Author's note: Shout outs to Ryuuna14 of deviantArt for letting me using the thumbnail. Her work is actually not bad! ( )

My first attempt at a LoL fan-fic. I'm not quite as up-to-date on the lore itself as of late so forgive me if I made any mistake.

As usual, reviews are welcomed. I'm always willing to learn. I hope you enjoy my story. :)

It was, as usual, a dark, gloomy night at the Summoner's Rift. The temperature was fairly warm, with a slight gust of wind breezing in the air to balance it out. The fields were engulfed with an thick layer of darkness commonly know as the Fogs of War. The eerie sounds of creatures of the night made constant noses in the background, owls, crows, even the hums and hisses of ghostly spirits that hints there existence. It was enough to make most normal people shiver and weep in fear.

Of course, the unnatural atmosphere of the Fields of Justice did not faze Ahri, the Nine-tailed Fox however. She was in fact, seemly without a care in the world, playing with her magical blue orb as she prepares for her upcoming battle on the purple side. She was accompanied by four other comrades, Riven, Trundle, Graves, and Taric, each with their designated assignments. Their ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy team's nexus, with is team blue. Their opponents are Gankplank, Sejuani, Talon, Nami, and the newest champion at the time, Lucian. There were no summoners taking control of them so they were free to make their own decisions. The champions of the league would sometimes do this to home their own individual skills as well as to introduce newer champions to the fields such as Lucian. They would also do this to get a break from the poor and undesirable decisions the summoners would make.

Ahri in particular was assigned to head towards to the middle path or 'mid-lane,' where she will be most likely be fighting Talon, the Blade's Shadow. The nine-tailed fox woman had gone toe-to-toe with the Noxion assassin many times in the league, and in most of those times, Talon had became victorious. As cunning as Ahri was, the Blade's Shadow had several tricks and techniques of his own that ultimately gave him the upper hand. Most of the time however, she would usually blame her defeat on the many summoners that would pick her. After all, losing isn't one of Ahri's many desires. But since this match was entirely left on her own mind and skill, she was more than determined to win. Ahri was already thinking about what exactly she would do to him. She was leaning towards a little bit of humiliation.

But there wasn't much time for that as the minions where already spawning. Graves was already discarding the signore he was smoking and clocking his gun as if he was ready for his first fire-fight with Lucian. Taric was just finishing polishing one of his gems as he follows his partner. "Alright. Let's see what this Lucian guy is made of," said Graves as he aim his gun forward, as if he was about to shoot something.

"I just wonder what he would think about this sort of gem," replied the Gem Knight as the two headed toward their lane.

Meanwhile, still indecisive about her plans, Ahri was catching up to Riven as she was guarding the right side of the purple team's woods to make sure the enemy team doesn't invade. She wanted to know more about her opponent and how she would make him regret crossing her so many time before. "Hey Riv!" yelled the eager and beautiful fox woman. "What do you think I should do to that cowardly hooded man you call Talon?"

Riven merely looked at her with her usual scowl. It looked as if she was at least somewhat annoyed and bother well she was guarding her post for the time being. "How should I know?" she simply asked.

"Huh?" Ahri was slightly disappointed with that sort of answer, but then replied, "Aren't you both Noxion?"

The white-haired swordswoman moaned in grief. "I don't know Talon all that well. Why don't you ask Katerina?" she asked.

Ahri was beginning to frown, realizing her comrade wasn't being as helpful as she should be, or just wasn't interested, but then again, Ahri was mainly focus on having fun and messing with her opponent, rather than simply winning. A common trait with the nine-tailed fox. Ahri then folded her arms. "Katerina's not here though, Riven."

She rolled her eye's on that remark. "Look. If you're going to beat Talon this time, you're going to have to take this a little more seriously. The reason why you kept losing to him so much is because, in a way, he counters you, so you're going to have to try extra hard when you're facing him. Knowing him and his family of assassins, he won't hesitate to put a blade through your skin. I know that much."

