Not your Average Republic City High School

SUMMARY: Korra is royalty, yup she's princess and heir to the currently empty throne, but she's an orphan as well since her parents had died in an accident long ago so their most trusted advisor became Korra's Regent and mentor so he could train Korra until she was able to take up her rightful position on the throne, but she screwed up home schooling and now she was being sent to Republic city to finish her last year of High School. But what drama awaits when she gets there and how will everyone cope with the hot head, arrogant and stubborn, if secretive, new girl. (No Bending, modern but with the same countries, i.e. Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, Water tribes etc)

Important Message: So the system here works kinda like in the UK where we have the Royal Family that overall rules but then we also have the prime minister and dukes and parliament/council… and you get the drill it's just that instead of being Princess of a tiny country, Korra's the Princess of the Earth Kingdom, this is because her dad was the earth Kingdom's King and he married a water tribe woman(Senna) and Korra spent her childhood in the south pole only to move to the palace when her parents died and she had to take up her training etc. Oh and also I wanted the Palace to not be in Republic city (so it's in Ba Sing Se)otherwise it would be more widely known that Korra was a princess in the city and she wants that to remain secret within High School, so republic city is very new to her.

My writing style:So this is more just for fun so I want to be able to get all the characters thought across to you so you won't just be viewing things through Korra's perspective, in fact it'll be sort of in third person, kinda like how Golding writes the Lord of Flies, but instead of Ralph being the main perspective we have Korra's, and I also have my own extra bits so we can all understand the other characters thoughts, e. the writing is italic with apostrophes it'll be the character's thoughts ('For example…') because I can't be bothered doing the whole now, it's in a different character's POV thing. But please tell me if it's irritating you and I'll try and change it :/ and I don't know if what I just said made any sense so… yeah, virtual cookies if you read this :)

Chapter 1: Moving

A 16 year old brunette sighed as she slumped onto her seat, "I can't believe you're actually making me do this."

"Korra, you've brought this upon yourself so stop complaining, you knew this would happen." The wise, bald and bearded man sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I was going to Home school you with private tutors so you could pay attention to your Royal and Political duties Korra but obviously you can't concentrate at home since you ordered Naga to chase away your last tutor…"

"Hey, Tenzin, that guy brought it upon himself, I mean seriously it was only because he was giving me perverted looks so…" Korra crossed her hands under her chest in defence.

"Regardless, you should have come to me and I highly doubt that he was, but nonetheless you are going to Republic city High School starting the day after tomorrow." Tenzin's eyes described to her that this was his final word but before he could turn and leave Korra quickly jumped up to interrupt him.

"Fine I'll go as long as no one is informed or refers to me as Royalty and want no special treatment," as Korra noticed the confused look spread across her Mentor's face she continued to explain, "Please Tenzin if I have to go to a normal High School I want to go as a normal teenager and not have people only talk to me for my status, pleaaaaaase, you don't know how many times people come up to me to meet the Royal Princess and not Korra." Korra put on her puppy dog eyes and pouted as she lengthened her last please.

"Alright, I guess that's a valid reason but I don't want to hear any more discussion on this matter, now hurry and pack your things since I've arranged for an apartment downtown in the Dragon Flats area of Republic city for you to stay at and you'll be moving there tomorrow to be ready for school the next day," Tenzin nodded his head to Korra and walked out of the room.

Korra huffed and went over to the stables to groom her horse Naga, she couldn't believe that she'd actually be leaving Ba Sing Se to go to High School all the way in republic city, it was already hard when she'd had to leave the south pole a few years ago to take up her training here, but even then she had rarely ever been allowed to leave the palace walls, for security and all, not that it ever stopped her when she needed to get away, but still, it felt weird. Despite all this, she couldn't help but feel excitement course through her blood at the thought of meeting new people and not being judged by her status and living alone in her very own apartment although she knew Tenzin would somehow constantly be checking in on her, regardless. Even then, all this excitement wasn't enough to simmer her nerves at starting out in a new, unknown city, 'oh well' Korra thought to herself and drifted off to sleep.

Korra could not contain her excitement as she passed through republic city in a flashy black car she figured was top of the range for posh snobs but couldn't help but stare in awe at all of the monuments republic city had to offer and although she had seen them countless times before in her modern history books she couldn't help but be struck by their beauty in real life.

Once she got to her apartment block she had to squint and shield her eyes with her hand to look up at the tall, plush Building and as they got into the elevator Korra noticed that her apartment was on the 57th floor, highest of the building.

