Tris POV

I walk into my new room unsure of what to do. I had never been to a boarding school my brother said his house was strict but I don't get that feeling here. Everyone seems free and relaxed. I'm happy I chose the Dauntless I feel like I belong, although its my first hour of my first term.

I start to unpack my trunk when someone knocks on the door.

"Hello?" I ask. The door opens and a tall skinny girl with short hair walks in with so many bags I can't count. She smiles at me as I jump up to help with her things.

"You must be Beatrice?" She says it as a statement although its more like a question.

"Errm yeah but don't call me that. Only my brother does, call me Tris"

"Ok, hi Tris I'm Christina but call me Chris" I smile and shake her hand awkwardly.

We make small talk for a while as I help her unpack (she has loads if clothes). I soon hear her stomach rumble, she looks embarrassed. I just smile.

"I'm guessing we need to get you some food then, but I have no idea where the canteen is..."

I can tell from her face she is just as lost her as I am.

"How about we ask the first person who looks like they know where they're going to ask for directions" suggests Chris

I haven't got a better plan so I agree as we walk out.

We make our way down the stairs when a load of boys come running down behind us. Christina and I join in the running. When we get to the bottom I just laugh at Chris, being so out of breathe. One boy looks at me and smiles at me laughing. I just smile back. I look back at Chris but I can tell he's still looking at me. I feel myself turning red

I look at Chris she looks at the guy and smiles as well. He walks over to us.

"Hi" she says

"Hi" we both reply Chris with a bit more confidence than I.

"My names Four and you are...?" He asks looking at me. Luckily Chris replying quickly.

"I'm Chris,"

"Tris" I say quietly.

Four looks at me with a questioning and surprised face

"Oh" he says looking at me

Chris quickly jumps in, I can only thank her. She asks where we can get something to eat Four shows us.

Through supper Christina asks about the school, house system to Four I just stay silent.

I almost jump out of my skin when Four talks directly to me.

"So Tris, why choose Dauntless?"

I look at him right in the eye "I... I..." Is all I manage before someone buts in from the other side of the room.

"Four!" He exclaims "Tell your new friends over there to come to the common room at 8 sharp"

Four nods then looks back at us and says "8 be there or leave. Tell all other new kids"

He stands up then walks off