Vanellope hopped out through the airport doors, hopped up on the honeymoon energy. "Ohhhh, yeaaaaah! We're in Verona, Italy, baby!" she smirked, seemingly ready to break out into dance at any time.

Taffyta followed closely, giggling. "Not even an hour in Italy and you're already excited for our honeymoon, darling?"

"Yeah, gadoi!" the more childish woman smiled, pulling her wife into a hug. "Anyways, I got the car keys and I put our stuff in. Speaking of the car, I rented a kick-ass one. So whatcha wanna do now?"

"Still got some energy to burn, personally," the more mature woman admitted. "Well, we can always shop around, ya know? Oh, and speaking of fun stuff to do in Italy...I decided that during these two weeks, we'll be checking out some of the racetracks around Italy! You get to choose where we'll be going! I'll be driving."

At that, Vanellope would have exploded with the sheer excitement from that! But instead, she kept on screaming, "Ohmigosh, ohmigosh, ohmigosh! This is so exciting! I feel like I'm gonna vurp because this is so fucking awesome! How could I give my thanks to ya?!"

Taffyta couldn't help but smile like the village idiot. "Maybe we could, oh, I dunno...just spend some good, quality time together?"

"Hey, ya think we might have some fun in a gondola?" she suddenly piped up.

The more serious woman snickered at the sudden subject change, but played along. "And pretend you're on a conquest when you strike a silly pose? I can see it now: Vanellope Bonaparte, French empress! Or maybe General Vanellope Washington, soon-to-be first President of the United States?"

Vanellope burst out laughing, quickly going red in the face. "That's hilarious, Taffy!" She calmed down a bit, but she was still giggly from that brilliant jab. The couple drove off in a Fiat, zipping by the sights and sounds of Verona. "Ooh, we should so check out the Leaning Tower of Pisa and have some pizza while we're at it, too!"

Taffyta made a thumbs down gesture as she made a razz sound. Obviously, that play on words didn't fly so well. "Try again, Vanilla. Use that one-eighth part of your Japanese heritage to come up of an awesome joke! Or draw on from your two-eighths of Italian pride!"

"Doubt that. The Japanese part might think of some crazy math joke that'll fly over our heads. Or say something disturbing," she shuddered. "As for the Italian part, I dunno how to pull off classy humor if we're talking about the DiCaramellos. Well, most of the DiCaramellos," she added, referring to the black sheep of the family, Nutella.

The wife duo laughed as they breezed by. Two weeks to themselves! Plenty of time to hop around Italy like frogs on lilypads. Vanellope swerved into a nice parking spot in front of the numerous shopping centers of Verona. "So...ready to blow all the money on that credit card of yours on whatever? Food, clothes, jewelry, whatever?" Vanellope laughed.

"Not all on one day! Dad's gonna flip if we called him on day one of our honeymoon!" Taffyta snickered, stepping out the car. "Ah, Italy…" she sighed.

Of course, Taffyta dragged poor Vanellope around to look at various designer lines: Fendi, Gucci, Armani... She got herself another swanky pair of sunglasses and managed to wheedle Van into getting something! "Say we have kids someday, okay? And I feel kinda dorky for once and then they'll ask us all about our honeymoon," she explained, pulling Van to her side and pointing at everything in front of their eyes.

"News flash: you already look pretty dorky doing that," Vanellope smiled toothily, imitating her gesture. "But alright. Don't blame me if they look ugly on me, though!" Truth be told, she liked that Taffy fidgeted over her. It just seemed...cute. The future NASCAR driver giggled to herself as she wondered how her love would react to her racing suit... But she snapped back into reality when Taffyta stuck on some Prada sunglasses on her. "Well?"

"Eh. I thought Prada would look good on ya. Hold on. Maybe Armani could work some magic…" Taffyta hushed as she switched sunglasses. "Ooh! Much better!" Smiling like the village idiot, she grabbed her camera and took a picture of the confuzzled girl. Vanellope walked around seeing stars for about five minutes after that.

