My front door creaked open and shut. "Babe," Jason called, "I'm home!" Claws on the wood floors gave me a few seconds warning of imminent puppy kisses.

"In the bathroom. One sec." I finished massaging the rose oil from my sheet mask into my face and rinsed my hands. I pushed the bathroom door open with my foot and Princess trotted in and sat inside the doorway. I tugged my hair out of its ponytail and headband situation and shook it out.

"It's been a sec. Several secs, actually." Jason leaned against the doorframe of my bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest. "When do I get my girlfriend back?"

"Hmm, I don't know." I pretended to consider it for a moment and walked slowly over to him. "I still need to paint my nails and do my makeup. All the really really important things girls do."

Jay rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're so funny. And pretty. And annoying."

"You know you like it," I reminded him. I tapped my index finger against his chest. "You've got me, now what are you going to do about it?"

He smirked and lowered his head until his lips were mere millimeters from mine. "I, Jason Peter Wayne, will take you, Skylar Marie, as my girlfriend and favorite movie-watching partner for the next four hours. How does that sound?"

I moved my hand into his hair and rose up onto my toes to kiss him. His arms tightened around my waist and I felt my feet leave the ground. He moved his hands to my legs and carried me into my kitchen and set me on a barstool. I slid my fingers under his shirt and up his back to gently trace the raised scars on his back. He moaned into my mouth and pulled me tighter against him. I took the hand in his hair and gripped the back of his neck to bring him further down against me. He gently wove his fingers into my hair and stroked the side of my face with his thumb. With a sigh, I pulled back and put my hand on his chest. "Snacks," I requested. He nodded and I hopped off the barstool.

"Can I have chocolate?"

"In the pantry. I'll boot up my laptop." Jason turned to the cabinets and pulled out a tray. Princess followed me to the bedroom, wagging her tail and panting slightly. I knelt down to scratch her behind the ears and on her butt. I felt bad for ignoring her in favor of Jason.

"What movie?"

"What are you in the mood for?"

"You pick."

"Beauty and the Beast?" He stuck his head around the corner with a childish grin.

"Perfect! Does ma Belle want popcorn?"

I sat cross-legged on my bed waiting for my computer to load the media player. Jason and I had collected Blu-Ray versions of every Disney movie ever made. Last week, for our five-month anniversary, he brought home Aristocats. Needless to say, we watched it that night and my neighbor called to see what we were watching. She said, "you guys are watching a Disney movie again, aren't you." Jason put the landline on speaker and proclaimed that he would "never be ashamed of making my girlfriend happy." I love him. I really do.



"Do you want pop?"

"Coke, thanks." He entered the room carrying a large bowl of popcorn, two cans of coke, and almost our entire stash of dark chocolate. The Lindt Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt was the height of perfection and I happened to own over 50 of the bars thanks to the combined efforts of my dad and Jason, who had put forth the not-unreasonable suggestion of purchasing stock in the company. He had shrugged when I protested weakly and replied that "when your father is a multimillionaire, stocks aren't hard to obtain."

"Milady, here is your pop." He bent over and pressed his mouth against mine for a moment before placing my drink on the bedside table. I leaned forward to set my computer on the foldout shelf Jason built above my bed specifically for movie-watching. It was at the perfect level and angle for me to nestle up against his chest.

The movie played through with occasional remarks from Jason concerning Gaston, the three village girls, and the villagers. After about thirty minutes of silence, I began to feel his breaths evening out and him falling asleep. I stayed still when the movie ended at midnight and allowed my laptop to go to sleep. When I was sure he was asleep, I placed the empty popcorn and soda cans on the floor and pulled my Slytherin blanket over us.

I had been trying for months to get Jason to sleep more than three hours each night. I realize that he is scared. I know he thinks he's fine, but it's not healthy for him to go without sleep. I don't want to come home one evening and have Bruce in my living room telling me that Jason was gone. I couldn't bear it.

I watched my boyfriend sleep for a few minutes and then started to doze off. Jason unconsciously pulled me in closer to him and I shifted onto my stomach and rested one hand on his chest and the other under his shoulder. I inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of leather and his cologne. Suddenly, his breath hitched.

A tiny line appeared between his brows and his arms tightened further around me. I stroked his hair and he immediately began to relax again. I fell asleep around 1 in the morning cocooned in warm blankets and my boyfriend's strong, safe embrace.

