Klik- under a second-second

Breem- 8.3 minutes-minute

Joor- 6 hours-hour

Orn- 2 weeks-day

Vorn- 83 years-year

"Primus, your slow!" Ghost pulled the lightning blue mech by the cuffs attached to their wrist joints. Stormrider gave out a low snarl, glaring daggers into the young femme's back.

"I wouldn't have to be if someone didn't insist on going into enemy lines during a battle!" He jumped back as the eerie white femme recoiled at him, jabbing a digit at his chest plate accusingly.

"I am no sniper, if I fight; I fight with my servos. Not hide behind some gun scoop." She turn on him and kept walking, her form seemed to dissolve into the shadows. Stormrider muttered something about insane femmes, then promptly ran face first into Ghost's back. She clasped her free hand over his mouth when he tried to speak. He followed her intense gaze below them, a group of decepticons mingled below.

"Come on, glitch faces! We got Autoscum knockin' at the door! Get yur sorry cans in gear!" Stormrider took a defencive step back, his back clanged against the service duct's wall. Multiple ruby red optics locked on them, blaster materialized and whirred to life.

"Scrap!" Both 'Bots yelled in unison as the paneling gave way from underneath them. One of the larger decepticons grew an energy blade out of his subspace, and brought the blade down on them.

Ghost, pulled her cuffed arm up to block causing her partner to yelp in surprise. The blade sliced right through the center of the cuffs, and the young Autobots were free. Gold optics shone with glee.

"Thanks for the sword!" She spun with her arms, kicking the large con straight in the face plate. The enemy yelled in shocked and dropped the sharp weapon. Ghost snatched it up in her grasp and stabbed a decepticon in the mid-section. "What are you waiting for? Move slaggit!"

Stormrider subspaced his small battle blaster (pistol sized) with a nod and shot another decepticon right between the optics. He repeated the action with the next enemy. The large 'Con stumbled up, both Autobots now knew that their last standing enemy was over three times taller than them. The dent on the side of his face showed where Ghost had kicked him.

"You puny Autobots are going to regret-" He screamed in pain as a large, silver blade penetrated through his spark chamber. Ruby optics flickered out and the body greyed. The blade slid out of it's spot and the body clattered to the ground. Nightblade and the team were standing there. Their leader raised an optic ridge at the duo in front of him. Both young adult Autobots looked at eachother, then collapsed onto the dusty ground laughing.

"That was awesome! We should do that again!" Stormrider rolled onto his side, vents hiccuping for air.

Ghost giggled like crazy. "I'm up for it."


Ghost sat up, rubbing her optics. Remembering this dream cycle, her first mission... she shook her head. Her comm link buzzed with Sonicflare's voice.

.: Hey Ghosty, you're gonna come get your earth alt mode or what?:. Oh, that's right. They were getting their vehicle modes today... wonderful.

.: Sorry, I'm on my way:.


"Come on 'Dragon! You can't really believe that I would do that, I'm not that stupid."

Ghost frowned as she walked into the central hub, her quiet footsteps never alerted the two bickering femmes that she had arrived. Blackdragon's turquoise optics glowed with distaste.

"Right, which means that I didn't find Prowl unconscious from a processor glitch. So of course it wasn't you, I'm foolish it have believed it was." Sonicflare frowned.

"Three things. One; I am no stranger to sarcasm. Two; I haven't seen Prowl all day. And three; I AM NOT THE ONLY PRANKSTER IN THIS FRAGGING BASE!" The orange femme took a step closer, both of them look like they would tear each other apart. Ghost finally stepped in to intervene.

"Wow, let's just calm down and not like like bickering younglings or I will request Icefang to come down here!" Her friend and sister glared at each other once more, then separated. "So, I got commed down here for an alt."

"Well, me and 'Dragon-"

"Blackdragon and I" The ebony femme corrected her, Sonicflare rolled her optics and continued.

"We already got our alts, we were waiting for you to show; slacker."

