Saying goodbye/heading home~

(Kevin's P.O.V)

No one knows why it happened but, it did, sometime before we were close to getting into seventh grade, Double D ended up moving away along with his parents. I had never really thought about it before until they were getting into a limo that made me wonder something, why did they live in the cul-de-sac?!

His mother was slender and had an amazing figure, she had pale brown hair with a slight pale blonde tint that was pulled up in a neat bun and she wore a nice pants suit and quietly chatting over the phone with someone. The guy beside her was tall, slicked back blonde hair, broad shoulders, and tan skin. A glare and a stoic expression where carved into his rugged face, his dark brown eyes had a hint of light hazel ghosting over of them. Then there was Double D who was pale, lanky, and awkwardly built with a gap in his teeth in the front, his eyes were a bright blue. THEY LOOKED NOTHING ALIKE!

"Your really leaving Sock Head",Eddy said putting his hands in his pockets while looking down, his eyes stayed fixed on the ground as he nudged a rock by his usual red sneakers.

He seemed sad, the stupid dork, it's weird for him not to be putting on his tough guy act and making the whole moment no longer sad. Ed was literally hysterical on the floor, he rolled around while balling like a baby. I rolled my eyes as I looked away from those two and turned to see Sarah holding a tissue to cover her eyes as she gave Double D a side hug. She had gotten over her crush a long time ago and said that Double D was like a fun older brother, especially since he never flirted with her and treated her like she was a younger sister. Jimmy then came up to Double D's other side and gave him a side hug as well before he and Sarah pulled away. Rolf was trying to hide his tears, though it was easy to see he was upset about loosing the only decent ED too, and Johnny was hiding behind Plank while softly sobbing. I found it so weird how everybody was so sad that he was leaving. I mean come on! This dork is going to leave and honestly all I can do is think of how lucky we are, now there's one less ED to worry about.

"I'm afraid so Eddy, I believe this is going to be farewell till we meet again, my friends" ,I scoffed mentally at how he seemed to continue speaking so formally, so femininely.

"We'll miss you Double D! We'll miss you so much" ,Ed picked up the awkward teen and squeezed him tight in the usual bear hug I see Ed pull his friends in.

"Yeah! We'll miss you Double D" ,Nazz said sadly while neither Jimmy, Rolf, or Johnny spoke; all these sobs were getting REALLY annoying.

'Oh, geez! I only came because Nazz dragged me here, she better be giving me those snacks she promised me or I swear I am not giving her another jawbreaker for the next two weeks!'

I watch as the Double Dork gave everyone hugs then turned to me and gave me a curt nod. I returned it, surprised that he didn't say anything heartfelt about leaving to all of them again but, then again I wasn't really close to Double D. Then again, I wasn't really close to any of these people around me, NONE of them.

"Eddn-" ,the woman began to call as she hung up the phone when Double D cuts her off, "Coming mother."

'Wait...isn't his name Eddward? Why was she starting off with E.D.D.N? That N is definitely supposed to be a W! So then what was his mother going to say? And why does he seem so nervous?'

As I had a million questions going through my head that I didn't realize that the moving truck had already drove off, completely out of sight, with the limo following behind it and I had been watching the spot it drove towards this whole time. I have been watching it for a few minutes and in that time Nazz and Rolf had been trying to snap me out of it.

"Come on Kev, let's go and get those snacks I promised you" ,Nazz said with a grin while she grabbed hold of my arm and looped her arm with mine.

Rolf grinned at me and stood beside me as Nazz began to drag me down the pathway towards the candy shops we had always gone to. As we walked my thoughts were clouded up with questions about Double D once more and I barely took noticed to the fact that Sarah, Jimmy, Johnny, and his plank of wood had followed us. After we had all gotten snacks Nazz once again dragged me from the spot I had been standing in and brought me to my house. My parents were out like always so I decided that since they were already here I would make this a movie night. I popped in a horror movie and made a jumbo sized mess of popcorn and plopped down on the couch with everyone else somewhere on the floor.

-|-(Five Years Later)-|-

(Eddwina's P.O.V)

"Eddna! Are you up my child? It is time to get up dear!" ,a familiar voice called.