-Six Hours Later-

I snuggled deeper into Jason's warm embrace. His heart thumped smoothly against my cheek and his chest rose and fell in deep breaths. My arm felt numb under the weight of Jason's body. I wiggled a bit to try to reclaim my appendage. A deep chuckle startled me from my task.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were out."

"I was. Best six hours ever," he assured me. "It's like I have my own personal dreamcatcher."

"Or maybe you just needed to relax."

"Or maybe you're my amazingly beautiful girlfriend whose bravery chases away nightmares."

"You're such a dork."

"You love me though."

"I do. I should probably get dressed. I've got to meet Babs at 8."

Jason tightened his arms and hooked his legs around mine. "Noooooooo," he groaned.

-Later that afternoon-

"Do you really need all of that candy," I grumbled quietly.

"Do you even have to ask," Babs contested.

"Considering it's you and Dick we are discussing, then no, I probably didn't need to." Babs stuffs another bag of Sour Patch Kids in her Mickey Mouse shopping bag and turns her wheelchair to face me with one hand on her hip. She grins.

"So when is Jaybird going to propose?"

I nearly choked on my Coke. "What," I sputtered.

"Sky, Dick said Jason was looking at rings a few weeks ago." Babs held up her left hand to display her engagement ring. It was a simple affair: a pear-cut emerald with a diamond halo on sterling silver. The green gem matched her eyes perfectly. Though I had assumed that she had accompanied Dick, apparently she had not.

"I don't think I am ready yet. Not for marriage. I think Jason and I are content. Maybe if he asked me next year around this time, I would say yes instantly."

Babs tilted her head to the side. "Hm."


"You guys were quite the pair at the Wayne Ball. Didn't you see the gossip columns?"

Jason and I had been together for about three weeks by the time the annual ball came around. In (apparently) true Wayne fashion, Cassandra, Barbara, Selina, and Stephanie spent the day shopping for dresses and accessories. I fell in love with a beautiful pink gown. The high neckline and mermaid cut accentuated my toned hourglass figure that was the payoff from years of dancing consistently. Selina and Barbara combed, curled and pinned my hair into an intricate chignon. When I descended the stairs, Jason couldn't look away. His hand remained on my bare back, exposed by the deep plunge of the backless gown that echoed the style of my favorite leotard. I wore a pair of silver heels and tiny diamond drops hung from my ears. Jason purchased everything amid protests on my part and refused to allow me to touch my card even for the soft brown eyeliner I needed for my bottom lash line. His only requirement was for lip balm only. No colored lipsticks. He wanted to be able to kiss me as often as he liked. He certainly did so. Multiple times.

The next morning, Jason Todd and "the new Wayne accompaniment" were the subject of all of the Gotham magazines. There was also a comparison of me to his ex-girlfriend, Nina Sayers. Sayers is pretty with a nice figure but that is where the similarities end. From what I read, she has never been a private person. Or nice. Or good at not spending her boyfriend's money. Gotham's gossip rags were good at making women feel like objects, apparently.

"Stop. You're thinking about her again. I can see it." Babs grabbed my arm and pulled me along behind her towards the checkout. I may or may not have grabbed a sweet tea on the way out.

"Babs, if I saw her again I would punch her. I have never hated someone so much in my life until Tim told me about her."

"Sky, babe, I assure you that she will not come anywhere near us again. Jason filed a restraining order for you. She is not allowed in the manor ever again. Selina and Alfred will never permit it."

"I still think that Jason overreacted. She has the right to be somewhat jealous. I would be. How close were they anyway?" Babs dumped her bag on the belt and put her hands on her hips.

"Skylar. Jason loves you. Nina never got overnight movie nights. He didn't spend nearly as much time with her as he does with you. Nor did Jason voluntarily buy her a designer gown, jewelry, and stay over at her apartment to watch cartoon romance. He did that for you because he loves you more than anything else."

"Okay, Babs. I get it."

Barbara smiled at me. "Are you guys going out tonight?"

"Yes. He wants to take me to La Madeleine. It's nice and quiet. We can actually have a semi-private conversation."

"And then? Is it a night in?"

"Yep. Last night was Beauty and the Beast. I think I might make him sit through Lilo and Stitch...what?" Babs had smiled really big when I mentioned Lilo and Stitch.

"He's never seen that. Dick and I never could get him to watch it with us. Good luck."

