sammansonrepilica, isn't it. Danny has dealt with ghosts, but what will he do against a demon?

TheAngelofIego, yeah, no pretty ominous, but we all know that Danny won't let her go without a fight.

Danny rushed toward the house, his footsteps echoing around him as the dome over him grew bigger, screams of pain and horror filling his ears, but there was one that hit him deep. "Sam!" The Goth was screaming in pain, her cries louder than the others around him and he seemed to find the strength, the power surging forward from his core. "I'm coming! I promise I won't let you go!" Surging forward he hit the house, phasing through the wall and into the heat of Sam's room. His eyes fell on her body just as it sank all the way into the sheets. His green eyes grew wide as he rushed to her side, her fingers still visible.

"Oh, here comes the prince to save the day!" came a sinister voice, the deep baritone mocking as it chuckled in delight. "Too bad that you are too late! She's mine and now she will forever taste the pain of hell!" The halfa let out a growl as he reached out for the slender fingers of the Goth. He managed to grasp her hand, his own gloved hands wrapping around her. A cry slipped from her lips as she was tugged up, her body feeling the suction of being dragged down and pulled forward at the same time. Danny didn't want to hurt her, but he couldn't lose her! He would cease living if he lost her.

"I won't let you have her!" Danny hissed, his voice rough as he struggled to bring her back. The voice grew angry now, the room growing hotter as the halfa managed to tug her out, her skin flushed from the heat as he sweat bullets, but as she fell on him he felt happier, his arms coming around her to pull her closer to his hot form.

"Well, if you want her so bad then you both can join me in hell!" As he screamed his agenda the room shuddered, the walls cracked with the momentum. Danny held onto his Goth, her arms coming around his neck with the strength of a newborn, her small mews all that could be heard as she cried. Just as Danny felt the heat grow hotter the ground fell out from under them, the pair falling into the darkness, the abyss of Eric's hell.

Eric stood above them when they awoke, his body different from what Sam remembered of him, but Danny recognized him as he stood up, the heat around them making everything wavey. Sam felt the heat more than the males, her human body unable to handle the temperature, but she stood strong, still holding onto the halfa. Danny could feel the shaking from his partner, her small body wet on the back, but when he looked down he found himself looking at blood, not water, on his hands. Looking at the woman clinging to him he wasn't sure if she knew and decided that he wouldn't tell her as he pulled his shirt off.

"What are you doing?" she questioned as he pulled it over her head. It wasn't heavy or hot like she expected, but she was unsure why he was pulling it on. Looking down she remembered that she had nothing on except for a shirt and shorts. Then she seemed to see the blood trickling down her legs. She noticed the blood on the shirt too and wondered briefly which one of them was hurt.

"So, you think that you can hold us here, Eric?" Danny inquired of the smirking male. "Not likely." Sam was confused, her eyes locking with the black ones above her. Who was this? She had been talking to Chris a moment before Danny arrived and now this other male appeared. Had Chris been possessed? Eric smirked, his lips curling into an evil grin.

"Seems someone has been doing research, too bad Sam didn't do that. This could have been avoided, but I should have done just as much since now I am doomed." Black brow rising Danny wondered what he was talking about. "I can only be with someone who can give me their whole heart, but this human cannot do that with her love for the halfa, you." Now Danny turned to Sam, the Goth flushed with both heat and embarrassment.

"If you can't have her then let her go! You can settle this with me!" Danny growled. The dark haired male floating over them shook his head. "Why the fuck not!? She didn't deserve any of this!" the halfa said gesturing around them. "She is a good person and doesn't deserve Hell!"

"I don't care what she deserves from her peer's point of view. She is the reason I may never take on a human form outside of Hell! She has forced me to break my contract with the king of this domain and as she is the problem she will stay and burn with me, though she might not make it long and then it will not matter." Danny looked confused and Eric looked surprised, fake of course, as he began to gloat. "Do you not know, halfa, how the dimensions work?" He shook his head. While the pair talked Sam tried to focus on the task of staying awake beside her ghost friend. His cool body was the only thing keeping her up as she held onto him. She could feel her body growing weaker the longer they stood there.

