Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Chapter 2

Arthur didn't believe at Alfred. He gave a nervous laugh and tried to get Alfred to tell the truth, but the alpha just sat there; his hands folded on top of the table. Arthur stared at his husband, tears welling up in his eyes. He tried to blink them away, but they were forming too fast for him to stop. After a minute, Alfred got up to comfort Arthur and the other didn't push him away. They both stood, Arthur crying into Alfred's shirt, while Alfred held Arthur. There were no words that needed to be shared.

As the omega cried for their small family, Alfred looked around the petite room. They'd sell what they could and the rest would be thrown away. There was no way they could keep all of their belongings. Alfred started a list of what he needed to sell. The movies they bought for their baby, all of her toys, a lot of the baby clothes as well as their clothes, and a number of other things. It would take time, most of the month, and what they didn't sell needed to be packed away so they can carry it.

When Arthur had calmed down slightly, Alfred led them back to the room and into bed. This time he did fall asleep and he wasn't plagued by the war, but he still had nightmares about the future of his family.


The next morning Alfred woke early, the sun just now coming over the horizon. Arthur slept peacefully by his side. After a quick kiss, Alfred got up to get ready for the day. Shower, dress, and shave. In the kitchen he looked for food, but with only a little left he didn't eat breakfast that day. 'Better let Arthur have it', he thought as he wrote a note explaining why he left so early.

Next to their television stood a movie rake; Alfred grabbed most of them and put them in a bag. He knew he should save a few, a feeling in his gut told him to do. With one last check on Arthur, Alfred slipped out the door to try to get some money off the movies before his shifts at Applebee's.

All of the movies he brought were never opened before and luckily, Alfred had the receipts of them. He drove to Wal-Mart and returned the unopened movies, getting cash back for each of them. It was nice to have money, but it would all go towards the baby.

Alfred was smiling as he headed to work. Maybe it would be a good day for tips? It was also payday, meaning more money. Nothing could dampen Alfred's mood at the moment.


Back at the small apartment, Arthur woke to an empty bed and a note of the night stand. He smiled at the note, rubbing his stomach. The blond got out of bed as fast as his aching body would let him. He would not complain about the pain in front of Alfred, because then he would try to get something to ease the pain. While Arthur would have loved it, he did not want them spending more money that needed to be saved.

Arthur readied for the day. His day would involve, cleaning, and now sorting through what they could sell or donate and what needed to be kept. While he was looking through the closet, in the very back, were two suits. Arthur pulled them out and laid them out on the bed.

It was their wedding suits…Tear of joy at the wonderful memory of their wedding. Alfred had insisted they be wed before he was deployed. Things had also been better then. Arthur brushed his hands over the fine fabrics, tears rolling down his face.

"Damn these emotions…" He rubbed at his eyes, trying to stop the water works. "I hate before overly emotional." He muttered to himself. While these suits held many memories, there was no way they would keep them. Arthur bit his lip; he'd have to talk to Alfred about these. He hung them in the doorway to their room, to keep them out the way and looking nice.

The rest of the clothes held little sentimental value and it was easy to go through them. With the closet sorted, the keeps on one side and the sells on the other, Arthur turned to the dresser filled with underwear and socks. The dresser took him longer; he was a hard time bending over…

"Maybe I'll just leave that for when Alfred can help." Arthur said to the air. He didn't like having to ask for help, but he could not do this on his own. He also decided it was time for a small break. The pregnant omega walked into the kitchen in search for a small snack and then over to the love seat. With a hand resting on his swollen stomach, Arthur turned the telly on to watch a few shows.


Alfred came home earlier that afternoon. His boss told him to go home and be with his husband. So with little say in it, Alfred took his pay check and tips, and headed home but not before picking up something special for dinner. He wanted to spend that night as if they did not have to leave their home at the end of the month.

Upon arriving home and opening the door, he found the television on, Arthur asleep on the sofa, and their white wedding suits handing in the door way. His heat clenched, they would have to sell those. There was no way they could keep something that nice…

The blond walked over to the sleeping man. He got to his knees and kissed his husband on the lips. It was like a fairy tale, the slumbering princess is awakened by his prince. Arthur must have been thinking this because after he kissed back, he smiled and said, "My prince charming."

"My lovely, princess~" Alfred replied with a chuckle. "I have the rest of the afternoon with you, even though it is 4." He helped Arthur sit up and plopped down next to him. He glazed over to the suits, Arthur opened his mouth, but Alfred put a finger over his lips. "Shh, let's not worry about that tonight. Let's tonight be about me, you, and our baby girl."

Arthur smiled, eyes twinkling. "Sounds wonderful to me."

They had a whole month to prepare to leave. Why leave no when the room was still theirs? That night they would pretend everything was fine and falling into the right places. The worries of tomorrow can wait until tomorrow.


Later in the month, after they got permission from Roderick, they held a yard sale. This sold most of the clothing and other possessions that they couldn't keep with them. The unsold items were given to Goodwill. While it did not give them money, it did give them a tax cut, which was just as nice.

Their apartment was slowly becoming more 'n more bare, looking the way it had when the couple first started to rent it. By the end of the month everything Arthur and Alfred owned could fit into three suit cases, one for each member of the family, and a few boxes that could be packed into the back of Alfred old car.

Thanks to all of you who faved, are following, and reviewed to this story! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter, it was more of a filler, to show the following day and stuff.

Well, have a nice day/night!