No one could have known it was going to happen. Bright orange eyes glittered hands held defensively in front of himself. He looked human, but there was far more to him then that. Running it was all he knew to keep moving to stay ahead of the dangerous ones. Run as fast as he could he didn't know any better but just like people evolved so did thoughts. Blaze was barely 17 he shouldn't have to run like this.

The tattered jeans that barely hung off his hips made him scratch at the back pocket before he pulled his knife out. It was old, but very sharp. The blade had saved him more then once in a jam. Against this though he was starting to think it wouldn't help him this time. He didn't have a choice but to use it, and that he did not like.

Fingers flexed hair ruffling up as he spoke"You Pedo-creepers went after the wrong guy..."

His nanites were reflex and strength enhancers they also added an elemental kick to his attacks. Flames licked hungrily at his leg before he landed a good solid hit against the strange lizard Evo hopping on one foot speaking."Jesus H Christ! What the hell are you made out of Rock?!"

Blaze was at a loss on what to do so of course in his mind running was a very good option. That was until one of them made a comment on the fire user being a coward. One could almost see the gears in that orange haired head turning before he turned his head."I'm a coward for retreating... Two on one lizard...I don't have a box big enough for your sorry tail..."

Blaze kept dodging and back stepping looking for a way out franticly. It wasn't a good spot to get ambushed. A dead end met his back his eyes narrowing as he smirked"Well time to go to work then.." Taking a stance he broke into a run skidding on his knees underneath the giant Lizard's stomach he latched onto it's tail then proceeded to spin taking the giant lizard with him bashing it into it's companion before releasing it to land some five feet away. Breaking into a run he smirked. At least now they couldn't call him a coward he did stand and fight. Even he knew better then to mess with the Pedo pack though as he liked to call them.

"I'm in over my head..God someone send a little help...Anyone out there...Tch yea..Right B who's gonna listen to a street kid.." Breaking into a full run he accelerated his speed trying to cover more distance. Skidding to a halt he was slammed into by a large round slimy object which wrapped around his waist picking him up. Blaze looked down having rushed into a store to avoid the Pedo Pack he was now in trouble from a new angle. This was not his day his arms crossing as he clenched his fists to block his upper body from being hurt when he was slammed into someone."Oof! That's it!" Orange eyes glowed as he brought his hand down on the slimy thing around his waist laying his hand there he proceeded to give it the hottest tongue it had ever had in it's life. Getting thrown across a room he rebounded off the wall landing in a crouch. Getting guns shoved in your face didn't equal have a nice day in his opinion. What was worse was getting pulled into a fight not your own. He was getting both in one morning. How lucky for him..

Blaze stood unsure what to do before he felt a hand on his shoulder a friendly face smiling"Hey thanks for the help sorry you got all slimed.. That had to feel awesome right?" Blaze blinked before responding"What are you supposed to be a welcoming committee?" The smaller teen laughed before shrugging"Well after getting Providence guns shoved in your face like that thought that you could use a friendly face." Blaze raised one brow speaking"Ahh huh... Yea not buying it shorty..." He'd walk forwards towards the agents before smirking flames starting to lick around his feet."Look unless you gun toting morons move I'm gonna show you the meaning of the term fire storm..." And to top it off in one day he now had two swords in his face. This was just not his day everything was going wrong. He sighed face palming before brushing his bangs back"What the hell is this fate on the rag day? Come on cut me a break.."

"Negative..Cure contain or kill those are the orders.." The green suited sword wielder said bringing his swords up. Blaze barely dodged one before moving to plant his hand on the ground crouching to avoid the second sword he launched a counter strike. Hitting the green suit wearing man in the stomach he spun tossing the man away from himself in an acrobatic move. Getting to his feet he was unprepared for the large metal hands that gripped him carefully." Hey come on knock it off.. He looks terrified Six.." Blaze's head turned as he tried to see who was gripping him. Seeing it was the smaller teenager he gambled taking a chance relaxing.

"Rex we have orders to kill contain or cure all Evo who are rampaging.."

"Um yea but this guy wasn't rampaging he wasn't with Mr. Giggles there he got pulled into it.."

Rex who Blaze now knew was holding him stared at the green suited sword wielding man known as Six. Blaze blinked looking between the two one trying to confess his innocence the other trying to do god only knows what before he spoke"Hey don't I get a say in this?!"

Two faces looked at him one cold and calculating the other concerned and worried. Blaze swallowed going silent seeing the difference in both before staring between the two.

Rex did not release him right away making Blaze start to squirm before he heard Rex speak in Six's direction.

"Oh come on Six, what do we have to lose either taking him with or letting him go..The guy might be pretty helpful.."

"Rex...This boy is not a puppy or a small animal you can hide in your room!"

"I know that god Six do I look stupid?! I mean he can control his like I can! Maybe he could be useful if we could bring him to our side verses ending up another member or worse victim of Van Kleiss.."

Blaze blinked his keen mind putting things together. These people worked against the Pedo Pack? Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing. Maybe Fate wasn't so on the rag as he thought. His head tilting as he spoke."Ahh Rex was it? "

"Yea..I'm Rex the Agro Nanny over there is Six.."

"Ok cool now that I've got names... If your against the Pedo Pack then I want in..I'm sick of them following me..Trying to recruit me..."

Blaze raised one brow before tipping his head"Ok I'm not a threat to you all so you gonna let me go shorty?"

Rex blinked before glaring"I am not short!" Releasing Blaze who stood to his full height leaning down he smirked"Oh yea compared to me your a shorty..." Pale fingers decended tussling black locks before he'd turn walking over to Six glaring at the man before reaching down into the tattered boots he wore pulling his knife from one he'd hand it over as well as the improvised blade in his other boot."...Here...But I want those back..I'd rather die with a blade in my hand then live without it thanks..."

