Grojband: I'm Left alone Part 2…

(I…Am…So…SORRY! I kept you guys waiting for a while..)

What I need to do now is reach 50 reviews. Pretty please?

I will now answer questions if you have any, now…


Corey's POV, 9:30 PM:

"Carrie?" I started to mumble.

"Sweet dreams you ugly pest." She said.

I was knocked out.

Laney's POV:

I just stood there, looking at Core. His eyes were closed.


"I have my ways." She said with a smirk.

"You…You…MONSTER! Kin shouted.


"Not exactly." With another snap, 10 ninjas showed up, with red costumes now,

With swords on fire!

"WOAH Carrie, s-slow down a bit". Kon stuttered, slowly walking backwards.

I wasn't scared. Corey risked his life to save mine, now its my time to risk my life for his.

"Show no mercy" she said.

Carrie saw the look on my face.

"Don't worry. This time I paid them to stay in thick or thin." She said

"I'm not scared" I tried to say in the bravest voice I could.

She started laughing.

"Kill them" She ordered.

With another snap, 10 ninjas were running at us.

I quickly grabbed my bass. "USE YOUR INSTRUMENTS!" I said

2 ninjas came my way. I held the bass like a sword to hold them off.

I looked at kin and Kon. Kon was handling them throwing his cymbals at them, cutting one ninja's head clean off.

"Nice work, Kon" I said.

I looked back to where I was and I smelled something burning.


Kon started blushing furiously of what I had to do. Kin finally came back to earth and had a massive nosebleed. I was blushing as well of what they were thinking.

What should I do? Die of embarrassment, or…

I stopped, dropped and roll, no work,

Now the fire was scraping my skin off.

"Kin, get me the water bucket!" I ordered.

He threw the water bucker but failed, water dumping everywhere.

I jumped into the water, and started rolling in it.

The fire finally died away.

Carrie laughed hideously at this.

I growled under my teeth.

Just then, a ninja tried to slash me in half but missed and his sword hit the floor.

I grabbed it.

"Back off." I ordered.

He tried to land 3 punches, but missed. I guess I can say I've gained a lot of agility. I slashed the sword all over it's chest and I stabbed him straight through.

(This is where a lot of gory stuff starts to happen. If you don't like that stuff, please skip until the next line like this. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

I took out it's heart and stabbed it multiple times in anger and left it in the already rotting ninja to die.

Kin was having trouble fighting the ninjas because he didn't want to use his keyboard.

Kon helped him by using his last cymbal to slice it's head off.

Kon stabbed one of his drumsticks and stabbed it in the remaining of the neck, blood gushing everywhere now that a drumstick was stuck in his neck.

I looked up and a ninja was around 5 ft. away, but I stabbed the sword in his mouth, which was wide open.

He kinda swallowed the sword and started melted from the inside. Within 5 seconds, his hands started melting followed by the stomach and the bones and all I saw were bones sticking out of a melted body on fire.

(most of the gore ends here, but if you don't like action, insane awesome action, then you probably wanna skip… a lot)

"Kin and Kon now had a sword to fight with.

I grabbed another sword so it'd be easier to fight.

I looked back at where Carrie was, but

She wasn't there.

"Guys, I think Carrie was trying to escape! Forget the ninjas, let's get her!"
We ran out of the garage, Kin running and Kon holding Corey.

I was looking around for Carrie, so I climbed up a tree and I saw her, running as fast as she could 2 blocks away.

"Uh…Laney?" Kin said in a scared voice.

I turned around and saw the 7 ninjas following us.

"Oh dear…" I said, then something In Kon's hands started moving.

"Laney! He's awake! Corey is awake!" I heard Kon scream.

Corey was still a bit bloody and sweaty, from what I can see, but he grabbed 2 swords and said "I will handle them. Go get Carrie!"

This is what I love about Corey. He is just so sweet.

But we've never had any alone time for a while now…

"Laney! Go get Carrie!" Corey said.

"Alright." See you later. I said

I grabbed an electrical wire and slid with the bass down a block.

15 minutes later…

I started running and finally saw Carrie, who was in eyesight.

"Hey Laney. Missed me?" She said.

"Shut up and come here if you know wanna find out." I threatened her.

"you really are such a sourpuss. Too bad your boyfriend thought about yo-"

"SHUT UP! My boyfriend came to, and is killing all of your ninjas!" I shouted.

She gave a whistle so loudly, I had to cover my ears.

Lenny, Kim, and Konnie came out of nowhere, smiling.

"You ready to turn yourself in?" Carrie hissed

"Grojband never gives up" a voice said.

It was Corey, bloody all over, from his hair, from blood all over his shoes.

His shirt was almost completely burned off, bloodstained and sweaty.

"Core, what happened?" I said.

"Just take the knife. Carrie needs to die or get sent to jail." He said, handing me a knife.

I was happy and scared at the same time. I was happy cause me and Corey get to fight, back to back, but scared cause Corey really did look hurt.

"Core, are you sure you'll be okay?" I said

"Yes, I will." he said, kissing my cheek.

"Ugh. This romance is gonna make me puke. Konnie. Lenny. Take care of these Lovedorks.

Lenny had a machine gun and Konnie had a mini bazooka.

I got behind Corey, scared.

" What the heck is wrong with you guys? You're gonna freakin kill us?

"That's the plan." Carrie said.

Corey's POV, 11:30 PM

I felt so mad… so mad…

"Laney…Go…away…far…away…" I said in gritted teeth

"Core… what are you gonna-"

"Please…go.." I said.

She looked at me, then the Newmans, then me again.

"o-ok." She said, running off.

I looked at the Newmans with the most enraged face I could make.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Looks like You're outta luck. Now you're th-" Carrie started.

"SHUT UP, NEWMAN!" I barked.

"Actually, I'll be the one shutting you up!" Carrie hissed.

Bullets started shooting at me.

(in this part of the scene, it's a bit gory, but I'm making Corey look like Superman)

I jumped up so high and so fast, I actually saw the air below me.

I then came down faster than usual, making the ground around 20 feet of me break. This made the making gun go up sky high.

I then walked over to Carrie so mad, that with every stomp, the road broke apart even more.

Then someone fired a bazooka to my back.

I got sent flying to a building.

Now I'm practically covered in blood, and was in so much pain, but I had to ignored it.

I had to take down the Newmans.

I Just had to.

K people. Sorry for shortness but chapter 2 will come by the end of the day, if not, tomorrow for sure. BUT I need at least 45 reviews before chapter 2. Until then, peace!