"The Ghost Zone has those with obsessions, whether it be good or bad as you have seen. Frostbite is a good guy and obsessed with the world being good or in his case, the Ghost Zone while hell is for evil people, unfortunately if you die in either you are stuck in that dimension until you are killed. Then you are either in the abyss between the worlds or you move on." Danny got it at that moment. If Sam died here then here she would remain unless someone killed her soul. If that were to happen there was no telling where she would go and if she would be free. Looking down at her he could see the sweat that was trickling down from her temples. With a quick curse he used his ice power to make it colder around them, a shield forming around the pair. It kept the heat off them, not that he could feel it as much as she could.

"I will do whatever I need to to defeat you," Danny swore. "I know that you aren't a ghost now, but a demon and that would be tricky since I'm not Sam or Dean with my unlimited knowledge on your type." Eric chuckled. Sam was feeling better, but she was still confused as to the fact that this guy had Chris' voice, but didn't look like him. She was still sure that Chris had been possessed and now Danny was fighting the man she loved. Looking up at the halfa she found her heart pounding. She had loved him at one time too and when that had failed she had found real love. You couldn't love more than once anyway, not truly.

Danny didn't attack since he wasn't sure how to take the other man down, but it had to do with what Depression said. She had said they were the halfs that would make each other whole and that Eric would hide it. Was that the key to turning this all around? It was a chance he had to take so turning from the other dark haired male he looked down at the woman before him, the one wearing his shirt over her small hurt form. Sam was a strong woman, you could see it in the way she stood next to him and yet she needed him to hold her up without question. She was the other half to him because not only did he love her with every fiber of his being, but she was his other half that kept him sane and happy.

Sam looked to him now, her eyes holding confusion and that wasn't the only thing he saw. He remembered what Dani had said to him about the eyes so he looked deeply into her amethyst orbs. They sparkled back at him and without saying a word he leaned down, his lips brushing those lids as they closed, the heat that came off of her body making him warm. She whimpered softly as he kissed one eyelid and then the other, his kisses like butterflies tickling her. He then pulled back and it was like looking at a different person. Her eyes were brighter now, as if a veil had been lifted off of them.

"Danny?" she breathed in confusion. He nodded as he leaned forward again, this time his lips touching her warm ones, her breath coming out in pants even before the touch of his own. She was leaning toward him now, allowing him to kiss her with his pent up passion. As her lips opened on a gasp Eric let out a growl, his hands flying forward causing what looked like Danny's ghostly wail without the sound. As the ice orb shock the pair broke apart, their hands grasping onto the others arms to stay steady. The other male thought he had won, but Sam smiled up at her halfa, her hands reaching for his face as she leaned to kiss him again. It seemed to be answer to the puzzle as her heart was open and her mind full of her one true love. "Danny."

"NOOO!" Eric screamed as he began to attack in earnest, his blasts hitting the ice orb with little effect as Sam's memories became clearer, her false love of Chris and her true love of Danny. As they pulled back Sam found that her body felt lighter, the amethyst orbs looking into Danny's green ones before the pair turned to watch as Eric was torn away from the orb, his body ripped down the middle without actually killing him. His blood bled black under him like oil spilling from a tanker. It was slow and sticky, clinging to it's owner as his skin began to melt and fall off. Before either could tell what was happening a shadow appeared before the other male, his expression of terror telling them that he was Eric's master, the one that he made the broken deal with. Chanting was heard from the shadow as Eric's skin continued to melt away.

"Don't look," Danny whispered as he pulled her face into his chest. She let out a squeak and was silent as Danny closed his own eyes. The shadow drew out Eric's soul sending his body to the ground in a disgust pile of blood, skin and bones. The pair waited only seconds before they looked up, the feeling of fresh air hitting them. Sam and Danny looked around them at her room, the place feeling lighter in comparison to what it had been. Before Danny could say one word the Goth took his hand and yanked him for the door.

"Let's get out of here," she whispered. The halfa nodded and with a quick movement had his woman in his arms, the Goth grabbing him around the neck as they went intangible. As soon as they were out though Danny looked down at the raven haired beauty in his arms. She could see the question in his eyes and knew what to say, her lips curling. "Only once. You can only love once and that was you from the word go." The halfa smiled, his lips crashing on hers as they headed away from the home that had been an illusion and the relationship that had been an escape.