I yawned softly before I turned over in my bed and did a quick stretch in bed before getting up and walking to my fully body mirror. I stared at my slightly dull olive skin and my bright blonde hair that was completely kept up by multiple rollers and curlers. It was up in a quick crack of my knuckles I remove all the rolls skillfully, once all the rollers were out I brushed my hair to get any knots out.

I run my fingers through my hair, "Ah! Good! Now time to get dressed" ,I told myself pulling on a pink headband that had a large pink bow on it

Quickly I pull out my skin tight, white no sleeve shirt and pulled it on, then I put on my hot pink belly shirt that said Nerd in bright gold cursive over it. I pulled on a pair of my black skinny jeans and black knee high, high heel converses with hot pink laces.I then wash my face, lotion it, put on light pink eye shadow, and glittery hot pink lip gloss. A smile was on my face as I took off my head band and rebrushed my hair to make sure it's nice.

"I'm ready" ,I called as I grabbed my full body mirror and hurrying downstairs, my parents were both in the kitchen drinking coffee and looking at reports from their companies.

I cleared my throat and both of them look up from the reports at me, "Ah, Eddna, there you are" ,I nod to my mother as I walked over to the table and sat down in a small huff.

"Good morning mother. Father" ,I glance at my father as I take hold of an apple from the bowl in the center of the table and bite into it, my father scoffed at me.

"Must you eat like some savage Eddna? Did we not raise you better" ,I open my mouth to retort but I immediately swallow my response along with the rest of my apple.

I take another bite of my apple, making sure it was loud before I place the apple down on the table and make my to the living room, I take hold of it and put it on before leaving the house without saying a word to my parents. I have spent my whole life in the cal-de-sac, or at least most of it, and during that time I was able to live alone and deal with everything as I wanted but, everything is different now. With my parents home maids have been hired to do everything, I have been given all types of girly clothes that I have to wear, and my mother said as long as we live outside the cal-de-sac I was denied my beanie with the three pieces of string that always stuck out in the back like hair. And I was now the bad girl at school.

I lift the sniveling red head i'm holding by the collar up closer to me, "WHAT did you just say to me you you disgusting lil bugger? I'll have you know my IQ is three times that of you and your incompetent lil poodle that continues to rush through my legs every time I'm on my morning jog!"

I hated her stupid dog, that annoying little puff of a poodle has always annoyed me since we came to this city. I hated her as much as she was scared of me, I loved this power I have over people like her. She looked up at me with large bright green eyes that were brighter from the un-fallen tears. I sneered at her before tossing her away. I walk towards the wall my bag was propped up on it, I take hold of it before I made my way out of the school yard. I walked halfway towards my house when a long short haired blonde boy appeared on his motorcycle, he grinned at me as he flipped up the vizor.

"Hello Nathaniel" ,I cross my arms over my chest as my hip pops out, her hair moving by my now very visible hips, his smirk fades as he glares at me in mock irritation.

"I told you to call me Nat, Eddna" ,I glare back at him, he knew he shouldn't call me Eddna in public, I smirk at him, "Touche Nat, touche."

His smirk returns as his big brown eyes gleam, he takes off his helmet and tosses it to me, "Wanna ride?"

He knew I did, he had saw the tiff I had with that annoying ginger and knew I would need to calm down in some way, he knew I loved his motorcycle. I don't answer him, instead I slip the helmet on and hop on the back of his motorcycle, I wrap my arms around his waist. With that he rides off towards my home in the high upper class of the city. He stops in front of the mansion that is my house and turns to me, giving me a hug before taking back his helmet. I wave goodbye as he leaves.

I sigh as I walk into the front door of my house and immediately hear, "EDDNA! COME TO THE KITCHEN PLEASE!"

A small groan passes my lips as I walk towards the kitchen where my parents are. I stop in my tracks as I look around at everything. The shelves are bare, the fridge being the same, and boxes litter the doorway that connects to the next hall on the other side of the room. I know what this means. I saw this same scene five years ago. I gulp and look towards my parents with wide eyes.

"We're moving back into the cal-de-sac."

A/N: Dear lord someone please tell me what's wrong with me. This is my first story and I would love for someone to tell me how they think it's going. I would also like to know if I think it should continue.