Barely a month had passed and there was a break scheduled for the crew. Most of the people were making plans to take off for one place or another. Chekov and Sulu were going to have Christmas together. McCoy had been told by his ex-wife that he could have his daughter for the break, so he was going to be out of touch somewhere deep in Georgia. Scotty wasn't leaving the ship, but he was going to be doing several major overhauls and improvements he couldn't complete with the ship in service. To anyone else it sounded like work, but to him it was heaven.

Uhura had decided to go back home for the holidays, which she hadn't done since she was a cadet. At work she had fielded two calls to Spock from New Vulcan, and she still recognized the call signal of Ambassador Sarek, so she figured Spock was being called home. Last she had heard, he was avoiding the new colony like the plague, so she decided to stop by his quarters to give him some advice.

She pressed the button for his door and waited. Finally it opened and Spock stood before her.

"Nyota," he greeted her, stepping back for her to enter. She stepped in and the door closed. "May I assist you?"

"Actually, I may be the one who can assist you," she returned. "Your father called you home, didn't he?"

Spock blinked. "He was informed of our break and wishes for me to see the new colony."

"This is the fourth time he's asked, Spock. He's not going to buy you being busy for much longer." Uhura folded her hands in front of her. "Do you want me to cancel my trip and go with you?"

"No," Spock replied quickly. "My father would come to the wrong conclusion about our relationship and I do not wish to disappoint him any further."

"But you don't want to go alone," Uhura observed. She took a deep breath and put on a fake smile before pointing to the next quarters. "You know, Jim's not going anywhere for the break."

"He is not?" Spock asked. "Does he not have family with which to spend the holiday?"

Uhura shrugged. "I don't know. He kinda clammed up about his plans back around Thanksgiving." She frowned and lowered her voice. "Speaking of which, why does the entire ship think we're still a couple? More to the point, why does Jim think we're still a couple?"

"I did not wish for you to become overwhelmed with romantic overtures from other men should your status become known."

"You thought Jim was going to go after me again, didn't you?" Uhura inferred. She rubbed a hand up and down Spock's arm. "Spock, you and I need to have another long talk." She sat on his bunk and patted the space beside her. He sat warily. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

Spock flushed. "I am not certain."

"You're in love. It's obvious to anyone who comes within a quadrant of you. The way you look at him, the way you talk to him, the way you two spend time together, it's so crystal clear. Oh, Spock, don't be embarrassed. It's okay. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way."

"He does?" Spock replied.

Uhura smiled sadly. "Well, he looks at you like you hung the moon. He's done a million little things to tell you he cares. He's almost completely stopped eating meat, at least around you. He's stopped drinking so much. He spends his evenings playing chess with you or sparring with you in the gym. You told me about the birthday card and I remember the Plomeek soup."

She began picking at her nails. "He was beside himself when you got hurt. The poor boy spent the night in Sickbay voluntarily, when Leonard can't get him to stay overnight when he's hurt." She reached out and took one of Spock's hands. "If you never believe me about anything else, believe me now. Something special is happening between you two, and the ball is in your court. He wouldn't do a thing to break you and me up, so you're going to have to be the one to tell him the truth."

"What do I do, Nyota?" Spock whispered.

"First off, tell him it's over between us. Even if nothing ever happens between you two, he deserves the truth. Second, invite him home for winter break. If you want someone to have your back while you're dealing with your father, there's no one better. But you're going to have to take a risk, Spock." She let go of his hand and stood. "I've said my piece. I've got to go. Think about it, Spock." She left.

Uhura ran into the CMO in the hall. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" McCoy exclaimed.

She cricked her finger. "Let's step into your parlor." They walked back to the medical bay and she sat down in his office. "I just had it out with Spock about Jim."

McCoy came and leaned against the desk. "What did you say?"

"Nothing that wasn't obvious to other 404 crewmembers on this vessel. They're in love, Leonard. They're in love and they're too stupid to tell each other, but I think I may have led Spock to a new conclusion." She laughed and shook her finger. "You watch, when we come back from break there's going to be something different between those two."

"Well I hope it works. I've got my eye on that stubborn Vulcan. If he does anything to hurt Jim …."

"Jim's not out of the woods either. If he hurts Spock I'll redecorate his quarters with his teeth," insisted the communications officer. "Did you see this coming?"

"Yes and no," McCoy answered. "I didn't see Jim falling in love for real anytime soon, but I've got to say, when he aims he aims high. If I were a woman, I'd say he has great taste in men."

"Well I'm a woman so I'll say it for you. He's picked a real winner. I wish the best for them both." The two sat in the office discussing upcoming plans. The next afternoon, they discovered the captain had left the ship in the company of the First Officer. It was December 23rd. Three days later the news hit the grapevine of the USS Enterprise: James Tiberius Kirk had married Spock of Vulcan. There was much celebrating to be done, but that's another story.

A/N: Here is where we join in with "Desert Christmas". Next is "All The Soft Places To Fall". Third in line is "You Are My Rock" and I don't know when I'll be posting that but keep your eyes open. I may post several smaller pieces in between then and now. Thanks so much to my beta mockingbirdhill and thanks to all my readers, posters and anon's. I appreciate each and every one of you.