Everybody's Hero

Background: Based around the time of Season 3

Author: HoratioInsaneCaine

Horatio stood tall in the bright sunlight, feeling the heat radiate through his body. He knew his dark suit-jacket didn't help, but didn't like to take it off even though he had long sleeves on. 'I'm probably sweating now anyway. Sweat and light blue shirts don't go together very well. I must change my shirt when I get back to the lab. Today is sweltering.' He thought to himself as he placed both hands upon his hips and looked over to Frank who slowly made his way over to him. Horatio stepped off the curb and towards Frank as Frank pulled his note-pad out with a serious expression.

"Neighbours don't know anything. No-one has seen or heard anything, but a few have said that they weren't surprised to hear his death. Apparently, he's suffered with severe depression ever since they've known him. No-one is particularly close to this guy. If you ask me, I'd say he topped himself." Frank said in his Texan accent as Horatio glanced down to the hot tarmac and exhaled.

"We're not asking you Frank, we're asking the evidence." Horatio said as he pulled his sunglasses off and then made his way towards the house. 'He's a bit grumpy today, must be the heat. Being a red-head in this heat can't be pleasant. Then again, being bald and in heat isn't nice too. I should get a hat. My head is on fire, probably because I forgot to put sun cream on the top of my head this morning.' Frank thought to himself.

"H, we've got nothing to suggest a break-in." Eric said as he passed Horatio with his kit in hand.

"Keep looking, Eric. I want this house gone over twice." Horatio replied as he fiddled with his sunglasses by his side.

"I'm getting this rope back to the lab, Horatio. I'm not sure if this is a suicide, he's 66 years old and frail. He wouldn't have had the strength to do this to himself, surely?" Calleigh asked as she walked over to Horatio with a brown back in her hand.

"Let me know Calleigh, people are surprising in what they can do if they want it that badly." Horatio said as he turned and looked into the kitchen before hearing Ryan and Walter upstairs messing about with who's going to process the bathroom which seemed to have a few condoms lying about in.

"You do it, it's about the only time you get to handle condoms anyway." Walter sniggered to Ryan.

"Gentlemen, be professional, please." Horatio said loudly up the stairs but with a slightly amused grin. 'I shouldn't really find that amusing. It must be the heat.' He thought to himself to excuse his unprofessional snigger.

"Very funny." Ryan snapped back at Walter. "We are H." Ryan then called down the stairs with a professional tone to his voice. Horatio then placed both hands on his hips again before turning to walk back out into the heat of the morning. He glanced to his watch and sighed to himself. 'An hour into shift.' He thought lowly as his eyes followed the cracks in the path and dead grass either side of the pavement where it hadn't been watered in weeks. He walked out of the garden and over to Frank again.

"Geez it's hot today, H. How are you not collapsing from heat exhaustion in that black jacket?" Frank questioned.

"I'm used to it." Horatio muttered as he looked back to the house and pulled his sunglasses on again before placing one hand on his hip again. 'I just want to go home, but when I'm at home, I want to be at work. I can never win, can I?' Horatio thought to himself.

"Erm, excuse me." A woman's voice called from behind Horatio and Frank. Both turned to see a young woman holding a 2 year old up on her hip. "Who's in charge here?" She asked softly with a concerned expression.

"I am ma'am, can I help you in any way?" Horatio asked as he turned and tilted his head as he took his sunglasses back off and faced her side-ways. His eyes hopped from her to the young boy she had in her arms.

"Yeah, I've not seen my neighbour for some time. I usually see her every morning and evening." The young woman explained softly.

"Okay ma'am. Can you please give me your details and your neighbours?" Horatio asked as he stepped closer and studied the concern in the young woman's eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm Katie, I live down the road. I saw everything going on here and I wanted to mention something as I'm a little worried." She said as she hoisted the boy up a little more and Horatio nodded.

"Hi Katie, I'm Lieutenant Horatio Caine. Are you able to provide me with details of your neighbour?" Horatio asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, erm, her name is Rebecca Henderson, she works at the hospital, she's small, about 5.2 tall I would say. Maybe about 100lbs, she's quite skinny I'd say she was about 35, maybe younger, maybe older. She's really active, so I really couldn't tell you her age. She has shoulder length light brown hair, nearly blondish I guess, she usually has it up in a ponytail. I'm not sure what colour her eyes are, sorry. I've only met her a few times for coffee and that, she's a really busy woman. But I see her every single morning and afternoon and evening. She runs every morning and evening and between that she heads off to work and back. I've not seen her yesterday at all or today. She always says hello to the kids when they're outside in the garden playing, they said that they've not seen her at all either. I've just got a bad feeling and I've knocked on her door and everything. I think I can hear the TV or radio going, I'm not sure though." The young woman said as she tilted her head.

"Okay ma'am, thank you. We will look into this. May I take your number in case we need any more information?" Horatio asked and she nodded and then provided her contact details. "Thank you ma'am." Horatio said warmly and then looked to the young boy with a warm smile. Katie smiled and then walked away to get out of the piercing sunlight. Horatio turned back to the current crime scene and tapped at his badge lightly.

"We can't really do much at the moment H, it's not been long enough. It could be that this missing woman is just taking a day off due to illness." Frank said as he looked to Horatio with a squint as Horatio pulled his sunglasses on once again and looked down to the floor with a nod.

"I know Frank. But we'll investigate anyway. At the moment, this is our priority." Horatio said before he walked over to his hummer when Eric walked out of the house with his kit. Horatio jumped into his hummer that felt nearly double the temperature of the sides and ignited the engine. The first thing he did was put the air-con on full and then pulled off after putting his seatbelt on.