Of course, Ahri still wasn't all that satisfied with Riven's response. Her logic was overshadowed by her ego and hatred for the hooded man. Of course, Ahri wanted to win, but the desire to make Talon suffer was too great. "You're no fun," she simply stated.

Riven groaned softly afterwords, then said, "Go help Trundle, will you? You know he needs help obtaining his first blue buff. I need to get to my lane now."

"Fine," she pouted.

Ahri then rushed to aid Trundle in dealing with the ancient golems that was guarded the blue energy he need, but by the time she got there, it was too late. Trundle had already toking care of it with some help from Graves and Taric but he was already too weak to clear the rest of the jungle. When Ahri arrived, she was merely looking down at the tired troll. He looked at her back angrily. "Where were you?!" he asked unpleasantly.

"Hey, you survived, didn't you?" Ahri said causally, acting like this wasn't a problem.

"If you'd helped, I would have been more prepared to take on the rest of these creatures. Now I have to go all the way back home to recover!" His tone remained stern and crude, but Ahri remained unfazed by his obvious anger.

She merely shrugged it off and finally went to her lane. By the time she got there though, Talon was already there, killing off each of the allied minions one by one for the gold and experience. He already reached level two. It was apparent that Ahri wasted too much time with Riven and was already falling behind. But her confidence remained unfazed. She'll just have to be creative, which is the fox woman's specialty. She had no intention of holding back.

The two kept a close eye on each other, waiting for one to make a mistake. Talon's face showed no signs of remorse. He glared at Ahri as if he was ready to even try something. From Ahri's experience, the Blade's Shadow was just as cunning, if not more. It was no secret that he'd killed people in the past, and seemed to be quite good at it. But Ahri was an assassin too, even though her methods were, in some cases, a little different. If it's one thing Ahri had learned, it's to never turn your back on him. She always had a mind to settle this rivalry once and for all, and to do so in style.

Unfortunately, Talon wasn't going to make this easy, as usual. As Ahri made her attempts to farm from the enemy minions, the Noxion assassin would occasionally threw his blades at the fox as they retracted back to him, and they hurt like hell, especially when they returned on her. Ahri became more cautious of being too close to him, as she had already took a bit of damage from them. This also made it more difficult to catch up properly. Of course Ahri knew that Talon wasn't going to go down without a fight, which is actually just the way she liked it. This would made beating him all the more satisfying.

As soon as Ahri obtained level two, she had gain access to her infamous "charm" technique. It was time to fight back. Ahri continued to watch Talon closely, waiting for a clear opening while doing her best to avoid the blades. It took some time but the moment had finally arrive. Almost instantly, Ahri threw a reddish orb at her opponent in shape of a heart. If it were to land, any form or amount of hatred or distaste for the nine-tailed fox would be thrown out the window, and Talon would helplessly walk toward the woman like he wasn't even fighting her anymore.

...But for some reason, it didn't work.

Ahri was originally going to follow up with her deadly Orb of Decapitation, but before she could realized the technique was a flock, it was too late. Talon quickly retaliated by lunging toward the fox with his blade clearly out, and before she knew it, everything went to darkness...

First blood.

Several seconds later, Ahri was revived at home base, well-rested and completely healed, save for the dreaded grief of being the first one to 'die,' and a slight headache. Shortly afterwords, her ally, Riven had recalled right next to her and was seemingly more successful.

The concerned white-haired woman asked, "Are you alright?"

Ahri glared at her briefly, but eventually calmed down a little. "Yeah, you?" she replied. Her tone was less cheerful than it was earlier.

"I'm fine," Riven said with a faint smile. "I managed to get Gankplank thanks to Trundle's help, but Sejuani counter-ganked us so I barely survived."

"Good for you Riv," said Ahri with a hint of jealously.

As the fox woman headed back down the steps, Riven then asked, "Is Talon giving you a hard time?"

