Clint Barton, otherwise known as Hawkeye, stumbled into the Avenger's Tower, arm pressed hard against his left side, to lean heavily against the wall.

Jarvis, Tony Stark's AI, registered his presence immediately. "Agent Barton, sir? May I be of assistance? You appear ill."

"Cap! Get Cap!" Hawkeye ordered, coughing harshly and doubling over.

"Right away, Sir."

On the very top floor of the massive tower, Steve Rogers was stretched out on the couch, feet propped on one armrest, and engrossed in his favorite book. Suddenly a voice echoed in the empty room. "Captain Rogers, sir?"

As always, Steve jumped and nearly dropped his book, still not accustomed to the idea that an artificial intelligence could sound just like a human being, or that he could actually communicate with it. "Yes, Jarvis?"

"Agent Barton has entered the building, Sir."

"Very good. Thanks, Jarvis," Captain America responded, puzzled that the AI saw fit to inform him of the fact, while returning to his book. While he was glad to know his roommate and best friend was back, he had just returned from a difficult mission with the Red Cross in the wilderness of Nevada, and all he wanted to do was relax.


He started again. Just what was the AI's problem tonight? Surely machines didn't get lonely, did they? "Yes, Jarvis?"

"Sir, Agent Barton requests that you meet him."

Alert now, Steve demanded, "Why? What's wrong? Is he hurt?"

"He appears to be, yes."

Steve instantly flung his book aside and leaped to his feet. "What? Where is he?"

"Just inside the main entrance, Sir."

Running now, Steve yelled, "Is Natasha here?"

"No, Sir. She is on a mission."

"Dr. Banner?"

"He is out right now. Shall I attempt to summon him?"

"Yes! Hurry!" He knew full well that unless Clint was at death's door, he would never consent to going to the hospital. Getting him to let Banner look at him would be tough enough. By now Steve had reached the elevator and was jabbing the down button impatiently.

After what seemed an eternity to the now impatient and worried Captain, the elevator doors opened. Across the massive room, he saw his best friend leaning against the wall, head hanging, and Steve froze in horrified shock for an instant. