They love quidditch. They were trying to fly before they even learned to walk. That is most certainly not something they inherited from their mother! I know they would make their Uncle Harry proud.

Alexander Gideon, and Arianna Elizabeth. Gideon after Molly's brother, and Elizabeth after Arthur's sister. I thought I owed Fred that much, though I know he'll never meet them. Please, Harry, do not tell anyone about them. I feel awful for hiding it for so long, but I can't take being rejected by Fred again, and my children do not need to hear that their own father doesn't want them.

I know one day they will want to know who he is, but until then, I would rather protect them from having their precious hearts broken. They deserve better than that. They deserve the world, if only I could give it to them. As it is, they will just have to be happy with what they have, with Mum, Dad, and myself. They love my parents, you should see the way my mum is with them...

Now that their memories have been restored, I'm closer to them than ever. They live in a small village not far from where I live. Australia's wizarding community is astounding! They accept muggles into their towns, and even do a few charms here and there to help the muggles out. It's absolutely brilliant!

Maybe one day you could come visit us, I know the kids would love to meet you. After all, I've told them so many exciting stories about you...

Please write back soon... I miss you dearly.

-Hermione J. Granger


I don't even know where to start... I'm glad to hear from you! We've been so worried about you, but I'm glad you found your parents.

The fact that you left because of Fred is less surprising than you think. When I showed up to the burrow with that note you left... He didn't say much, but left quickly. I think he might have went looking for you, because George said he had been gone for quite a while before showing up at their flat. After that he was pretty withdrawn from the family. At the time, I pitied him, thinking it was an effect of the war... But now? I hope he blames himself. I know you didn't want me to be angry with him, but it's hard not to be. You were right, your children deserve better than the way he treated you. As angry as I am with him, I'll respect your wish to not say anything, though I'd like to curse the prat...

And as for being mad at Ron... Well I've blamed him since you left. He swears he didn't do anything to upset you, and he feels awful about it. Now that I know the truth though, I've had to apologize to him. It was dreadful. He gloated about it for a week. Don't worry, I didn't tell him everything that you said. Just that you were alright, and that it was not his fault. Naturally, he wanted to know everything you said, wanted to see the letter, wanted to come see you... Can we come see you? That was the only thing I didn't give him a definite 'no' on. We all miss you, Hermione... I wish you would come home... But I understand why you can't.

Twins... Wow... It seems you've done a wonderful job raising them. I can't wait to meet them. Does it make me less of a man to admit that I teared up when I read that bit about Uncle Harry? I know it seems scary, and as much as I think you three deserve better than Fred, I think you should consider letting them meet the rest of the Weasley's. They'll all be thrilled, you should see how they are with Bill and Fleur's little girl. I know Ginny spoils her rotten, and she would love to have two more little ones to do the same to.

I'm always here for you Hermione, I just wish I could have been there for you when you needed it most. You aren't a coward, you were just hurt. I know you'll come around eventually.
