It's Christmas Day finally. I don't think I have ever been so excited for it to come around, not even when I was very small. If it wasn't for all the ongoing stress in my life, not to mention the morning sickness it would be perfect.

For once I wake up before Christian and inspiration hits. I nearly forget my idea when I walk out of the bedroom and get a good look at the hall. I had thought that When Christian told me that he didn't decorate for Christmas or had meant that he didn't want to do it this year either. Apparently I had assumed wrongly.

Overnight Christmas has appeared in my home. Silver tinsel lines the walls and hanging from the ceiling are lights, with the light going down one by one so the effect makes them look like icicles. I have to catch my breath.

I avoid going to the great room for tinsel instead taking some off the wall. I'll apologise later for that but knowing Kristian he's got his heart set on surprising me and I don't want to ruin all of it for him.

Quietly I walk back into the bedroom glancing at the clock which reads half seven, and tiptoe to the bathroom so I don't wake Christian up, then take off everything. I grab the short silver teddy that I stashed in here last night and drape the tinsel around my shoulders and walk out the room making sure I shut the door loud enough to wake my sleeping husband.

Slowly he opens his eyes, reaching out for me as usual but then sitting up to look for me when finding nothing. His eyes nearly pop out of his head when he spots me.

He swallows 'merry Christmas Mrs Grey' he says in a voice already full of desire.

'Merry Christmas sir,' I say softly, emphasising the air for him. He smiles at that.

Slowly I move towards him, trying for sexy and graceful. I think I manage it as he swallows again while watching my little performance.

Slowly his hands move to my sides and gently move. Over my slightly swollen belly, then slowly up until the reach my breasts, making me gasp. Merry Christmas indeed Mr Grey.

'Are you fond of this,' he asks in a sultry voice, stroking the silver teddy and I almost answer yes without thinking but the truth is I love it. He sees my hesitation and grins.

'Well I suppose you'll need a new one then.' And rips the delicate fabric, exposing me completely. The next thing I know is that his hands are moving... There. He strokes me, softly causing me to softly moan his name and then without any warning at all his fingers are moving inside me, circling with and agonising slowness.

'Christian,' I plead and his amused eyes meet mine.

'Tell me what you want baby,' he breathes.

'Christian please,' and he hits me hard on my behind.

'Tell me Anastasia,'

'Fuck me Christian. Please.'

He pulls me onto him with that and within seconds he is inside me. We move frantically, desperately. He lifts me up and down and something inside me takes over. I am no longer Ana Steele. I am Anastasia grey, sex goddess.

With one last thrust upwards I come undone and I feel Christian still underneath me and hear my name whispered as a prayer as we both reach heaven together

It takes a while for us to vacate the bedroom and it is half nine by the time we do so. He smirks at me when he notices the spot where the tinsel I wore used to be.

'Did you see the great room,' he asks, obviously hoping I haven't yet. I shake my head and he grins. He then moves behind me and covers my eyes. Slowly he moves and I know the apartment so well by now that I know the moment we reach the great room without seeing anything.

Then his hands are gone and I have to catch my breath. Everything is silver and blue. It's as though my very own winter wonderland has appeared. The same tinsel and lighting adorn the walls and ceiling but there is also a tree so big that I don't know how it got up here. It's certainly too big for the elevator. I have a pang of pity as I imagine Taylor and probably Reynolds hauling the giant thing up the fire escape

Despite it's over the top size however it too is stunning. It's adorned with even more silver and blue. I look more and spot some gold ornaments too. In silence I take a step forward to examine them. The silver and blue ornaments are all baubles and normal decorations, but they include things like some ornate handcuffs, small model gliders and boats. The gold

Ornaments are all frames. Pictures of us, including the very first picture from my graduation full them. As well as these pictures I see several copies of blips scans scattered across it.

I have spent so much time gazing transfixed at the glorious tree than I don't notice the small mountain of presents until I stumble over them.

'Ana,' Christian exclaims as he manages to stop my fall by catching my arm. I give him a sheepish smile.

'Well? 'He asks, returning to his previous excited state.

'Its stunning Christian. Really. How did you do all this in one night?'

He winks at me, ' I started as soon as I was sure you were asleep.' He tells me, 'Taylor's had that tree in his office for a week and it didn't take to long for us two and Gail to decorate the rest of the apartment.'

I gaze at him. I must have done something very right to earn the love of a man like this. I run my hand over my bump, imagining next Christmas with our perfect baby boy, then I remember mount present.

'Are some of these for your family?' I ask, knowing what I expect.

'No,' he confirms my suspicions, 'the ones for my family and yours are either in the car ready to go or stored away waiting to be taken. These are yours and mine.'

