Review of Last chapter:
"I have to feed him."
"No." I said softly, catching her arm, "Stay here."
She looked up at me, seemingly mystified, before settling back. Andrew had been refusing bottles…He obviously knew his mother, and that she could feed him the milk he craved. The doctor had given us careful instructions and some meds and she'd been able to work her body into relactation, so that she could breastfeed again.
Rose gingerly pulled down the left side of her shirt until her breast sprang free. I held the fabric down and she carefully situated Andrew until he latched greedily onto her breast, sucking contentedly. I ran my thumb over his cheek, catching the skin of her breast and she shivered, leaning her head against my arm. I moved my fingers slowly to the other side of her shirt, watching her reactions carefully as I pulled down on the fabric until her breast was bare on that side too. She didn't ward me off, or seem nervous, but I could tell she was having struggles breathing.
I took her nipple between my thumb and index finger kneeding and rolling until it was hard beneath my touch. She moaned low in her throat,
"Oh God, Dimitri, please wait until he'd done feeding, or I'm not going to last."


I took a deep steadying breath, as I lay Andrew down in a hotel crib that I had gone 'first time mother' on when I cleaned it, and bundled him up so that he would stay warm. I'd decided to put the crib in the bathroom so that Dimitri and I could talk without disturbing him. I'd pondered it for forever, but after thorough inspection, decided that it was clean enough. I stood there for a second longer than I needed just so I could collect my thoughts, before I turned and walked out of the bathroom to face the man of my dreams who was still sitting on the bed.
He grabbed my wrist and gave it a firm pull once I was close enough, and I toppled down across him and onto the other side of the bed. I stifled a giggled, hiding my face in the blankets for a moment,
"If you wake Andrew, I might have to kill you." I murmured into the blankets and heard him laugh quietly. I squeaked as he grabbed me around my waist suddenly, and pulled me up to straddle his thighs. I leaned down and lay my head against his shoulder,
"You know….I haven't been with anyone since what happened to me."
He pulled me back and tipped my chin up so that I had to look at him,
"Are you afraid?"
"Not of you." I whispered back.
He kissed my forehead,
"Does it gross you out?" I asked, he stilled, and I swallowed.
He grabbed me on either side of my face,
"Don't ever say that."
"Rose." He said, cutting me off in warning and I rolled my eyes, leaning back against him,
"Bossy, recently."
"That's because you're a danger magnet."
I leaned back,
"Am not!"
"Are too."
"I don't-"
He rolled us over and I squealed, and he pressed his lips to mine, taking it into him so that Andrew wouldn't hear.
"Don't wake Andrew or I might have to kill you." He mimicked me and I smiled,
"You couldn't win in a fight against me."
His eyes took on a mischievous glint, and I gasped as he suddenly cupped between my legs.
"D-Dimitiri…" I breathed, distracted.
"Regardless, I could win a fight against you any day, but, I could win it that much easier, depending on what I did…" he hand slipped beneath my shirt, and it was as if it was perfect obvious to him that I wasn't wearing a bra. I swallowed as he grasped my breast in his hand and teased me. My breath hitched, I hadn't even been with a man. I had been with, excuses for men, who had taken advantage of me. But, I had never truly been pleasured and taken care of. Especially by a guy like the Russian God leaning over me.


I watched as pleasure suffused Roza's face as I played with her. She moaned as I teased her breast once more. I knew that she'd never willingly been with a guy before, and I planned on making it the best experience she'd ever had. I pulled my hands away and, careful of how she reacted, I began to undress her until she lay naked beneath me. I ran my hands down her beautiful body and she squirmed,

"Dimitri, please!" She whimpered, and I laughed,
"Excited are we?"
"You could say that!" She breathed, and I smiled and leaned down close to her ear,
"Don't worry, I'll take care of that."
She blushed a beautiful pink that spread throughout her face, down her neck and then to the tops of her breasts.
I kissed a trail down from her throat, between her beasts, down her stomach to her most sensitive spot. I pulled her legs up and position them apart from each other, and she squirmed,
"What are you thinking?" I asked, and she blushed deeper,
"This is embarrassing."
"It shouldn't be." I said back, quietly, "Not for a beautiful girl like you."
She let out a quiet cry of ecstasy as I bent down and my lips and tongue found their intended target.
"Oh, oh, Dimitri, please, I'm begging you!"
I tortured her for the next few minutes as she writhed beneath my hands which held her still.
I pressed her to her edge, and felt her begin to shake, and decided to have mercy.
I carefully covered her mouth and she screamed into it as I brought her to the utmost pleasure. Just as she reached her peak, I slid into her, and her eyes closed with content. I leaned down to her ear again,
"I love you, Rose." I murmured in her ear, and she sighed,
"Don't let me go." She whispered, and I shook my head,
She smiled, and I could see the flicker of fear in her eyes as she murmured back,
"I love you too."


