What I decided to do with the prompts this Kataang Week is to incorporate each prompt into each a different section of one big story instead of them all standing on their own and not being related at all. So, I've used the prompts as more as a kick start for each section rather than the whole section be based solely around the prompt.

That being said, this whole big 7 part story will go in chronological order and take place within just one day. That means that when I post the prompt tomorrow, it'll still be taking place on the same day that this one is. Understand? Good! Hope you enjoy this first one!

Sorry for any mistakes! I had to put this up in a hurry!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! These characters belong to Bryke, not me.



Small tan hands grab at the blanket, tugging its warm embrace from the sleeping Avatar and his wife. It's early morning, the sun having barely risen above the horizon. Only a mere 3 hours ago did the tired, tattooed man stumble into bed after his long journey back home from the Fire Nation. Still, Aang can't find it in him to be upset at the early and rude awakening as he opens one eye and looks down at the little tan hands now trying to pull their mother from his arms and out of bed.

"Mom, get up," the small child whispers, pulling at his mother's arm.

"Five more minutes," Katara groans, turning around and burying her face in Aang's chest. "Wanna sleep."

Aang can't help but chuckle as Bumi tries to pry her mother from his arms. "But mom," he sighs, "You've gotta get up."

Katara turns back to the child. "Bumi, it's barely even dawn, your party isn't until tonight."

"But I want birthday breakfast," he says with a big smile. "And Uncle Sokka will be here soon and you know how he loves to eat."

"Uncle Sokka won't be here for hours," she groans. "Why don't you go back to sleep and wake me when he gets here?"

"Mom," he whines, poking out his bottom lip and giving his mother his signature puppy dog face. An expression that he had undoubtedly and unfortunately for Katara, inherited from his father.

The waterbender sighs, "Okay birthday boy, go get dressed and meet me in the kitchen."

"Woohoo!" The dark haired boy cries as he sprints from the room.

Aang smiles at his rambunctious son, causing Katara to turn to him as she sits up in bed. "I blame you."

The airbender laughs softly, "What for?"

"For your son's inability to wake up at a decent hour," She moans as she stretches her arms above her head. "And for the puppy dog face."

"Aw, come on. You know you love the puppy dog face," He replies, sitting up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "It's how I've managed to keep you with me all these years."

She giggles. "Oh, so that's how? And here I thought it was your charismatic personality and boyish good looks," she teases.

"Hey, who's to say it isn't both," he shrugs. "Or maybe it's my outstanding sexual prowess?"

The avatar gives his wife a devilish look and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively before pulling down the strap of her nightgown.

"Aang!" She cries playfully while pushing him off of her and trying to get off the bed. "Bumi is waiting for me; I don't have time for your so-called, prowess."

"So-called?" He cries outlandishly before grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him, causing her to yell and giggle as she tries to escape his grasp. "If that's how you feel then I guess I'm going to have to prove my expertise to you!"

The two wrestle back and forth until they were both out of breath with Aang pinning Katara to the bed, a victorious smile on his face. A smile that soon disappeared as his wife's face turns pale and she shuffles quickly out from underneath him and makes a mad dash to the bathroom.

"Katara," he calls as he gets out of bed and rushes into the bathroom behind her. "Are you alright?"

Aang crouches down next and begins rubbing her back as she vomits violently. He holds her hair back as she finishes up and wipes her mouth off. "I'm fine. I ate some bad sea prunes last night and I thought I was over most of the sickness, but I think all that spinning on the bed brought some of it back up."

"Oh," he replies, scratching the back of his neck as she stands up and begins to brush her teeth. "Sorry about that; why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?"

She spits and rinses out her mouth. "I'm fine now. It was nothing."

"If you say so."

Katara wipes her face and hands, giving Aang a smile and a chaste kiss before going back into their room. "Now, if you're done trying to 'prove' yourself, I've got kids to feed."

The mischievous younger man chases after her into their room, enjoying the sounds of her laughter as he wraps his arms around her and lifts her into the air, tossing her on the bed to thoroughly prove himself.


Thanks for reading! Sorry that this first one was so short! : )