By time Sesshomaru and Kagome made it back up to the hall both parents were dresses and standing, his mother pointed into the room and they both went it.

Sesshomaru had a fresh pair of clothes and next to it a new red kimono.

"Hey where are my clothes"

"Miko if you are to be in this house with my unmated son you will dress your station if you wish to wear that indecent Kimono do so at playtime" His mother snapped and then slammed the door.

Kagomes jaw dropped, again "Did she, did she just say play time?" What the hell did that mean!

"Turn," He said and she knew he was about to drop his towel so she did.

"Turn back"

She did and he was holding his pants up, she walked up and slowly tied them "How do you do this when no one is around"


Kagome sighed and moved back "Remind me to give you are your arm back"

He stopped mid dip for his top and looked at her "Come again miko"

"Your arm, I can restore it"

He stood fully, she was still wrapped in a towel "But it's dangerous and you will most likely fight against my power, you could end up killing me" She said thoughtfully, then she turned from him "I don't think I like you enough yet to risk my life for your arm"

Was she being funny or was she being for real? He could not tell "It is your fault miko that I lost this arm"

She wirled around "I dont think so buddy" He now had tops on, she came forward and helped him put everthing in place without much thinking about it.

"If you had not been so arrogant" She said,

"You gave the half-breed the sword"

"You tried to kill me" She moved back and picked up the kimono, turned her back to him and put her arms in and then let the towel fall. He watched the towel pool at her feet as she wrapped the kimono around her and tied it. Kagome turned back around and sighed "Ill restore your arm Sesshomaru, all you have to do is ask"

The door opened "Are you two done, come Rin is hungry and I do not like to be kept waiting" His mother snipped,

Kagome smiled, bowed and followed after the Inu mother, her curious son followed behind.

Dinner was a grand affair, after all, one does not return from the dead very often.

Sesshomaru nor his mother ate, but Inutashio, Rin and Kagome had their fill. While they ate Sesshomaru's mother checked behind her son's ears, which earned a slight growl from him "Stop fussing" She said,

"I am not a child" He stated,

"You are but a pup still my son" His father laughed,

"Do not mock me" He stood "I take my leave"

"Well be sure to come back before it gets late we are pack once again"

Sesshomaru stood there and looked down on his mother "You are not returning to the moon palace?"

"Wish to get rid of me so quickly?" She asked with an elegant eyebrow "What an ungrateful son you are, do not forget who it is who gave you life"

He said nothing,

"I will return upon sunrise and not a moment sooner" She stuck her nose in the air, Sesshomaru took his leave.

Kagome and Rin both looked at the door, then Kagome looked back at his parents, his father smiled "It is for his own good"

He then turned to his demon mate "Tell me, did he learn nothing from the test with Rin?"

"He did" His mother stated "She is still here and now a miko is under his protection"

"I am?" Kagome asked,

"Yes, you are under our protection" His father corrected "Tell me young one, did my sons ever stop fighting?"

Kagome thought for a moment "Mm, they go better, but there was still tension"

"I do not understand, with all my test and instructions I thought for sure Sesshomaru would understand"

"Understand what?" Kagome asked,

"Everything, he is powerful in his own right, he had to power to kill so I gifted him the power of life, Sesshomaru does not even realize, he has the power of a God, he and only he, tell me could Inuyasha save souls?"

Kagome had never thought of it that way before,"He doesn't go around killing like he used to" Kagome said thoughtfully "He is" She thought for a moment, was he evil? "He is, nicer, not evil like I once thought, just misunderstood and seemed to misunderstand your gift?"

Both parents looked at each other then back at her "Misunderstood?" His mother asked,

Kagome snorted "I can't even figure him out all the way, but he did save Rin, not once but twice, maybe he does understand now but just doesn't show it?"

"Mmm, and I'm sure he would say the same for you" His father smiled big "For a dog, Sesshomaru is very curious"

"He just likes to be smart and one step ahead" Kagome returned, then she stood and then another though dawed on her "Sometimes, if you knw when to look and how to read him you can see what he is thinking, feeling, it's in his eyes" She then smiled "Sorry rambling" She then bowed and left to find Sesshomaru.