I beam at him, for once not telling him that it's too much. I'm not going to let anything dampen my mood. Ignoring the sofas and comfortable chairs I am surrounded with I seat myself on the floor and pout at Christian until he joins me. Then I hand him a badly wrapped package from me and an handed an envelope in return.

I watch him open the miniature figure of the grace I ordered him, delighted at my favourite school boy grin that spreads across his face. Then I set about opening the envelope. Inside is a picture of a house, I look at it for a while confused. Then I turn it over. 'Somewhere for us to stay when we visit your mother,' it reads and I have a Christian, almost losing my resolve not to be mad today. Most people get Jewellery for Christmas not real estate, although I'm sure there will be some of that in here as well. The next thing I open is big, and I've already guessed the that it is furniture. Slowly I open it, peeling away the silver paper and finding the box I expected. It's big, coming up to my shoulder and I have to stand up to open the box and get a peek. Inside is a beautifully painted rocking chair. I grin from ear to ear. Nursery gift, I love it.

When everything is opened I have the house in Georgia, three nights in a castle in England, several bits of furniture for the new house, although nothing else for the baby's room, several bits of Jewellery and a selection of indecent items including sheer silk clothing and silk blindfolds. Christian sits with his mini grace, tickets to an air show, a few pairs of cufflinks, some ties and tickets Broadway show when we are in new York. I wasn't sure about some of them but he seems thrilled.

'This time next year we'll have someone else to spoil,' he says a silly grin on his face and I match it with one of my own.


Christmas is my day. It's the one day a year that everyone who works for us gets off and I become in charge of my own kitchen. Since Mia became old enough to express an interest in cooking she has helped me with the Christmas and thanksgiving dinners as well. It was a bit of an experiment at first but in recent years she has made some truly amazing things, especially puddings.

This year is no different. Its midday so the turkey will be ready in an hour and all the fixings will be ready soon after giving Carrick time to carve the bird without everything going cold. .

I don't know what Carrick is doing no though. The only person who has arrived so far is Ethan. It makes me almost cringe to imagine the awkward silence between him and Carrick. I've never spoken to Carrick about it but I don't think he liked Ethan much. I don't think he would have liked anyone Mia seemed serious about to be honest but I Ethan didn't win him over by refusing her all that time.

At half past twelve finally the door rings, and when Carrick opens the door I hear Christian's low mumble and then my mother's excited chatter. Good, he didn't forget to pick them up.

'Do you think they'll come in here,' Mia says, knowing that her volunteering to cook means she is forbidden from leaving the kitchen unless it's necessary. I just smile at her. I think Ana will, maybe my mum, but dad and Christian will go and join Ethan, and hopefully put him out of his silent awkward misery.

As predicted Ana walks in the kitchen, but my mother does not. I suppose she needs to make sure my dad is okay.

'Darling, how are you,' I exclaim. I'm busy preparing the centre display so I can't give her the usual hug of welcome but it doesn't matter as she makes her way over and give me a kiss on the cheek.

'I'm fine, it smells lovely Grace,' she says sweetly, and then moves to hug Mia who is practically bouncing waiting for Ana to say hello to her.


I'm both happy and sad that this day has arrived. After a lovely meal cooked by my daughter and shared with my both my children, their spouses and all the grandchildren and their significant others I am happy that I can see all my family this happy before it is too late.

Now everyone is in the living room and even with the large number of people that Carrick and grace prepare for we have still had to gather more chairs from around the house, and Mia and Sophie are seated on the floor, reminding me of many Christmases past when my two baby granddaughters would sit on my knee with expectant faces, waiting to see what grandpa Theo had up his sleeve for them this year.

We've opened most of the presents; mostly it consisted of a lot of jewellery, paintings and a few big ticket items like a cruise for Carrick and Grace, and an extra thirty thousand added to Mia's trust fund. Ana, of course got a lot of extra items for the baby in her pile. I couldn't help but feel sad at these considering I probably won't be around to see them in use. I wouldn't want to ruin the day for everyone though so I kept the smile on my face.

Now it is time for our presents to be handed out. We didn't spend a lot of money on everyone this year, choosing instead to go for the personal touch and I hope it works. First of all we give Grace and Carrick their present. I watch with a smile as they open it sure that this one at least will be a hit. I hear my daughter's breath catch as he opens it. Inside is the charm bracelet my mother passed down to me when she died, and that grace has always loved. We have added some more throughout the years and now it's hers. We've also got her and Carrick some other things but this is the thing that is truly special.

