Well to all the people who have been keeping an eye on this story, awaiting the publishing of that new version, I have good news. But first, let me say that I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long and not posting anything concerning it. I need to explain where I've been since then. Just after I posted that update announcing the rewrite of this story back in October, I asked by my parents if I wished to go back to school and work on my graduate degree, something I was hoping to do later on down the road, but because I'm the only one of 4 kids that went through and finished college for my Bachelor's degree, my siblings usually only went a semester or two before they left, two of them left to pursue service in the military and are doing very well for themselves, the other is happy, but made many bad choices before she realized that stability. Anyways, my parents offered to pay for me to pursue a GD and I accepted. Of course, from that moment on things were a bit hectic as trying to get everything in order to be except into the Graduate Program at the college I previously attend was a major struggle as I had to meet a certain score of the Graduate Requisite Exam (GRE) and being I had been out of school for nearly a year at the point, my ability to accurately recall such information was lacking. So, I spent a great deal of time studying like crazy to re-familiarize myself with that knowledge. I would eventually pass the GRE in November, with a score nearly twenty points above what I needed.

During that time I was also working 2 jobs due to my personal savings/checking account being hacked and losing a large portion of the money in them. Thankful, I was able to get that situation fixed, but only just barely. I thought things would be much better come January since I would be quitting that second job and started back to school for my first semester as a Grad Student. And things were for a little bit, Graduate course is pretty tough, but also enjoyable considering they are more tuned to what a person enjoys doing, in my case, it was an ISAT(Integrated Science and Technology) curriculum and things were going good. But that all fell apart when along comes this Covid-19, and things good disrupted across all fronts: from work to school to life in general. I've been so busy trying to straighten everything out in my personal life due to a large decrease in income to balancing doing my research for my graduate project, which has been okayed to be turned into a thesis, which required me to get the tools I need for such work available to me at my home, while also balancing the course load of the classes I was taking. I managed to score a mixed bag of A's and B's at the end of the spring semester, but it was tough doing so.

However, the latest hurdle that's been thrown at me is both a blessing and source of irritation: I've been offered a Graduate Assistantship position under my professor within the last week and a half, which has once more left scrambling to fill out and submit because the first day on the job is Monday, June 1. Thankfully, I managed to complete all the necessary paperwork/documentation and turned it in on time. But working as a GA is going to be a whole new hurdle for me, but at the same time, it pays my tuition and gives me additional income alongside my current job. Which due to the whole shutdown is only able to really give me few limited shifts every week. But come this Monday, things are really going to get busy for me when I start working as GA. But I still plan to this story and in fact, I should have the first chapter ready to go in the next week or so, so you should be looking forward to that. As for updates after that, I'm thinking a 2-4 week period between chapters will keep things from being too pressing considering everything that I currently how on my plate at the moment.

Also, I plan to delete the two oldest Author's Notes I posted before I post this new one, so if anyone was wondering where they went off to, that's why.