Coughing up the dough as they went, the two walked around. Vanellope did some crazy flipping and jumping as if she were still her awkward 19-year-old self doing parkour! Man, she could have been a cheerleader back in their high school days, but she wasn't about that at all; she preferred being a ninja anyways. Anyways, Taffyta took the time to take video footage. I'll upload this onto Vine!, she thought, giggling a bit.

Van finished off with a perfect landing to a front flip against the wall, earning a nice applause from the bystanders. "Hey, I'm hungry now. But I can hold out for another hour or two, if ya want."

As if by pure coincidence, Taffyta's stomach growled. "Pish posh. I'm hungry, too, anyways. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"You know I do, babe. Plate of spaghetti we share a la Lady and the Tramp?" Vanellope suggested.

"You took the words right outta my mouth!" The couple went into a nice restaurant, where they had a nice spaghetti dinner. That was, of course, Vanellope pulled a Tramp move on her when she noticed that they shared a spaghetti strand. But why would Taffyta complain when her wife drew her close for a such a tender kiss? They stayed for a fair bit there, Taffy enjoying a martini or two while Van finished off the spaghetti.

"Geez, guys! I wonder if you two will go at it the way Taffyta's like now!" a sassy, confident girl snorted.

"Ah, ya can fly off, Nutella," Van nodded, telling Crumbelina's energetic cousin off.

"Well, a bit snippy, eh? And people tell me that Nessa's the snippy one," the blunt waitress commented. "So pony up, Van. Just because my sis and I watched your wedding via Skype on the iPad because we couldn't afford to go to the U.S. doesn't mean that dinner's gonna be free."

Instead of remarking back, Van happily obliged especially since she didn't want Taffyta to have more than two martinis. "Sure thing! Because, ya know, I swear that the poor girl might get pretty super wasted if she gets more alcohol in her body."

"And...ya know, and then, and then Mom called him a dumbass in French. It was awesome. I guess that's what happens if Pop tries to cook," Taffyta slurred, her cheeks rosy from the alcohol. "Say, did you just tell us you're dating my cousin, Nutty Girl? Bloody hell, a long distance relationship must be…" and then she trailed off into unintelligible French.

"And now she gets it," Nutella sighed, shaking her head as she smiled casually. "Anyways, that'll be a hundred euros. Good luck paying for that in American money." Just like that, Van coughed up a hundred euros out of thin air, much to Nutella's shock and surprise. "Dammit, guys...cheeky smart-ass Van." The Italian girl smirked and gave Van a noogie. To her, Vanellope was like that annoying cheeky friend, but you still love her anyways.

Van smiled toothily at her foreign pal, "Well, that's the benefits of having super-rich in-laws. They practically barfed money helping us plan our wedding and were kind enough to convert some dollars to euros!" They left the restaurant, the pink-clad woman stumbling into the Fiat, mumbling some nonsensical story that may or may not have happened.

"And that's how I saw my parents banging each other," she hiccuped.

"Okay, I think ya should sleep off the alcohol. The strawberry martinis are makin' ya loopy, Taffy," Vanellop suggested. She didn't need to hear that story, which might not even have happened!

"Aw, come on, ya bugger. I feel right as rain, nothin' loopy at all," Taffyta retorted, now slurring in a cockney accent. "I love ya, Vannie, ya know that?"

"Love ya too, Taffyta," Van smiled. Even though Taffyta was drunk as God knows what, she was funny like that. "Geez, remind me to try some of that next time. Seems like you're having fun!"

Finally, they got to their hotel. Having to carry Taffyta, Van had to ask a bellhop to carry their bags. Well, this honeymoon got off to an interesting night and they weren't even in bed yet! The things the drunk woman said either didn't help the situation much with the TMI or helped a tad too much by giving her wife a good laugh or two. It seemed like forever till they got into their room, Vanellope plopping down next to Taffyta on the bed when they finally got to relax; she felt tuckered out from everything!

"Ya think we'll be famous one day?" Taffyta piped up, snuggling up to Vanellope. "Ya know, with you being a racecar driver and me being the wife of the driver?"