When I woke in the morning, I was sore…but in a good way…And for all the right reasons. Everything was perfect; I lay in Dimitri's arms, my head resting on his chest, and he held me tightly as if I were a lifeline.
"Have you been watching me sleep?" I asked, and felt him chuckle,
"How long have you been awake?"
"Only like 5 minutes."
"Then, yes. I have."
"That's creepy."
His fingertips skimmed the skin of my back, and I shivered,
"If you say so. But, that didn't stop me."
I laughed, but sat up,
"No." He said, pulling me back down, and I laughed a little louder,
"I have to go get my son."
"Is he crying…?" Dimitri asked, looking up at me with curious eyes as I sat back up,
"No. But he's about t-"
A wail came from the bathroom and Dimitri's eyes widened, and I smiled cheekily,
"How did you-" He began,
"I'm psychic." I replied, grabbing a t-shirt out of his bag and sticking my tongue out at him as I pulled it over my head, and walked into the bathroom.
"Hey baby boy." I said, smiling as I picked him up. His arms went around my neck and I smiled. He pouted, but didn't cry as I changed his diaper, and dressed him. When I carried him back out into the room, Dimitri was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and I cocked my head to the side,
"I don't think I've ever seen you wearing jeans before."
He smiled, but didn't reply as he walked closer,
"May I?"
I handed Andrew over, delighted to see that my son had taken a liking to my Russian God.
"Would you mind watching him while I shower?" I asked, and he smiled,

Standing beneath the warm water, all I could think about was how much happier I was now that Dimitri and my son were with me. Andrew was the sunlight to my day, and Dimitri…Dimitri was a million point bonus…if not more.
I sighed, this was truly the first time in the last year, that I had completely relaxed. I closed my eyes for a moment, relaxed to the point of fatigue, and decided to finish up and get out of the shower before I fell asleep.

When I opened the curtain though, I was shocked to find that all of my clothes were gone…along with the towels.
All except for two hand towels.
"Dimitri." I groaned and heard him laugh,
"Where are all my things?"
"Out here, on the other side of the room!" He called back, evilly, "You have to come get them."
I ran my hands over my face, grabbing the hand towels and drying off the best I could, I'd never really seen this playful side of Dimitri,
I rolled my eyes and opened the door,
"That's so cruel." I said, walking out, chills running up my skin. Andrew was perfectly occupied on the opposite bed, laying with a bottle to his lips,
"How did you-"
Dimitri shrugged, "He took it."
I shook my head, "You're magic."
I made it to the other side of the room, and looked back to him,
"I lied." He smiled, walking up to me, and I sighed,
"You are so mean."
"For wanting you naked? No, I think I am a completely normal male. Any man with any sense would agree."
I shook my head,
"Can I have my clothes back? It's cold." I pouted.
He smiled and sat on the bed. I squeaked as he reached out and pulled me down into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me.
I purred low in my throat and he chuckled, running his hand through my wet hair, before kissing my temple.
"You're beautiful." He whispered and I shivered.
He let me up then and grabbed my clothes out from under the bed, letting me get dressed.


We decided to stay one more night, and when I got out of the shower that night, I walked in on one of the most beautiful sights in the world.
Rose was lying in the bed, Andrew cradled against her side, with the covers over them, her hair splayed out across the pillow, and they were both practically unconscious. Andrew seemingly, more than happy to sleep in his mother's arms.
"Come here." I heard a sleepy murmur, and looked down, surprised to find Rose's eyes open. She patted the space behind her and I laughed silently, before moving to her side, and laying down with her, wrapping my arm around her hips. She sighed and lay against me. I kissed her hair and she sighed again, and I felt her muscles go slack as she relaxed and fell into sleep.
"I'm never going to let you go again, Rosemarie Grace Hathaway." I said quietly into the darkness.

The End…

I just wanted to let you guys know, that I seriously enjoyed writing this short story, and I hope you all liked reading it! I'd love to hear what you guys thought! I do take into consideration what you say and try to weave it into my next stories. No pressure, you don't have to if you don't want to, but thank you for reading!

(I forgot to double space in this one, I know! I'm sorry! I hope it wasn't too hard to read! :/ )