"Challenge accepted."

After a quiet dinner at our favorite restaurant, I sat cross-legged in Bruce's massive chair at the Batcomputer and accepted a headset from Alfred. Jason came up behind me and crouched down.

"It should be a pretty quiet night. I'll be home in a few hours if all goes well."

"Be careful."

He kissed me softly. "Always."

-Four Hours Later -

Jason and Bruce wearily climbed out of the batmobile and into mine and Selina's care. Bruce and his love went to the master bedroom, both carrying cups of warm tea. Bruce's mug had a red label on it while Selina's was plain green.

Jason sported deep bruising to his back and chest and scrapes across the back of his shoulders. According to Bruce's cowl footage, a three-story fall was broken by a rusty fire escape stairwell in Crime Alley.

"Who pushed you," I asked. I draped cold packs across his shoulders, kissing the heated skin. He hissed at the burn of the ice.

"Some thug trying to gouge out my insides with a Bowie," he answered gruffly. "Idiot. Skylar, would you mind if I canceled the movie night for tonight?"

"Duh. You are going straight to bed mister."

"Would you stay with me?" A plaintive tone crept into his gravelly voice. He must be terribly exhausted.

I nodded. "Right after this tetanus booster." He groaned but sat still for me while Alfred injected the Td shot into his upper arm. Jason got to his feet and grabbed the bag of ice packs sitting beside him.

He paused at the top step and turned back to me. "You've never been to my suite before. Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" The set of his shoulders betrayed his insecurity in asking me to stay with him and I could see a slight apprehension in his eyes. Despite our many movie nights and clothed sleepovers, he still worried constantly about nightmares.

"Jason, it's okay. I trust you."

He relaxed and wrapped his left arm around my shoulders. His room was at the end of a long hallway decorated in dark wood and a long hall alcove that seemed to house every trophy or medal the four boys ever won. Jason paused in front of a baseball trophy dated two years before he died. Six others occupied the same shelf.

"You played baseball?"

Jason smiled. "Yep. You're looking at the pitcher for the Gotham Gents. Our team had a six-year winning streak before ... well, y'know."

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine a tween Jason playing baseball without a care in the world. A pair of hands took mine and pulled me towards the dark wood door.

"Babe, open your eyes." I obeyed and found Jason standing in front of my still holding my hands in his. He made a beeline for his king-size bed and fell backward onto the dark grey comforter and black pillows. "Owwwwww." He rolled onto his stomach and buried his face into a plush pillow.

His room was huge. And very...masculine. Grey walls darkened the atmosphere and dark wood furniture added the luxurious feel of a mansion into a room clearly designed by a man. A walk-in closet with black wood cabinets was accessible through a tall square archway. The soft silvery carpet changed to white marble tile. He had a graphite-colored island in the middle of the room with many drawers. I assume his ties and everything are here. His dress shirts hang neatly on a silver rod inside dark brown wooden cabinets. A glass door leads into a bathroom with the nicest shower I've ever seen with grey stone everywhere. Dark wooden counters form a sink and vanity with a set of mirrored cabinets. A single bottle of Armani Code sits on a white marble countertop.

I exit the bathroom and closet and return to my sleeping boyfriend, who is sprawled on top of his bed with his arm stretched out. His face is smooth and young with only a shadow of stubble along a strong jaw. His brow has relaxed and full lips are drawn slightly upwards. I carefully scoot across the bed to slip under his arm. As if I've pressed a button, he draws my little spoon into his much larger ladle. He inhales and exhales, settling into what I hope will be a legitimate R.E.M. sleep cycle. Exhaustion hits me and I curl up into his body and fall asleep to the even, steady breaths of the big-hearted man who holds mine in his large hands.

Eight hours later, I take a deep breath through my nose and curl further into the warm blanket cocooning me. Wait.

My eyes snapped open. A glance over my shoulder confirms Jason's absence. I sit up and pull the plush blanket around my shoulders. My clothes are wrinkled but clean. A faint scratching coming from the bright hallway near the window draws my attention to another room I hadn't noticed last night. I slid off the bed and tiptoed towards the windows that compose the entire outside wall of Jason's suite.

My absent boyfriend leans over a smooth glass table covered with paper. As I approach, he stands straight and turns to kiss me. "Good morning beautiful," his gravelly voice whispers. "Did you sleep well?" His aqua eyes raked over me, landing at last on my own eyes.

