(Edit: Chapters 1-9 rewritten slightly for quality, Jan/9/2019)

It was a brand new morning, in a run off the mill, crappy, half star motel. Dean had enjoyed a lovely 6 whole hours of sleep, only to wake up on the floor, with a raccoon the size of a bobcat staring him in the face, eating the remainder of the chips he had gotten from the vending machine the night before. The floor wasn't much harder than the bed, so it seemed like a decent trade off for the somewhat generous amount of sleep he got, at least compared to what he'd been getting recently. He rolled over onto his back to see Cas staring down at him. Dean quickly pulled the oversized comforter off the bed to cover himself, mostly only succeeding in scaring the raccoon into a hole in the bottom of his mattress.

"Oversized rodents eating my food I can deal with, but why is it the one night I get to sleep in my boxers, the one you decide to not knock?" Dean scolded, mostly jokingly, picking himself up off the floor. Cas rolled his eyes.

"I've been here all morning. Although to be fair I didn't knock when I showed up earlier." Cas shrugged, sitting back down in the room's armchair. "Sam went out to get breakfast. He said to keep an eye on you."

""Since when do I need a babysitter to sleep?" Dean asked bewilderedly.

"Since there was a raccoon under your bed and he didn't want you to get mauled." Castiel answered back with an equal amount of snark, though less grumpiness, watching Dean as he quickly pulled on his pants, not seeming to mind when Dean caught him, despite Dean knowing Cas knew better.

"Well, I'm awake, off the floor, and the raccoon has been scared away, so take a picture and cut it out." Dean pretended to be unappreciative. He was sure Cas wasn't looking for any even vaguely pervy reason. And even if he had been...

"Sam said you two were on your way to California. Are we going on a 'vacation'?" Castiel asked, looking away to stare at the wall, even though it was too late, Dean had finished putting on his pants.

"Nope, a case. Big 'un. We should get going as soon as he gets back. When did he leave?" Dean said it all quite quick, leaving no room for questions, and giving a quick glance to the shower in the bathroom.

"A couple of minutes before you woke up. Should have time if you'd like to shower." Dean didn't really want to waste the time it would take to doubt him or make any joking flirty comments like he usually would at such wording. He nodded his thanks and hurried to the bathroom. Full night's sleep and time to shower? He must have made someone REALLY happy to get all this good luck. He quickly stripped and hurried to get in the cleanest shower he had seen on the road. There were no roaches in it, the white tiles at the bottom had slightly yellowed, but that was better than the dirty brown the showers in these places usually were, the water was clear, had no smell, was even a fair lukewarm, which was nice since it was in the low 80's outside and high 80's in their room, and was a welcomed relief from the icy or scalding water he was used to. The hotel even had shampoo that wasn't empty, and a bar of soap that wasn't moldy. Just the bathrooms in this place merit a three star rating. It only took five minutes for Dean to get washed and rinsed, so he decided to repeat the process before getting out. He grabbed for a towel off of the back of the toilet, only to be sadly disappointed.

"What the fuck is this?" The towel was no bigger than a kitchen dish rag. He sighed and remembered Sam saying something about asking for towels after he had taken a shower last night. Unfortunately he had been half asleep by the time Sam had gotten out and hadn't paid attention. "Cas!"

"What's wrong?" As Cas' urgent voice came from inside the room, Dean spun around covering himself with the towel.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!"Cas seemed vaguely relieved nothing was wrong, though a bit annoyed.

"You're the one who called me, if you'd care to recall, Dean…" He sassed. Now was Dean's turn to roll his eyes.

"Sass is really not a good look on you. Yes, I recall, but you don't enter a locked bathroom without permission! Let alone poof up behind a naked guy! What the hell were you thinking!?"

"I was thinking something was wrong and that it would be best if I not waste time coming to your call. Now, was there a reason you called or did you just think this would be a good time for a lesson in bathroom rescue etiquette?"

"I don't need rescuing, Cas, I need a towel." Cass looked down at the towel and back at Dean, obviously containing a smirk.

"Don't you already-?"

