I don't own Lucky Dog or its characters.

Beta-reader: terracannon876.

Can somebody tell me why I can't fall asleep? Even Bernardo's finally drifted off... Or at least, that's what I think. I doubt I'm wrong since my back's now an armrest for him, the only thing keeping him up. It's why I can feel his chest inflating and deflating with the breathing of an infant. I sigh with a resignation and an ounce of relief. I'm happy someone here's being blessed with sleep from Up Above. But if he's got so much sleep to spare, why can't I be given an ounce of it, too? Maybe he forgot about me?

I'm shift as minutely as I can to try and seek out some comfort since I don't want to wake Bernardo. I can't sleep because I'm thinking. Or is it because I'm thinking that I can't fall asleep? Whatever. Either way, this is pissing me off! Luchino is already snoring, I heard Ivan blundering along outside the hut, some time ago, but it looks like even he's let temptation take him in the very end.

Yeah, that's right. Just at the very, very end! I'm not sure what exactly he'd been doing this whole time, but I don't think I want to know! I'm trying to erase the memory of him jerking off from my mind, but it's like poking at a cavity. Shit! I'm already hard.

My cock's been on vacation for way too long, and this is what I get in repayment. At least, when it comes time to finally take it in hand, I'll have lots of fun.


I move my hand and slide it between my clenching legs to touch myself a bit. Just a bit! And only through my clothes! I can't be completely sure everybody's asleep, since some of them might just be pretending. I brush my tip with my fingers and indeed, it feels good... I start squeezing it a little. Mm… Wait, hell no, I can't do that here! I don't want to wake Bernardo up. Fuck. Now, my dick's not going to let me sleep a wink. Guess I'll have to jerk it off as hard as I can.

I'm sorry Bernardo, but I have to get out… I can't do it here with all of you around me. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. I haul myself up from the straw-covered floor and get up.

Keeping slow the whole time, I prowl to the exit. I stretch out my hand to keep contact with the wall in the darkness. It'd be real sad if I tripped and fell on my way out, like Ivan'd probably do!

Good. I'm almost outside so I remove my hand from the doorframe and step over the threshold.

First, I need to check my surroundings. At the very least, I want some peace of mind when I jerk myself off.

I go along the hut and eventually find Ivan.

Ah, he's sleeping, which is good. But could he at least zip up his trousers when he's done?!

Jeez... just look at yourself, you stupid dickhead! Your underwear's still over your ass, but it's obvious as day what you were doing!

I didn't want to see him, but now's my chance. I'll leave him to his happy dreams until morning. Just seeing him disgusts me but I thank my lucky stars that he's already asleep. Though, it's not like I haven't seen more disgusting things in prison. But then again … I actually doubt I ever did!

Quietly I walk back to the hut's door. From there, I'll head to the forest. Thank God the moon's really bright tonight. Now I should be able to see everything. Not that I need to see what I'm doing when I get started, but I don't want to get lost in the brush.

It's not often a chance like this visits, so I take yet another look inside the shelter to ensure the others are still resting undisturbed. What luck. It looks like they are.

I leave the place, raked with sharp claws of excitement and anticipation as I carefully head to the forest. And then...

Then and there I see the last capo, The Mad Dog, Giulio di Bondone. No way...! I completely forgot about this guy!

Yeah, I know you shouldn't forget about somebody who was nice enough to find you lodgings for the night and stays on guard to let you sleep in said lodging peacefully, but now... Sorry, Giulio, now you're in my way!

Nevertheless, I don't think I should ignore him. I have absolutely no reason to be rude to him; rather I want to be on good terms with him. I take a few steps in his direction.

Giulio is sitting on a stone with his clasped hands resting loosely upon his lap. The forest - my destination - lay just behind him.

The moment I approach him I see a sudden change in his expression, which disappears just as suddenly. Was it my imagination? Had Giulio really looked scared? His slightly bent head looks up as he gazes at me with expressionless, empty eyes. Or rather, were they sad? Resigned?

"Hey, Giulio," I say warmly as I take a step closer towards him. I see a shade of smile cross his lips, like an animal that had just managed to cross the road before getting squashed by an oncoming car. It had successfully escaped... Now it comes back in its complete splendor.

"Oh… Signor Gian." I'm being welcomed as always, with that suspicious respect and genuine smile.

I think I expected him to say exactly those words and look at me exactly that way. But if so, why the hell am I surprised? It's not like I haven't seen these things before.

Screw that! I have no time for debate. I just wanna get out of here. I don't feel like I should leave without a word though.

Though, now that we're here... Hah... I have completely no idea what I should say to this guy. If it was Ivan or Bernardo, I would have just dropped anything and left the next instant. Luchino would perhaps be more problematic, but Giulio is far more troublesome than all those jerks together combined... We rarely talk, and only exchange words when it's needed.

Now I have completely nothing to say to you, so sorry! I just want to take care of my business, and I'm on my way out to do so!

But this definitely isn't something Giulio'd want to keep in mind during his shift... Better for him to stay oblivious. I would have wanted to stay that way with Ivan!

Jeez… Giulio, we're both dogs... I know you'll understand me! I'm sorry Giulio, but I have to lie to you. Forgive me!

But I can't leave without a word... What's worse, it looks like I've been thinking for too long.

Giulio isn't even looking at me anymore. His eyes look devoid of any life, anchored somewhere in the night's black horizon. Even the moon reflected in his eyes appeared more alive than him.

Man, Giulio looks really worn out. I feel a sincere empathy flowing from my heart to him, but I have my own problems I need to take care of!