"Mhm. What are you doing?" He turns away and rolls up the papers before I can catch a glimpse of what the drawings depict.

"Just a project for a friend." I narrowed my eyes a bit.

"Oh. Okay. Do you think Alfred has breakfast? I'm starving," I groaned. He grinned wickedly and shook his head.

"Well, for starters, your clothing looks like we did a whole lot more than just sleeping." Jason maneuvers us over to the wide window wall and stands behind me sans shirt and tosses the blanket behind him. I blush bright pink. "Relax, it's not that bad. Secondly, Alfred has Saturdays off. Our options, therefore, are to venture forth and do one of two things. We can go to the kitchen and see if there are any ingredients left to make food at ten-thirty in the morning." Is it really ten-thirty? Yep. Okay. "Or we can go to Whole Foods and buy a basket of food, come back here, and have an indoor picnic in bed with only you and me invited."

"I ponder the options for a moment. Jason's hands drift slowly down my arms and wind around my waist. His breath tickles the back of my neck. "The picnic option, does it come with an opportunity to relax and be completely unproductive?"

Jason laughs against my neck. "Of course. You don't even have to lift a finger."

"That sounds amazing." I turn around and rest my head against his chest. He tucks my head under his chin. His bare skin is warm from the morning sun pouring into the clean living room and heat from the blankets he had pulled over us last night.

"All I want is for you to be happy and safe," he mumbled.

"I am. I promise." His grip tightens slightly and he turns his face to look down at me.

"I mean it."

"So do I."

"We should get ready to go to the store."

"Jason, I don't have clothes here," I said as I followed him to his closet. He pulls a grey henley over his head and crosses to where one of the large cabinets stands against a wall next to his suits.

"Well...I fixed that." He slid a mirror back to reveal 3 shelves of jeans and tops folded neatly and several casual dresses, two belted coats, and three skirts hanging above a rack of shoes.

I gaped. Then blinked twice. "Jason...Did you get all this for me?" I examined the clothing to find it all in my size. I found Levis skinny jeans, Calvin Klein shirt dresses, Ralph Lauren polo shirts, and an assortment of flats, sneakers, and sandals from Sam Edelman.

"Yeah," he answered. "Are you okay with it?"

I turned around to face him. "I'm absolutely okay with it." He grinned.

"Okay then. Go ahead and change your clothes. There's some shampoo and lavender soap in the shower if you'd like to use it. Towels are in the cabinet next to the toilet room."

"I feel spoiled," I teased. He ducked down and hoisted me up to sit on the cabinet in the center of the room and stood between my knees. "Seriously, you don't have to spend money just to make me happy."

"You're right. I don't. But I want to. Nina only ever wanted expensive trips and jewelry and perfume. You and she are like day and night. You deserve everything I can give you. So, Miss Skylar Harris, do I have your permission to treat you like a queen every minute of every day? Because I'm getting hungry," he growled playfully.

I laughed and brushed his hair back with my fingers. "Yes. You have my permission to take me on a grand picnic in our bed and feed me strawberries." His eyes changed slightly and he shifted his weight towards me.

"Who said anything about strawberries?" He nibbled on my lower lip and then deepened our kiss. His hands wandered from my knees to skim over my hips, finally dragging me towards him. I curled my fingers into his hair and pulled his head down to ramp up our sweet, soft embrace into full-blown kissing. He opened his mouth and nudged my mouth open with his tongue. I complied eagerly, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him all the way into my body. A growl rose from his chest. Jason's arms held me tightly against him and he caressed my tongue with his. I whimpered slightly and tightened my hold on his waist.

His hands grasped my butt and lifted me off the counter. I broke the kiss, breathing heavily, and met Jason's eyes. His pupils were blown wide. His hands burned against my body. My legs trembled slightly. He carried me to the sofa and sat down with me straddling him. Jason took his right hand off of my butt and cradled the back of my neck. "Do you know what you do to me," he growled. He crushed his mouth against mine and twisted to lay me down on the soft cushions. He lowered himself down on top of me with his elbow braced beside my head. Every inch of us was touching. His body was all muscle, hard and strong, and powerful. I wrapped my legs around his waist again and relished his scent. His hand slid under the small of my back to press me harder against him. Another harsh groan escaped him when I sucked on his tongue and pulled him tighter between my thighs. He pulled away when I moaned.