Van raised an eyebrow and smirked a bit, snickering quietly. "Of course we will, gadoi! Although being the wife of the driver means that you'll have to race against me once in a while! Haha!" She wrapped her arms around Taffyta and kissed her cheek. "Ya still got your Mercedes, after all!"

Taffyta didn't even pay attention to it; she had other plans. She kissed Vanellope, slow and fired up with love. Apparently, she was still a bit intoxicated up to the point where she was in a bit of 'that' mood...evidenced by slipping her hand up from underneath her darling's shirt. That caught Van off-guard and she didn't even know how to react to it! But she settled down nicely as they got down to..."business". Two things: a few years ago, the two would never have wanted to touch each other like that after watching Black Swan, but one supposed that passion trumped that. Another thing was that Taffyta had a surprising amount of whambam in her...

Either way, all was pretty great for the couple: Vanellope became an awesome NASCAR driver and Taffyta started enjoying the racing world much more often now that she got to scream her lungs out cheering her love on. Even better for Van was that she got to invite all her friends and Taffyta over to a racetrack and enjoyed a great time going a few rounds racing against them! As for kids? They eventually adopted three kids: a girl named Tara, usually called Taramisu from Taffyta, and twin boys named Max and Morty, affectionately nicknamed M&Ms by Vanellope. Morty especially admired their racing mom, while Tara and Max preferred their elegant and more sophisticated mom. It was a good, long, life for the happy family.

As always, you know that I don't own Wreck-It Ralph. And now for my final thoughts... This whole fanfic, really, was just an impulse thought I had and sorely needed to be started to be rid of said impulse. That was why I just type and type without too much care to the original personalities, even though I do put in minimal effort here and there. True, I could have typed up chapters like The Nutella Incident and One Speedy Race within the movie universe, but… I didn't for some reason. I dunno why, since that was definitely reasonable within Sugar Rush. Maybe it was one of my wacky impulses. Regardless, I personally had fun typing up most chapters, even with the lack of effort in keeping with the characters' original personalities and I really appreciate the support of everyone who managed to like this story. I could have written more, like one time Taffyta found chocolate and dug in, but found out that they were liquor-filled, but I decided that went off on the deep end a tad much. Another was a more angsty start on how the relationship started, but I hated how that sounded so whiny, so I wrote a much funnier version that made it into this story. Also, Taramisu COULD have been a proper OC, but Crumbelina, being the Italian dessert girl, already took that. That was unfortunate. Anyways, special thanks to these people!

Wreck-It Ralph: You've been pretty much a loyalist through and through. That alone was enough to make me keep on writing. I still can't thank ya enough for helping me on Chapter 12!

21SidraCire: Love your suggestions regarding the dramatic parts of the relationship. Almost soap opera-like, I guess. But alas, I just couldn't find a way to fit them into the story. For that, I MIGHT make a separate fanfic for stories like those. Once again, I admire your burning loyalty!

Guest Review #17: IF you ever read this, I also thank ya for ways to improve on Chapter 13! I was more focused on showing my readers that I listen to their ideas, so that one was rushed. Was it hard to read? Yeah especially since I tend to overreact to stuff like that and no writer likes hearing anything that SOUNDS like bashing. Did I swallow my pride and follow your advice? Yes, indeed! I'm thinking of removing that chapter and put it into a different story, fixes and all.

To everyone else: Thanks for reading! The fact I even got this many people to read even at least ONE chapter was amazing to me in of itself! 5K views (as of completing the story)?! I didn't even imagine my story would attract a fair bit of views!

Now, some of you fans might be wondering, "What are you planning next, Steel-Winged Pegasus?!" Well, I'm thinking of just finishing up another, unrelated fanfic before writing more Wreck-It Ralph stories. After that, I'm thinking of just taking a short break to restore my creative juices. I'll just keep badgering my niece to write the PumpkinButter perspective of this story because I took way too many liberties with this story already, especially butchering Taffyta's personality. Another thing to note is that I have started a professional piece of work, so I suppose you can go to FictionPress (posting stories for general feedback, mostly) and see me there. This is Steel-Winged Pegasus, signing off!