Still, I can't leave without a word...

"You must be tired." I inquire simply as I put my hand on the back of my head. I try to act naturally.

"Um," Giulio nods as he smiles. His gentle smile feels kind and honest, "but it's alright." He says that like nothing. Is it easier for Giulio to communicate with me than for me to communicate with him? If that's the case, it sucks.

"You haven't gotten any shuteye for at least two days. You all right?" Not that I did either, but I have to say something.

"Please, do not bother yourself with such things... Signor Gian." Giulio says calmly and smoothly as his gaze leaves mine and travels back to the night's imageless air. "I'm glad I can do what I can at the moment."

Huh? What is he talking about? He's on shift, so the others can do nothing. I know the things in Giulio's reality probably differ from that of a common person, but still... there must be at least a vague hue of connection.

"Glad?" I ask with confusion.

"Yes." Giulio closes his eyes as he nods, visibly contented.

"Sorry for the quick close, but...I need to take a leak." I say the only believable excuse my mind provides as I make a gesture of farewell with my hand.

I think there's been enough discussion. If I leave now, it should look natural.

But now... what?! Am I waiting for his agreement? Or perhaps some kind of confirmation. Confirmation of what, that I need to piss?

Do I need any advice? Do I have something I still need to do here? Why the hell am I still standing in front of Giulio?

Right, Giulio's the third capo while I'm just the temporary fifth one. I'm lower here... I know that. But once we reach Daivan I'm going to be his boss… Besides even if I were a mere subordinate of his I don't think I'm gonna wait for anybody's words when it comes to my physiology!

The worst is I've been standing here so long that I've already started to think about him being an option. His hair and skin look nice for a man, his gestures seem so intimidating that they're enticing. Damn... couldn't I've run into some girl here?

Really, but why? Oh, well, why... And really for what do I need any chicks now? I'm lucky enough to still have my hand after making it out of prison. I guess Giulio's opponents don't even have a limb to jerk off with. Though, they rarely keep their lives as it is, so most of them don't have this problem. Hah. I think I should stay on my toes here!

Jeez... Giulio distracted me now when I have no time to waste. I want to do what I have to and go to sleep happy. Shit. I should have left this place a long time ago...! The more time I spend here the less I'll spend in bed - or rather on the floor. Either way.

"Okay then... I'm going now!" I finally manage to brace myself to say something, and I'm taking my leave, or rather, I make a first step to do just that. I guess I must have appeared pathetic here. At least it looks like that wasn't enough for Giulio.

Giulio unfolds his hands and nods in understanding as he gets up.

Shit! Don't get up! Stay sitting! I'd feel safer knowing Giulio was sitting on that stone the whole time I'm on my quest than if he were wandering around.

"Please, stay careful." Giulio's hand lightly clasps my forearm, two or three times, before it settles on me. His two curious eyes scan me with uttermost focus. "Signor Gian... Please, don't walk too...far away..." The hand on my forearm trembles a little, "and come back... soon."

It sounded like...like he wanted it to sound calm, but I could hear clearly enough a powerful emotion hidden beneath the outermost layer.

"Yeah..." I reply seriously. Giulio's hand lets go of me. "You're right. We won't know when we'll have to leave." I understand what he means. He's completely right here. "I'll do what I must and be back!" I smirk sincerely since I agree with Giulio.

I leave the place. I wave my hand to Giulio before I start to walk into the forest.

Sigh. Somehow I managed to surmount the last barrier, Giulio. I hope there won't be any other barriers until I'm back from my trip to Heaven. Especially such difficult ones.

But now that I'm here, it's not like I'm scared of this forest, but it's a tad frightening. I don't want to be near the others since someone might see or hear me, so I venture deeper into the trees. The sounds of cracking branches and another forest noises visit my ears now and then, summoning a kind of innate fear in me.

I know I have to ignore them, so I do, or rather I try. The hut felt incomparably safer, but my rational mind leads me in the opposite direction. I hope I won't have any problems returning when I finish! (I'm not sure actually where I am...) I hope I won't run into any mad animals on my way! Having cops on my tail is enough of a problem.

I pass a few next trees before catching sight of a very small forest clearing.

Finally. Nobody around.

Now I can do what I want!

I lower my pants together with my underwear, slide it to my thighs and I take myself in my hand, finally… My legs are getting numb. I put my hand on the nearest tree since I feel it'd be better if I had a support for my body during this job.

"Mmh... Haa... Hah..." I finally start to stroke it. It feels as good as I thought... Umm... I could do this the entire night. And day. And the next day. "Mmm... Haa... Mhhaah..."

I was already half-hard the whole way here; a mere few touches and the pre-cum already wets my hand. "Haa... Mwaah... Hah..."

I adjust my hand. I was moving it slow long enough. I skip to my standard pace. "Mmh..." I quicken the pace just a little. It feels like my hand starts to move on its own, faster and faster, "Haa... Ahhh... Nhh... Ah-"

"Whaaaa...!" Ahh... Shit! I've slipped on the grass. I'm falling!

I close my eyes, preparing to meet the cold, heavy ground. But surprisingly, what? Am I still standing? Or have I landed on my ass already? My back is supported indeed, but... it doesn't feel like the forest floor...

"Haa... Ahh... Shit...!" Seriously, I just said everything I was thinking right there. No room for anymore thoughts.

I'd been caught and supported like this a few hours ago...by Giulio.

And like back then - the strong hug from behind is the only thing that lets me keep my feet to the earth...

I open my eyes and see his milky hands returning softly to my chest.