Rule 10: Read this Rule-Book!

Kirihara usually wasn't one to obsess over anything other than tennis and video games. No, obsessing over stuff was his senpai's job. Like how Marui obsessed over sweets, Niou to pranks, Yanagi to data, Yagyuu to manners, Sanada to his family's rock, and Yukimura to tennis way more than anyone else. Jackal had to be exempt from this list as well because he has no real obsessions as of yet. And we say yet because hanging around the other Rikkai members has to have some impact on one's sanity.

But for once in his life he was taking something else seriously. And that was writing this survival guide. See, since he was going to be Rikkai's middle school tennis team's captain next year, he decided that it would be best to help the newcomers preserve themselves. By writing the rule-book and making them read it, maybe the tennis team wouldn't have so many trips to the health office and therapist. Because, if there was one thing Kirihara was sure about, it was that his senpai weren't going to simply leave the middle school team to him. No, his senpai were quite controlling so they would most definitely try and influence next year's team.

As such, it was up to him to protect the innocent minds of the coming first-years from his senpai's bad influences. They had scarred him well enough. He didn't want it to happen to anyone else (unless they ticked him off enough, then Yukimura gets a new victim). It was surprisingly noble of him, he had thought. Him, the "Demon" Kirihara, watching out for others, it was pretty much laughable. On a more serious note, almost no one deserved to be put through the hell that was being the kouhai to several possibly mentally challenged/unstable, genius (not just you Marui!), tennis playing, fangirl-magnet, upperclassmen.

That was pretty much the whole impetus for our dear seaweed-head Kirihara to write this survival guide. He was pretty sure that it would be a hit. And he would be forever known as the most amazing captain of the Rikkaidai tennis team. He could see it now, no longer would his senpai's get all the glory, it was his turn now! Though he seemed to be forgetting he was one of the more feared of the tennis team…right up there with the Three Demons (or was it four including him?) and Niou, because well, he's Niou.

No matter, soon the tennis team would be singing him praises. Oh yes, he would be idolized throughout Rikkai, no Japan. Yep, that's what was running through our dear survival guide author's head when he was writing. A bit on the selfish side no? But he wouldn't be Kirihara if he was completely noble-no that would be a major case in which Yanagi would stalk him even more 'for the data'.

So in the end Kirihara really isn't that moral. That's just how his mind works. In other words, the only gallant thing he did was suffer through his senpai's torture in order to write this book. Oh wait! He would have gone through that either way and he is technically leeching off it he isn't very noble at all. Shame on you Kirihara! Just when we were starting to think you were good person through and through.

In the end this book might just be the death of seaweed head and the savior of the incoming freshmen. Since, you know, when the rest of the regulars catch wind of this they aren't going to be very happy on how they're made out to be…Run Kirihara! Run before they catch you!

With this last rule this book is done (for now, until Kirihara comes up with some more rules to annotate in later). Now it is official.

'Kirihara Akaya's Rikkaidai Rule-Book' is now complete.

And he won't have to waste any more time writing this thing and finally go play tennis and video games.