Disclaimer: I do not own the Mortal Instruments or any of it's characters, but this is my writing and should not be used without my knowing/permission.
Thank you! Enjoy!

(Takes place after Simon is just turned into a vampire in City of Ashes.)
I lay in bed for an hour, but sleep refused to come.
I could hear Jace's soft piano playing through the walls, but that wasn't what was keeping me awake. I couldn't stop thinking of Simon, leaving Luke's, for a house that no longer felt like home to him, of the despair in Jace's voice as he said I want to hate you, and of Magnus, not telling Jace the truth: that Alec did not want Jace to know about his relationship because he was still in love with him. And for some reason I kept thinking of Michael. Michael Baton. I couldn't get him out of my head…I knew that I didn't belong here…with Jace, Alec, and Isabelle. I hadn't gotten the training that they had, and although I was the daughter of one of the best shadow hunters that lived, that didn't make me any different. I had no training, not much knowledge of the nephilim world… I felt like a fool. I, so badly wanted to return to my old life, and at the same time there was something holding me back. I wanted an exciting edge to my life, but I wanted it to be something I understood.
And, that was where Michael came in. When I was 14, Michael was 20. He'd approached me after school one day, offering me a place in his business. As a 14 year old, I didn't understand a lot of the stuff that was entailed when it came to peddling or drugs. So, I'd fallen right into his trap. I'd been a part of his circle –Hah, the irony- I thought to myself sarcastically.
I'd helped him sell his drugs, helped him get the money, and wrangle people in. It was a tricky, shady, dangerous business. Possibly just as dangerous as the shadow hunter world. But, where Jace, Alec and Isabelle used knives and weapons, Michael, me and the 5 others used guns. He'd taught me at a young age to use his colorful collection.

I took a deep breath, tears building behind my eyes. But there was a building anxiety…I wanted out of this life, and I knew that Michael could offer me the protection and the shield that was necessary when it came to hiding from the others.
I took a deep breath, and pulled out my phone, suddenly grateful that I hadn't deleted Michael's #. I just hoped that it was still the same, and that he hadn't changed it.
I put the phone to my ear, and listened nervously as the tone rang on,
Ramirez. Came the familiar voice, that had been a balm for my fears when I was young for so long.
"Is that your new name, Michael?" I asked softly.
There was a nearly unnoticeable pause,
Excuse me?
"It's Clary…or Clarissa." I said, correcting myself, again another pause,
Baby girl?! He asked.
I smiled slightly, "Yes."
What can I do for you, baby girl?
"Something bad has happened Michael…" I whispered, "I need your protection, I want back in."
Are you in danger, baby girl?
"Kind of." I whispered, knowing perfectly well that Michael had a soft spot for me.
Where are you?
I jumped as I heard someone coming down the hall,
"¿Puedes hablarme en español? Alguien está fuera de mi puerta. No quiero que ellos sepan lo que está pasando."
(Can you talk to me in Spanish? Someone's outside my door. I don't want them knowing what is going on.)
I said into the phone, figuring that it was best to keep this conversation under the radar.
Sí. ¿Quieres que vaya a recogerte niña?
(Yes. Do you want me to come pick you up, baby girl?)
I caught my breath as my door opened, and Isabelle walked in,
"Is everything okay, Clary?" She asked, eyeing me carefully.
"Uh yeah." I replied, "I'm just talking to an old friend." I turned back to the call,
"¿Me podría recoger en la estación de gas en la 72? No quiero dar propina a la gente de que estoy viviendo con."
(Could you pick me up at the gas station on 72nd? I don't want to tip the people off that I'm living with.) I replied to Michael.
Isabelle leaned against the door jam, listening intently.
En el camino de la niña. Esté listo en una hora. ¿Qué estás escondiendo?
(On our way baby girl. Be ready in an hour. What are you hiding from?)
"Sólo algunas personas."
(Just some people.) I replied, sneaking a glance at Isabelle, who was still watching me, carefully.
¿Es necesario cambiar su apariencia?
(Do we need to change your appearance?)
I closed my eyes, against the tears, nodding, then voiced my answer,
Brown, tinte de pelo Negro o rubio? (Brown, Black, or Blonde hair dye?)
"No me importa," I answered.
Estaremos allí en cuarenta. No llevar nada consigo, sólo te despacio. Yo te apoyo. Te llevaremos ropa nueva y un nuevo teléfono, deja el tuyo no.
(We'll be there in forty. Don't bring anything with you, it'll only slow you down. I'll support you. We'll get you new clothing, and a new phone, leave yours there.)
"Estaré allí pronto, Ramírez ... gracias."
(I'll be there soon, Ramirez...thank you.)
Then the phone call was over.
I hung up and faced Isabelle,
"I didn't know you could speak fluent Spanish, Clary."
"I can."
"What was it about?"
"It was just an old friend, I found his number in the closet. I'd lost it a couple years back. He was surprised to hear from me."
"You didn't sound to happy." She countered.
"His mother died. I was close to her, and I just found out." I lied smoothly.
Isabelle didn't look completely sold, but she didn't question any further.
"Was there something you needed?" I asked, softly.
"No. Jace just said that he heard you walking around, then talking to someone, he was worried."
And he sent you because he doesn't want to face me himself. I thought sourly.
"I'm fine." I said gently, and she nodded slowly, and backed out of the room. I was careful to be quieter after that. I changed clothes quickly. Changing into a dark pair of jeans, a black v-neck and tennis shoes, then tied my hair up so that I would be more capable of trekking through the woods easier. I locked my bedroom door silently, then with a second thought, took out my stele and carved a locking rune into it.
It wouldn't hold them back for long, but I needed all the time I could get.
I looked around the room one more time and took out a piece of paper, and wrote,
Don't look for me.
I'm safe, I'm sorry.
I sat it on the bed, and stabbed into the comforter with my stele to keep it in place to signify to them that I was done, and that I wasn't out hunting demons on my own. I left my phone beside it.
I opened my window, and took a deep breath, tears rolled down my cheeks, ruthlessly. I was leaving behind, Luke, my mom, Simon, Isabelle, Alec…..Jace.
I forced the thoughts out of my mind and climbed out of the window. I needed to be fast.