Ahri was almost offended. Having him beat her was one thing but she was sure as hell wasn't going to admit what just happen, so she remained silent and kept walking. As if Riven actually read her mind, she then added, "I'll see if I can get Trundle to help you as well, but I'm pretty sure he's still angry at you."

She turned around briefly and said, "Thanks, but I don't need his help. I promise this is the only one Talon gets." Ahri was very vengeful at that point.

"Be careful then," warned Riven as she headed back.

When Ahri got back to her lane, the enemy minions were mindlessly attacking the turret as it wiped them out, one by one, and Talon was already gone. During his absence, she thought about what happened; or rather, what didn't happen prior to her first death. Normally, when Ahri lands her charm ability on someone, they would fall into a mesmerizing affection for her and would usually walk towards her, as if they instantly fell in love with her. But it didn't work at all on Talon. This baffles Ahri on so many levels. She was certain it landed on him directly and it wasn't like he had immunity or anything. It just didn't worked. Why? It was beyond Ahri's comprehension.

She tried the move again on an enemy minion. This time, she aimed carefully before taking another shot, and even drew herself a little closer to it. Normally, this was considered a waste as minions don't pose a threat individually, but Ahri had to be sure. She cast the ability again but it was unaffected as will. To Ahri's horror, something definitely wasn't right.

Talon was 'missing in action' for an usually longer period of time. One can assume he merely went back to his base after defeating Ahri but normally, he would have been back shortly afterwards to maintain his lead. Regardless, Ahri was too distracted by her thoughts to even realize it. She hated the fact that her charm spell wasn't working. Was it a flock? Will it start working again on its own? Does her other abilities still work properly? All those questions were racing in Ahri's mind. So much that she almost forgot about the match itself. This would surely spell out trouble in the long run. And what would the others think? Ahri didn't even want to think about that.

Eventually, Ahri and her minions pushed toward the middle turret, but Talon was still missing. Where could he be? Surely, he wouldn't let Ahri destroy his turret that easily. By the time she thought about it though, Talon appeared seemingly out of nowhere and lunged himself toward Ahri again like he did last time. Since apparently, her charm doesn't work anymore, she used her spirit dash ability to escape from him. She'll be damned if she'd let him get another kill from her. Ahri used the first dash to draw the distance away from him. It looked like it was enough, or so she thought, as Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath appeared as well with her battle boar mount enraged as ever. The beast managed to ram the fox-woman as it quickly charged like a speeding bullet. It was enough to not only slow her down, but injure her as well. With Talon close behind, he lunged at the helpless girl again. This time with a fatal blow, granting him another kill.

Ahri was incapacitated, but still barely conscious. She can vaguely hear what her two rivals were saying as she waits for her next resurrection.

"I won't be needing your help anymore. This fox girl is just another enemy minion to me now," said the Blade's Shadow. "How's bot lane?"

"Looks like Lucian and Graves are neck and neck," replied Sejuani. "Gankplank on the other hand..."

"Why don't we give our new friend a hand then?" asked Talon. "We'll deal with Riven later. I have no problem killing her either."

The two then disappeared, most likely heading towards the bottom lane, where Lucian, Graves, Nami, and Taric are fighting. "Cr-crap," she mumbled. She can only imagine how this would turn out for the rest of her team. For the first time in what seem like forever, Ahri felt powerless. Not only was she clearly losing, but some, if not all of her powers weren't working properly. She has yet to test out her Fox Fire technique, but her Spirit Dash seemed to be working fine, for now at least. One of her biggest concerns though, it how her teammates would react towards the situation. She was already in poor terms with Trundle, but then again, he was always this easy to anger.

Ahri eventually respawned once again, still without a sense of accomplishment. Not only was things weren't going as planned, but she was near powerless. One of her abilities won't even work properly. This fact alone was what infuriated Ahri the most. So much, that she doesn't see herself winning without it.