"Coming from the person who has done nothing but monitor duty since we arrived." Blackdragon shook her head in despair. Sonicflare shot a metal-melting death glare at the mellow Autobot.

"My opinion still stands: You weren't my boss I'd shoot you."

"Duly noted." Deciding to ignore the continuing dispute, Ghost explored the computer terminal that displayed multiple ground based vehicle modes. One caught her optic sensors. Humans call it a Mazda Miata, she liked the design; it was small and seemed to go pretty fast on it's own. She uploaded the blueprints to her transformation cog and turned the power to the terminal off. The two femmes behind her looked at her.

"You finished?" Sonicflare tilted her head, both sister's rolled their optics.

"I am going to have to agree with Blackie on this one, your grammar is... feeble at best." Sonicflare's frown etched deeper.

"Nice vocab you got there, traitor."

"Hey, I got to go with my her on that!" She raised her hands up in defence. "Well, I'm getting some energon. See you two later; don't kill each other."


Ghost sat down in her corner of the recreation room. Others were chatting or refueling, she didn't bother to find out what else. Pulling a datapad from her subspace, she was oblivious to the mechs around her. They gave her privacy. Well... at least some of them.

"Uh, Hi!" She tilted her head up from her book to meet a silver mech of Praxian design. "I'm Bluestreak. I didn't really get a chance to say 'hello' to you before so I thought now would be a good time to do so. I heard you were training a couple days ago on the hardest difficulty. I mean- that's really amazing! You could probably take on a ton of decepticons just by yourself! It's just..."

He continued his babbling, other Autobots looked at them. Mainly, Ghost's widen optics; some of them cracked up laughing. They thought it was amusing to see one of the most talkative Autobots literally scare the new femme with his constant chatter.

After a while, Bluestreak left for his shift on patrol and Ghost headed back to her quarters for some rest. Rubbing her helm after the verbal spue she had just listened to.

Something chilled her, not the temperature... it felt like something, sinister was watching her. She spun on her heel, facing only the dark hallway. She could still feel someone looked at her.

"Hello, is anybot there?" As expected, no answer. She gave a heavy vent of air and continued on her way.

"Let the hunt begin." She stopped at the stone cold voice, she spun around once more, only to again to see nothing but the hall. This time she picked up her pace into a run.

Entering the code to her quarter's she closed the door and locked it as fast as she had entered. She dropped to the ground, knees pulled close to her chest. The image of a tall silver mech with blood red eyes and razor sharp claws replayed vividly through her mind.

She would not rest tonight...


Jazz sat in front of a wall of monitors. Sonicflare tapped her digits impatiently on the keyboard, muttering.

"Hey, 'Flare. I gotta question for ya'." The tapping stopped.


"How did you meet Ghost?" He received no immediate reply. He glanced over his shoulder to find Sonicflare staring at the lower row of monitors blankly.

She didn't know what to tell him: the truth, or a lie. She made Ghost a promise...but, she couldn't stand seeing her ally... her friend like that.

"It's a long story..."

"I got time, monitor duty is pit spawned anyways."


Sonicflare watched an ebony black femme bark orders to several other femmes on their team from her perch above their rescue ship. A deeply etched frown on her face plates.

"Hey Blackie, I know she's your sister and all. But the others didn't make it out of there alive, and NightBlade sure as frag didn't." She hopped down to the ground next to her leader, who scowled.

"We're going after her because I can still feel her, she's alive but seriously hurt. I tried to warn her not to leave Iacon, especially after NightBlade's... death. That pit spawn Silvertalon was waiting for her to leave the security of the city."

"And look where that got her." She placed her free hand on her hip as she read through the list of supplies. "You know the ship is going to go a lot slower with all the medical scrap on board."

"But it's completely necessary if we find her going critical." A silver blue femme ran up to them. Sonicflare rolled her optics.

"Icefang, only a medibot like you would think all that slag would help."