Six studied the blade before slowly giving it back to the young man in front of himself."Keep it if we get attacked on the way back to base you just might need it..."

This was news to Blaze though they were lucky there were no more attacks. It seemed as if fate was giving him a reprieve maybe. A small sigh coming before he was marched into a lab of course. Though at least the doctor was cute if you were into females. A slight raise of the brow coming as he folded his arms laying on the table as directed. Thinking nothing of it he closed his eyes bouncing one foot before he heard the comment of, "Would you please stop bouncing... I can't get a proper reading if you keep bouncing like that..."

Blaze rolled his eyes before resting his arms under his head closing his eyes going quite. Doctor holiday was worried about the attitude of the young man. He was so rebellious she could already tell that. A small slight snort coming as he opened one eye speaking"Hey we almost done yet...I mean seriously how long is this gonna ta.." And he was cut off at the thing being stuck in his mouth. Glaring he chewed on the end in his mouth orange eyes going red in annoyance. This did not go missed by Holiday who made a comment." Weren't your eyes orange a second ago?"

"So? What of it...Their eyes they change color with my mood..." Blaze leveled those red eyes on the doctor who raised one brow making a note of it but other then that she said nothing.

After ten more minutes laying on the table Blaze finally decided he had enough and simply got up tossing his ragged jacket over one shoulder walking out of the lab while the doctor's back was turned. Yes this went over real well with the higher ups though. He was met with a glaring Six who pointed"Your supposed to be in the labs right now Kid..."

Blaze shrugged before speaking"I don't do well sitting still Agent Six..Sides that I'm getting sick of sitting on my butt on a table getting poked and prodded..."

Six raised one brow before speaking"We all do things we don't want to do here... You have two choices you may return to the lab by your self or I can escort you.."

Blaze shook his head before clenching one fist"Your not too good with kids are you Agent Six? We're Rebellious little shits sometimes... I don't think you can handle me..In fact I know you can't handle me.."

Six didn't show it but the man did enjoy a challenge and this one was a big challenge. He knew Blaze's weakness was for some reason Rex. It just so happened that they were right outside Rex's door who opened it a pair of headphones on stopping to blink looking between the two tense older males before speaking "Six what's going on?"

"Blaze is supposed to go to the labs why don't you escort him down there Rex?"

"Oh yea? Sure I gotta go down anyways I can show him the way, it's not a problem Six."

"I just came from there I really don't want to go back... She's just gonna set me on the little table again and shove something else in my mouth.."

Rex blinked before letting out a chuckle speaking"She's good for that but come on might as well get it done and over with.."

Blaze grit his teeth putting his hands in his pockets turning to follow Rex down after shooting Six a look. This just wasn't his day one bit as they walked back into the labs Rex was directed to the table and he was directed to sit. Blaze was at his wits end by the time the two got released from the labs finally. All he wanted was a warm meal maybe a shower and some fresh clothes. Did he get them? After two more hours of questioning and answering he finally got what he wanted all three of them.

Six eyed the now cleaned up teen before pointing"Your sharing a room with Rex we didn't really have warning of this so it'll have to do for now.."

Blaze raised one brow at the Monkey in the room before speaking"Great now I can say I have slept with a Monkey.."

He was not prepared to have the monkey make a retort back."Don't flatter yourself pretty boy I was here first.."

Blaze narrowed red eyes before walking over a smirk coming."Huh a talking Chimp now I have seen it all.. Something tells me your not the shorty's pet so what's your role here.."

The monkey known as Bobo raised one brow before gripping a bar looking to Blaze"Shorty? Ahh I happen to be a good shooter and a street wise member of the team... Where as you are a rookie and fresh from the street.."

Blaze's smirk grew as he spoke"Tch I could take you any day monkey no problems..You think blades are the only things I deal with?"

The two stared before Rex came walking in weaving around Blaze to flop on the bottom bunk."Are you guys fighting cause it's almost lights out..."

Glaring Blaze caught the bottom of the bunk to pull himself up dropping onto the bunk sliding under the blanket he'd huff before the lights went out the room going completely dark. Rex's quiet breathing was broking by snoring suddenly the room going bright as day as Blaze blinked holding one hand up looking around. Where the hell was that sound coming from?! His eyes went from Rex to the monkey before he scowled dousing the flame that gathered on his fist he let his head drop onto the pillow once more looking annoyed. This did not spell have a good night for him. Fingers clenched before he eruptly tossed his pillow at the monkey with perfect aim to hit the simian in the face making the monkey drop from his perch landing on the ground. Bobo scowled at the Smirking Teenager who turned his back on the monkey before Bobo climbed back up on his perch. Blaze was used to sleeping without a pillow it didn't bother him. What did bother him was noises. The lights suddenly going on in the room made Blaze groan putting his head up to look towards the door. There stood Six one brow raised. Blaze had fallen asleep curled up but now had one leg hung over one arm flopped over the edge as well. The arm that was hung over the edge moved to brush bright orange locks of hair back from sleepy blue eyes."..Mmm what..."

Six spoke quietly"Lets go Blaze we're going to see what your made of today..White Knight's orders..Before we take you on as a member we need to see what you can do...

Author's note: Yes Cliff hanger of sorts I couldn't help it it's been a while since I've tried to go a different way rather then my normal thing. Blaze crawled in and he wouldn't leave so I couldn't help it..

Disclaimer: I don't own it Man of Action owns it I'm just borrowing it.. I own Blaze alone.