Her apartment was gorgeous and Korra had lived in a palace for crying out loud, the door had opened to a large hallway leading to the massive living room, the walls were white with various different shades of colours making an appearance here and there, the red sofa was in an L shape facing a large flat screen TV that was up against a wall with multi coloured shelves to the side that were already filled with some photo frames, ornamental trinkets and various other things, there were also some large, purple/blue bean bags dotted around the TV with a games console ready and of course the end wall facing the city had a pair of glass doors that lead to a balcony and leading on from the living room to the side was the kitchen joint with the dining room and as you may have gathered it was all very plush and modern. However the best part was her massive bedroom, there was a circular bed in the middle with a bedside table and a massive walk in closet that was already stuffed with most of Korra's shoes and clothes but the best part was the view and if Korra thought the view from the balcony was good she had the air knocked out of her when she saw that the side wall of her bedroom was a glass wall and once the blinds were pushed aside, revealed a magnificent view of the shimmering sea below that lined the cityscape. Korra was in love with this view, in love with this apartment and in love with this city…

Although once Korra had gotten over her initial shock of being in a new city with an amazing apartment, Tenzin laid down the rules:

"Korra, the council Building is only 5 blocks away so if you need me I'll be there and my apartment is only just a bit further from there, I'll have a chef over here during school hours to prepare your meals, I'll be checking in every once in a while by phoning you to make sure your safe and you have a curfew of midnight and don't think I won't make sure you follow that curfew since I will be calling through to the landline, and if you miss this curfew you will be grounded and I will limit my leniency on you, also my daughter is also going to that High School, as a freshman but her smarts have gotten her in most of same classes as you and another thing, I don't want to be hearing about any troubles from school since I'm aware of your temper, try to keep cool and don't get in any mess or at least, try not to," Tenzin drawled on, oblivious to the annoyed glares, eye-rolls and huffs Korra was sending his way, "And finally, I have a present for you Korra, in fact, 3 presents actually."

That last statement got Korra's attention, "Really, wow what is it?" Korra exclaimed excitedly.

"Here is a credit card, don't go crazy on spending, you've already really got what you need here and these are the keys to your new motorcycle, it's in the parking lot, I was going to get you a car but Pema advised against that saying you didn't really like them and I have noticed that you prefer the open space and finally I also had your Horse Naga be brought over here since the High School also has some stables, since they take part in Arena Polo, but I don't really want you to focus too much on that because it's a lot different from the Original Polo you've been brought up to play and I'd rather you focus on your studies," Tenzin handed the keys and the card to a very happy Korra and before he had the chance to react she had him in a bear hug, causing him to smile, he really did care for Korra, she was like a daughter to him.

"Thanks so much Tenzin, you won't regret it don't worry I'll absolutely try my best at school and won't let you down." Korra exclaimed and with a wide grin and a gleam in her eye.

Once Tenzin had left Korra started to explore her apartment and settled on making herself a sandwich in the kitchen before watching some TV, although most of it was boring so she decided on texting her old friend Howl back at home, in the palace, he was a the son of a sentry and thus was a sentry in training and Tenzin had allowed her to train sparring with him, so they had grown close together but as nice as he was there were no romantic feelings between them, probably because Howl was gay.

(Key: Korra, Howl)

Hey, I finally got here and guess what; Tenzin got me a motor cycle for High School and it's all black and wicked cool AND he brought over Naga for me

Wow Korra that's so cool, the palace is so quiet without you… or Naga for that matter

Don't you mean BORING without me? XD

Yeah I do but the peacefulness is a plus ;)

Ha Ha Ha I am dying of laughter… NOT I'm gonna go sleep now I have school tomorrow and I'm tired

Good Night :)

A/N: Thanks for reading this, whoever of you have read this and please review it's my first story and I wanna know what you think, and hey I'm open to improvements :) but I'll appreciate compliments too ;) oh and I know this was a depressingly short chapter (or not, you can decide) and I know she didn't actually start High School yet but bare with me, right now I just want to let this story sink in so you understand it and if you didn't read my note at the beginning, slap yourself and go read it otherwise this won't make sense to you... but otherwise I love you all fellow beautiful people of the internet :)

P.S. For those of you who don't know, Polo is sort of like hockey but on horseback, and Arena Polo is even harder since you're in smaller area, with walls enclosing it and the ball can bounce of those walls, also it's slightly cheaper then average Polo and it has 3 players in a team, hint hint ;)