Finding my way in the darkness wasn't as hard as I figured it would be. I knew these woods well, I had an advantage when it came to knowing my surroundings. I wasn't sure when the others would figure out my absence, but I was close now.
"Baby Girl!" I heard as I trekked up to the gas station.
I smiled sadly, "Michael."
He wrapped his arm around my waist,
"You're gettin old." I taunted, smiling up at him.
"I'm only 21 baby girl!" He said, and swatted me.
"Ow!" I whined, and he smiled. "We should probably get going." I whispered to him, "I don't know how far behind me they are."
His blue took on a new seriousness, "We can protect ourselves."
"No…I don't want the people following me to be hurt. I just don't want to be a part of their world anymore." I said.
He studied me for a second, "Like you didn't want to be a part of mine."
"You know it wasn't personal." I said gently. He sighed,
"I know."
I leaned up on tip toes and kissed him, he paused, shocked then returned it.
This was the soft spot. It was illegal. I knew that. I knew it well.
"Can we go?" I asked, forcing more tears back,
"Yeah." He replied, softly, keeping his arm around me, "Let's. Mary's excited to see you, they all are."
"Mary's there?!" I asked excitedly, he smiled,
"Yes, you two can reek havoc once more."
Finally, something good happens. I thought to myself, then climbed into the back of his car.

"Jace! Alec!" Isabelle cried, running back into the living room,
"Clary's gone!"
"Gone?" I asked, standing.
She handed over a slip of paper, Clary's stele and her cell phone.
Don't look for me.
I'm safe, I'm sorry.

"Alec, where's Magnus?" I asked,
"I'm here." Magnus said walking in from the kitchen, "Before you even ask, as far as I can tell, she's in the city still. She's under the influence which makes it nearly impossible to see her."
"Under the influence?" I asked, my hands curling into fists.
"Heroine." Magnus replied, then further explained, "It's a highly addictive drug in the mundane world. It can be inhaled or injected, and when it is it acts like morphine but is accompanied by a warm rush, and an 'other worldly feeling' as some abusers put it. It can be extremely damaging to the body, and since it's so…unpredictable, it's much easier to overdose on, and can easily become deadly."
"I. Am. Going. To kill her." I growled.

What do you guys think? I know this is a short chapter, but it was more of a prologue to give you guys a taste. Let me know what you guys think, and I'll see if continuing it is a good idea! I personally,
hope you guys liked, because I'm enjoying writing it!