A defeated Graves and Taric respawned as well shortly after Ahri did. Judging by their expressions alone, they don't seem very pleased. Ahri can sense it.

"Dammit, Ahri. What's the big idea feeding Talon like that?" scolded Graves.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" asked Ahri innocently. Clearly, she had an idea on what really happened down there, but was playing dumb as that point.

"Don't give my that crap, foxy. Just as Taric and I tried to escape, Talon came outta nowhere and finished us off." Graves looked at her angrily. "This is no time for games."

"Well maybe Taric wasn't warding properly," Ahri countered.

The Gem Knight merely looked down for a moment and scratched his head, but Graves replied, "Taric warded just fine."

Riven eventually recalled again just as the three were discussing. She was wiping off the last of the blood from her sword after her fight with Gangplank. "Is everything alright?" she asked.

Graves crossed his arms and simply glared at the swordswoman. "Well, me and Taric were doing fine 'til a fed Talon showed up and wiped us out. Sejuani attacked us as well. No thanks to Ahri."

"Why don't you chill out, old man." Ahri's tone was fairly calm but there was still a hint of anger. If there was thing Ahri hated, it was being blamed at, especially if it wasn't even her fault. In fact, had her charm had been working, she was fairly sure she would be beating Talon instead.

"Had you even gain a kill at all?" Graves asked. "Aren't you s'ppose to be the 'assassin?'"

Ahri was this close to finally test her Fox Fire technique on him, but Riven rushed in between them. "Stop it," she demanded. "Fighting each other doesn't win battles. You two are sounding just like the summoners themselves."

Graves continued to glare at the nine-tailed foxwoman, but slowly backed off, and Ahri did the same. The outlaw gunman wasn't worth it. There was still a battle going on and Ahri needed to caught up.

"By, the way... I wonder where the Troll King is," said Taric finally. As if it was on queue, Trundle respawned as well, angry as usual. "Dammit!" he yelled as he slammed his club on the ground.

"What happened?" asked Graves

"The stupid Gun Templar cheated, that's what! There's no way he can be that strong already!"

"You mean, 'Lucian, the Purifier?' That guy is clearly no joke. I admit, I am a little impressed."

"I agree," said Taric. "His skills were truly-"

"Don't, Taric," Graves interrupted. "I'm really not in the mood for that." For once, Ahri was at an agreement.

"Well," said Riven. "I think that since we're all here, we may as well come up with a strategy. But we have to do it quickly. They may us the opportunity to take objectives."

"The first bot tower is already gone and I know for a fact that they've slayed the dragon," said Graves.

"I'm beating Gankplank," said Riven. "And I don't think I've "died" once yet... I don't think."

"At least one of us is doing well," replied Graves. "Alright. We just go have to stick close together from now on. Trun, you're the front lines as usual. Riv, you might as well be the heroine of the group since your apparently the most fed. I'll stick close behind as deal as much damage as possible. And Taric, you know the drill, keep us alive with your heals."

"What about me?" Ahri asked finally.

"What CAN you do?" Trundle countered.

Graves signed heavily. "Just... stay behind us and don't do anything stupid," he said as he clocked his gun again. "Alright. Let's do this."

Ahri can't help but feel offended. Sure, she was significantly farther behind than the rest of the carries, but they made it seem like she was hopeless. To Ahri, this was unsettling. It wasn't her fault her powers weren't working properly. Then again, none of them seemed to know that. She had no intention of telling them either. Not yet. What would they say? Would they ridicule her? Think that she's weak? Ahri was not prepared for any of that. She'll just have to redeem herself some other way...

It was almost twenty minutes in. Purple team had already destroyed two towers, the first of bottom and the first of middle line. The blue team was winning by quite a bit, but not so much that made it one-sided. Ahri knew that these next few moments could make or brake the game. It was obvious to her that their first target was either Talon or Lucian, preferably both of course. Of course, Sejuani and Nami will stop at nothing to protect their allies. Sejuani had her durability and initiation and Nami had her heals just like Taric. Gangplank himself wasn't as much of a threat anymore. Riven seem to made sure of that. But that doesn't mean he should be ignored either.

