JD: This is a slight cross over and it contuses into Riptide (Chapter 11 up) to the next one of the series which will be Mechies which WILL be a crossover not just have crossover moments! Plus sidestories that are going to be CUTE or AWESOME (thanks to my betas)

Cyberlover chapter one: new home pfft

I sat in the small office with suckers in front of me with an all smiles woman. The man sitting beside me no other than my latest so call family member I've been pawn off on. This is nothing new for me. When I can I'm leaving my family for good.

"Mr. Wilken, please sign here and we will order her a gym uniform. Then you are done." she said way to happily. No one is THAT happy ever. My uncle sign the paper then turn to me. I rolled my eyes taking the bag he was holding walking out. They won't even give me a map or get someone to show me around!

In one hand is my papers. Meaning my class schedule, my locker number and code, and my letter to show the gym couch to excuse the lack of gym uniform. My bag is across my chest. The Stark Enterprise logo on it. Oh did you not realize I'm a Starky? I mean anything good is made by him then they made the movie after him and all that. He's my hero.

I stop in front of the class it says I'm suppose to go into. The room is slam full. I took a deep breath and walked to the teacher handing her my schedule. Looking over it she pointed at a desk in the far back corner with a closed laptop on it.

"That will be where you will work, laptop is only used for research not play." She said as if rehearse which probably was. I nod once heading back there. I heard a few kids snikering and then I felt one of them pull at my pants chains making me trip up.

"What the hell?" I half growl off guard.

"Freak." the boy who done it said to me. I've been called worst so I rolled my eyes walking to the seat and starting on the work that was being pass out. Yuck science. At least teacher seems nice.

My next class being English three, give me a break!

By the period I've been waiting for, computer economics, I was nearly jumping off the wall happy. Fourth period finally rolled by and I shot out of the math class before anyon else. I hate school. Only good things about school is gym class, computer class, and study hall. The rest mostly sucks. I hate gym not cause of the exercise but because of having

to deal with people. I'm antisocial mostly due to torment my family loves to play on me and always moving.

Computer anything is good because computers are electronic and never really lie.

Study hall cause come on anything you want to do as long as it's educational? Score one for the kids!

I sat down at the only empty seat and waited for teacher to come in. When she did she took my paper and read over them. "Well welcome to our school Sage, I'm going to be your computer teacher but just call me Tami."

I sigh in relief. Her name looks hard to say so calling her Tami will be easy. I finish my work early and she told me i could just play around for a bit. Me playing around is me snooping for something interesting.

By the end of class it was lunch time. I asked to stay. Tami said it's fine and took out an apply handing it to me. "That looks important what are you on?" she asked.

"Donno." I answer after taking a bite of the said apple.

"Looks government-y." I smiled looking up at her. Yup I like this woman she acts more like a kid then kids! She shrugged pointing at the screen. Turning around I quickly typed in a code to show my surname: Cyberlover.

Cyberlover: Hello? Lennox: Who are you and how are you on this program? Cyberlover: just call me by my surname. Prime: how are you on this program? Cyberlover: Does it reall matter? i mean here i am oh well just means you need to update your old ratty systems!

The screen then went black. "I think I pissed someone off." I started to put in codes till computer came back. I tried to get back into the government-y looking thingy again but failed. Oh well.

The bell rang to say to go to next class. Glancing at my papers I wanted to cry. The one class that i can't stand at all... history. I got up telling Tami bye then instead of going straight into the creepy history class I went straight. I ended up close to a baseball looking field. I got into the dugout and took out my personal laptop. On the screen my red-brown hair could be seen as my red ironman shirt. My eyes hazel brown with a slight sparkle when it comes to thinking outside of the box. That's how I snoop.

By end of history I still couldn't get the damn thing up so I decided to just goto my next class: six period study hall in the library. I jumped up my chains clinking together as I went walking to where I believe the library is. I got lost, fail on my part. I ended up in teachers' parking lot. I walked back the way I came and ran into a security guard.

"You are not suppose to be here." he snapped at me rudely.

"I'm sorry but I'm lost will you tell me-" cut off by him.

"You can not be here get lost." he snap pushing me back to the building roughly. I rolled my eyes and went inside. I'll have to report him later. It took me nearly to seventh period but i did find the library and got yelled at for trying to skip an easy class. Is study hall a real class? We don't learn in a group so I never counted it as one. I shrugged off my mental battle of questions. I found a nice corner and took down a book about cars out of boredom.

"Look at her she's such a freak. Why is she even here?" I can hear a girl say obviously about me. I could also hear but not make out another girl replying. "Really she's been in jail?" ha that's funny! "She was disown by circus freaks for being to much of one?" They are really this stupid? Thank you bell! It rang before they could finish their bs talk. Gym I sat in the stands watching everyone run laps. Then bell rang to say time to go home.

I got to the lot and sat on the curb waiting and waiting. No one came for a few hours after everyone left. It start to get dark and I have no idea how to get to my uncle's home.

"New home pfft."