(Karter's pov)

my name is Katherine Uley,but my buds call me Karter. I'm 14 years old and my brothers Sam Uley is I repeat a jackass,my dad is Joshua Uley but he left me when I was 8. Literally he just packed a suitcase and left,he left me 2000$ and a credit card with some money still left on it.

Anyways I'm a complete tomboy.i love playing sports especially football and basketball,I'm on an all boys football team,and an all boys basketball best friends names are. Seth,Alexander,Matthew,Nathan,and are on my basketball team but Seth,Alexandr,and Nathan are on my football team too.

they don't treat me like a girl...and no I'm not treat me like I'm one of the guys,i burp with them ,fart with them, and eat with 're like siblings, I've known them since I was like 4,Seth I've known longer than the others I especially like his older dated Leah but then broke her heart to date her cousin Emily,so I might have maybe destroyed his laptop,camera,and tv in his room...maybe.

but 2 moths ago he stopped caring for stopped coming home at night, he now spent his nights and days with his fiancé Emily.i now live on my own and the tribe or something pay the used to be the best big brother ever then he went on steroids and have muscles the size of my head,and A Freaking eight pack... .WHAT THE HELL.

he even took Jacob Black,Paul Lahore...oh I'm sorry Lahote,Embry Call,Jared Cameron,Leah Clearwater,and even sweet Quil Atera and made then join his cult .in his cult they have a big ass tattoo on their bicep,and they grew like a foot,once again... .WHAT THE HELL.

(Karter's pov)

I woke up and got dressed in a pair of blue jeans,white T-shirt,and a red zip up sweatshirt with red converse.i braided my hair to the side,brushed my teeth,grabbed my sport bag and back pack and ran .on my way down i ran into a wall.i look up to see Sam.

"morning Karter where are you going this early",he asked.

"I have an early football practice",I say.

"you play football",he asked.


"since when".

"since I was 10".


"yeah,well I gotta go meet Seth ,his mom is driving us to the practice".

"your on an all boys team".

"yeah they don't have any girls teams".

(Awkward silence)

"well bye",I said running to Seth's house.

i made it 10 minutes early,i saw Seth in the car with his mom.

"morning Seth morning Sue",I greeted them.

"good morning",they chorus.

i sat in the seat next to Seth and buckled grabbed my hand and his mom drove .NOOOOO WE ARE NOT DATING,we just hold hands friendly like,were more like hopped out of the car when we got the school,we ran around back to the locker rooms.i went in the girls and changed I put on my sport pants and a matching T-shirt ,then I laced up my football shoes,put on my pads and jersey, then grabbed my helmet and ran out to the all gathered in a circle and took a knee for coach.

"alright guys and girl tomorrow we have a game against Forks football team,now Karter your going to have to face a boy again now what do you do if he pushes you down",he asks.

"get up and push him down",I reply.

"good now Anderson your going to guard Uley",she ordered.

"got it coach",he said.

"good now drop and give me 50,then 5 pacers",he ordered.

we got down and started doing 50.i finished before all the other guys so I started my pacers.i was on my 2nd pacer when everyone got our pacers done then coach ordered us to throw the ball back and forward with a partner.i got Seth we threw from 20 feet,and everyone else did 10 feet.

we finished and raced back to the locker rooms to change for school.i changed back into my clothes,grabbed my backpack and ran to the main building.i walked up to the front and ran up the steps to hit yet another wall.

"dammit",I said.

"sorry whoever I hit",I said rubbing my forehead.

"it's okay uh...Katherine Uley",he said.

"uh just Karter",I corrected him.

"and you are",I say.

"oh I'm Jared,Jared Cameron",he replied.

"oh well nice meeting you uh well I better be going uh bye",I say going into school.

that was weird.