"Oh, ha ha. A full sized towel, Cas. I was going to ask you, THROUGH THE DOOR…. To get one from the front desk…. Do you mind?" Dean cut off the angel, switching to a less rude tone, wishing Cas hadn't looked down, that familiar feeling of butterflies feeling like a stampede of elephants in his stomach.

"Of course not. I'll try to be quick." Apparently Dean's discomfort was noticeable, as Cas cut the crap and poofed, flew, whatevered out of the room. A couple minutes later, there was a knock on the bathroom door. Dean opened the door only wide enough to get the towel and promptly closed and locked the door before drying off and getting dressed. Sam came in the motel room at the same time as Dean came out of the bathroom. Sam carried three bags of fast food breakfast. Dean looked at the clock. Nope. Almost noon. Just normal fast food. Still great. Dean didn't really like Mc-breakfast anyway. Sam gave him a perplexed look.

"You're up! I didn't expect you to be up so early…" He set the bags on his made bed.

"Yeah. I woke up to Cas and a raccoon watching me while the coon ate my Doritos. Know anything about either of those?" Dean asked Sam, glaring.

"Look, you were asleep, they smelled, and it was so cute, I figured you wouldn't mind." Sam laughed but Dean was not amused. Sam knew how Dean had been feeling lately. He got flustered just being alone in the same room as Cas. Knowing Sam this had been some ill-thought out attempt to get Dean to make a move. However Cas sat on Sam's bed, poking through the filled bags, so Dean couldn't really yell at Sam. Maybe the attempt had been more though

"All I was wearing was my boxers, Sam!" Dean growled out in a whisper. Sam rolled his eyes when Dean crossed his arms mid sentence.

"Like I said, I thought you'd still be asleep when I got back. Did you have a nice sleep?"

"Wonderful, that's not the poi-"

"And how was your shower?"

"The towels are too small, and Cas saw me naked." Sam blinked, wide eyed.

"Got it. Next time I'll take Cas with me and leave you to make friends with the indigenous rodents…."

"I find myself much more amiable than most raccoons I've met." Sam and Dean both looked at Cas and then glared back at each other, debating in their heads how much they cared that Cas was definitely listening to them.

"Was it really that bad?" Sam said with a unsympathetic tone.

"He's becoming sassy, Sam… He sassed me when I told him you aren't suppose to poof into bathrooms…." Sam smirked.

"You sure you aren't over reacting?" Dean huffed.

"Oh, yeah, sounds adorable FULLY CLOTHED!"

"I get it, I get it! I won't do it again, okay?"

"Oh, won't you? I don't believe you for a fucking second."

"Dean, calm down and eat, please?" Cas asked suddenly. Dean held his glare on Sam a moment before giving in.

"Fine… what did you get us, Sam?" Sam went over to where Cas was sitting, looked in the bags, picked up one and gave Cas another, the recipient smiling up at him in appreciation. Sam came back and handed the other bag to Dean.

"Double Q-pound with cheese, 10-piece nuggets, fries, and a cheese burger." Dean looked down at the bag in his hands, a bit dreamily, before looking over at Cas.

"Cas, did I die in my sleep and go to heaven?" Dean asked the angel mostly joking, but honestly a little serious, worried he may be right.

"Not that I know of…. If you did, I am extremely lost…" He answered, looking around shortly before returning his attention to his food. Dean huffed again.

"You see? Sassy!" Dean whispered to Sam, who rolled his eyes.

"He seemed serious." Sam sat on the other side of his bed and began eating his big mac, his favorite guilty pleasure.

"He always 'seems serious'!" Dean scoffed.

"This sandwich tastes divine…." Cas exclaimed right after him, fish sandwich in his hands.

"That sounded a bit humorous." Sam shrugged.

"Thank you, I tried." Cas confirmed smiling at him. Sam nodded.

"Pretty funny."

"The sandwich really is amazing though. What is it?"

"I thought you'd like it. Fillet O' Fish. It's made out of Pollok. It's a very healthy type of fish. Probably the realest, healthiest thing you can get at a fast food place."

"What about the chicken?" Cas asked, taking a bite. Dean stopped Sam before he could answer.

"You don't wanna know, just eat."