The whole team then arrived at the middle line. They intend to destroy the first blue turret quickly, which should be possible at that point, but Talon was there again, seemingly alone. It was quite strange. Suspicious even. Even those he was clearly outnumbered, he was smiling. He glared at the other team as he signaled them to approach. As if he was daring them to attack.

"Something's not right," warned Riven. Ahri nodded, as if she agreed.

"Yeah... He's mocking us!" the Troll King yelled as he rushed in on him.

"Wait, you idiot!" shouted Graves.

But it was already too late.

As soon as Trundle got too close, Talon made a leap behind him, stabbing the enraged troll on the back multiple times. Surely, it wasn't enough to bring down the Troll King, but Sejuani and her battle boar quickly appeared out of the bushes and roamed him hard. Finally, it only took a few shots from Gangplank and Lucian to finally defeat him, granting Lucian another kill.

It all happened pretty fast. No one could help him even if they wanted too. Just as the troll fell, Sejuani charged in toward the rest of the purple team all while cannon balls rained down on them from the heavens with a sinister laugh, courtesy of Gankplank himself. Ahri was immediately pulled by Riven out of the assault and eluded the enemy team for now. Meanwhile, Gangplank reached in to kill Graves, but he, with the help of Taric of course, retaliated and shot him several times before he fell again, along with Graves himself by the deadly rain of cannons. Just before the outlaw collapse though, Graves fired a powerful shot of his own, completely passing Sejuani and on to Talon, as if it was his target.

"Now's our chance," Riven yelled, with her broken blade suddenly at its reforged state. Her eyes were dead set on the weakened Talon, and with a few simple slashes, finally shut down the Blade's Shadow. The swordswoman targeted Nami next with a windslash, followed by Ahri's Orb of Decapitation, granting her first kill finally. Ahri wanted to applaud her comrade, but there was no time for that now. The Purifier and the Winter's Wrath were left.

Both woman were very weak from Gangplank's cannon assault and Sejuani and Lucian were still healthy. Both the surviving blue team members looked at the remaining duo like they were about to finish them off. Somehow, Ahri knew that even if they try to escape, it would all be in vain as the two could easily catch up.

Lucian then aimed one of his dual-wielded pistols at the Nine-tailed fox. He then said out loud to her, "Nothing personal." As the dark-skinned man pulled the trigger, Riven almost instantly pushed Ahri out of the way, but in turn, receiving the shot herself, shutting her down as well. Ahri was on her knees for a brief moment. It took her several seconds to figure out what just happened. All she could think about now was was escaping while she had the chance.

As soon as the fox woman found a suitable hiding spot, she recalled back to her base, as Taric was already there, recovering from the previous team fight. Somehow, he managed to escape as well.

"I'm sorry I wasn't much help to you, Ms. Ahri," said the Gem Knight.

Ahri rolled her eyes. "I just wanna surrender so I can go home and take my shower..." The fox was serious this time. A number of things went wrong today.

Eventually, the rest of the purple team revived, one by one starting with Trundle, then Graves, finally Riven. They all look legitimately displeased.

"You guys were no help at all!" Complained Trundle.

"No shit!" said Graves. "You're the one who got baited like a jackass."

"Can't we all just surrender, please?" moaned Ahri. "This is a huge waste of time."

Riven nodded. "I agree. Things aren't going according to plan. What do you think, Taric?"

"Yes," agreed Taric. "This is ruining my gems anyway."

Graves crossed his arms and sighed again. "If y'all say so. I'm getting tired of this mess myself."

Trundled groaned in his typical stubborn fashion. "No! We just need to try harder!"

"Save your breath, Trun. There's always another day," said Graves.

Almost on queue, the purple nexus suddenly self-destruct. Blue team became victorious.