This is now going to be my second life. The first time I had no clue but after the accident, I woke up to find myself barely five years old. I still had the intelligence of a 19 year old but this time I didn't look like myself and I had different parents. Being reborn after dying shocked me and it took me a while for myself to figure that out. It was difficult, sometimes I would zone out and my 'parents' would stare at me strangely, I've tried to keep it on the down low but I have been studying everything around me.

It seems that the world I have been born into was not the same as before. This new place was filled with people who jumped on rooftops at incredible speeds and used weapons. My family was one of these 'people' who could do strange things, ninjas they called themselves, which was weird because the people here didn't wear all black and lurked in the shadows swinging nun chucks. These ninjas used weird energy called chakra and used the elements around them to fight.

Always trying to listen in on people while my 'mother' took me on a stroll the town I learned a lot of new things. Such as my new home went by the name of Konohagakure, otherwise known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves. It confused me to know that I live in a village where ninjas existed.

My name is Angela Marie Colack, I am a 19 year old photographer that lives alone. I just recently moved out of my friend's home after finding a small flat just big enough for one. I am currently an orphan, my mom died when I was born and my dad died of drugs before I even knew him. After my dad died, I was placed in an orphanage and adopted by a nice elderly couple. I lived with them until they died of old age. My friend was generous enough to let me live with him until I found an apartment. I had enough money by selling some pictures I took so now I live alone. I live off the money I earned from photography.

Just after I turned 19, I found out that my parents weren't actually related to me at all. I was an orphan since birth and since my mom was infertile and they wanted a child before they passed away, they both adopted me. It would explain why I didn't resemble in the slightest.

After settling into my new flat, I easily found the old adoption documents in my parents' home. I looked up the address on where the orphanage was and quickly found a bus to the destination.

I was extremely unlucky that day. Since the orphanage was far I was on the bus for about half an hour. I never did get to the orphanage. The bus I took was a part of an accident. I was just sitting their staring off into space, tuning out the laughter of children with their mothers and some people on their phones talking about business. Next thing I know the bus was jerking everywhere and I went flying out of my seat.