Icefang jabbed a digit at her. "And yet that 'medical scrap' saved your sorry aft multiple times whenever your little battle techniques go from hero to zero."

"Both of you, enough. Icefang; get the last of the supplies on the ship now or we're leaving. Sonicflare; mute it or I'll have Icefang deactivate your vocalizer." Blackdragon stormed onto the ship, leaving both femmes to do their respected task.

Primus, I just hope we get to you in time Ghost... She vented heavily, Icefang and Sonicflare sat down and gave her the go.

The ship went over the flat metal surface of Cybertron, she's here... Blackdragon lowered the ship into a descent and landed. She stood from her seat.

"Sonicflare with me. Icefang, prepare your equipment and be ready to roll with we need assistance." Icefang nodded and went to work readying the medical equipment. Sonicflare gave a distasteful groan, and stretched her arms.

"Great, this is exactly what I like to do for fun." Both femmes transformed and sped off, Blackdragon's aerial mode shot off into the distance.

Sonicflare stopped and reversed back to her robot mode, kneeling down to see a trail of fresh energon. She opened her comm link.

.:Blackie, you might want to come back here:.

.:Did you find her?:. Her normally calm voice was tense.

.:No, but I found a trail and it's still fresh. Tell Icy to get her medical scrap ready:. She followed the trail all the way to a small crack in the side of one of the many naturally metal and mineral formations, she ducked down. Yep, the trail lead straight down into there. Blackdragon and Icefang appeared behind her. The medibot shifted uneasily.

"From the amount of energon she has appeared to have lost, Im suprised her systems haven't kicked in and put her into a stasis lock yet."

Sonicflare pinched the bridge of her olfactories. "Icy."


"Mute it before Blackie offlines ya'." She looked from the crack, to them, then back. "I guess I'm the only one small enough to actually fit in through that..."

Moments later, she found herself squeezing through the tight gap. She cursed at herself. Seconds later, she pulled herself free and stared at the pitch black cave like area.

"Hey Blackie, toss me a light source!" As a reply, a cylinder like lamp rolled at her pedes. Finally with the lamp, Sonicflare saw the immobile bleeding body of Blackdragon's younger sibling.

The sight itself was gruesome. Her armor was shredded and cut. Various parts of her protoform were exposed and bleeding out energon. The massive dent in the back of her helmet was just sickening. She knelt beside her, gently touched her shoulder. The femme jerked away and let out a pained scream. Coolant streamed heavily from her frizzing gold optics, which were wide with fear and pain.

"Easy, I'm here with your sister. We're gonna get you back to Iacon." The tattered femme barely acknowledged the response. Sonicflare looked back towards the entrance, there was no way in Primus Ghost would fit through there. "Guys, you gotta get that opening wider."

Blackdragon's voice rang out. "Already on it!" The sound of metal being violently hacked to pieces followed.

Soon enough, they got a twitching Ghost onto the ship and Icefang was already working on patching up her grievous wounds.

"Sonic, I need you over here. I have to remove her back plating!" Rolling her optics, She helped the medibot pull of the torn plating away, both of their faces changed to shock as soon as it was removed.

"Are those...?" Sonicflare repeatedly shuttered and unshuttered her optics. Icefang leaned over.

"Blackdragon, where did you say you two were from again?" The ebony femme looked up from her seat, flustered.

"Iacon...why?" She finally stood and walked over. She caught glimpse of her sister and stopped dead, mouth agape from shock. Her back was fine in exception for the minor cuts, but there were small door hinges.


"Wait a minute... she's from Praxus?!"

Sonicflare shrugged, "We never found out, but Blackie sure didn't know and she's her sister." She vented air. "Don't tell them I told you... they'll kill me."

Jazz nodded, and went back to staring at the monitor wall. He decided he would dive deeper into this whole case later.

Sonic, ya gotta big mouth... *sigh* This chapter seems like it was mainly flash backs...