One by one they all open their presents from us, Chester and Olivia have received the biggest thing of all, namely our house so they may visit more, without my daughters house being terribly overcrowded. I've made it clear that everything that we leave in it is also there's, which included some paintings that were painted by Chester's godfather. I hope this means that they will visit more. Nathan was the one who was most difficult to work something out for. In the end we decided on my hand carved desk, one of my old pocket watches and tickets to Rome for both him and Mona. Mia actually squealed upon opening hers and seeing the locket and hand mirror inside.

Finally come the presents we are most worried about. First of all to Elliott and Kate. Like Nathan Elliott got a pocket watch. Kate's item was the biggest however. In a velvet box lies the necklace that Adi wore at our wedding. The other items such as the earrings and tiara we want to save for Mia or Sophie but Kate will look lovely in them. For a moment after she opens them there is silence and then she looks at me and beams.

'Thank you, they are lovely.' And she hugs both of us in turn.

'And they are very old so they fit some of the criteria.' Adi winks at her.

'Are you sure?' she sounds stunned, I mean what about Mia, Sophie?

'Mia and Sophie have a lot of things coming their way I promise you but this is for you my dear. Ana got the bracelet and you get the necklace. You are family now and these are yours.'

Kate sits down, obviously convinced and stares at the presents. There's one worry out of the way and now onto the next.

Its rather a large present this time, and Christian opens it, anticipation obvious on his face. This time it's a cradle, that once used to be Graces. We've had it fixed up a bit. It's painted white now and we fully intend to pay for any further alterations they may have done to it. This was the present that worried me most, seeing that there is every possibility they've already gotten a cradle or cot for the baby to sleep in.

To my horror Ana starts crying, and Christian seems immobile just staring at the crib.

'It's not a bad thing Theo,' Adi whispers to me, 'They love it.'

'It's stunning,' Ana whispers, showing me that my wife is absolutely correct. In moments they've made plans to base the whole theme of the baby's nursery around this crib.

'When we think of a name we'll have it painted on,' says Christian, brooking no argument, and no one is giving any.


It has been a very nice but a very long day. Ethan and I are going back to OUR house loaded down with what feels like more than the cars weight in gifts, All of them are in the back seat and the trunk except the gorgeous bracelet from grandma Trevelyan. That's it now for hectic days for a while, and New York is coming, and then Ana's baby and then last but definitely not least our wedding.

Oh it's so exciting. I knew Ana and I were meant to be sisters and soon we truly will be, and of course I shall be the world's best aunt to her son, even if I have to fight Mia for that position.

After tasting Mia's excellent desert today I am almost tempted to let her make the cake, but I'm entirely going to wait until her birthday to tell her that. As her birthday is in February it shouldn't be too difficult for me to keep that particular secret.

Apparently Elliott is tired to as when we get back to the house he is dragging his feet, and for once not desperate to use his considerable skills on me, and I do not mind at all.

Within minutes of undressing and laying down in bed Elliott is snoring away like he is the world champion of keeping me awake and for once it is not in a good way.

I stay awake for a while, staring at what will become my wedding jewellery. It is perfect, and I, Katherine Agnes Kavanagh feel unequal to the gift. I have been raised to believe that I deserve whatever I strive for but this just feels like too much. However I was also raised not to throw someone's gift back in their face and I am not about to start now.


Christmas day, the day I have been looking forward to for so long is over, and all I want to do is fall into bed and not wake up for days. I cannot believe how much stuff it is possible to acquire in one day. Luckily Taylor called for another car or we would never have been able to take all of it home with us.

I wonder how his Christmas went. I know he spent it with Mrs Jones and his daughter, but I don't want to ask. I think Sophie may be at the apartment, but the chances are I won't see her, at least not until tomorrow morning. I hope she liked Mrs. Jones, although I'm not sure that it is possible not to like her.

I'm almost tempted to ask Christian to carry me when we pull up outside the apartment, but I don't want him to think that it's acceptable behaviour so I put up with it. The aching back is new. I guess it was inevitable given the extra weight I'm not carrying but it is not a welcome symptom.

Oh well, It's something I am going to have to get used to and before too long we are up the elevator, in the apartment and then I am tucked up in bed, Christian kissing my temple and telling me he has to do some work before he comes to bed. The next thing I know is that it is several hours on and Christian has his arms around me breathing steadily as he sleeps.

Okay, It's been over a year, but just in case anyone at all is still interested I am updating again. I know this chapter seems a little rushed but honestly I needed to get back into the feel of writing again, and it's the Christmas chapter so I wasn't sure how to write it.

Thanks for all the follows, favourites and reviews, even though I took a very long hiatus from writing. You are all amazing xxx