Again, had this one hanging around for a while, and it's time to let it out.

#2- Fairytale

In fairytales, the damsel in distress is always saved by someone else. There are very few stories of brave princesses battling demons, saving their kingdom from the clutches of evil, and still getting home in time to catch their favourite programme.

Disney lied to us. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were frauds, and are probably laughing at us right now.
Because Prince Charming isn't on his way to find you, galloping along on his trusty steed. He's probably at some tavern somewhere, too stoned to remember where he was going in the first place.
The evil witch isn't the one in the black cloak, cackling menacingly as she waves a stone dagger around. She's the one wearing those jeans you lent her, laughing with you at whatever joke you just made, and her only weapons are the secrets you trusted her with.
Your greatest challenge isn't escaping the tower, it's trying to stay strong when your castle of glass is crumbling around you.
And the greatest lie of all: True Love's First Kiss isn't the magical cure to your problems.
True Love's First Kiss is where the problems begin.

I can't keep waiting for my handsome prince to come and rescue from my tower of isolation. I can't wait for my knight in shining armour to slay the dragons.

Because even though there is no honour in saving yourself, in keeping your own head above the water, that's just what I'll strive to do. There are no medals for saving yourself, but you can still be proud of your own courage, strength and endurance.

From now on, I'll be my own saviour, and the hero in my own story.

Much love and hugs to everyone :)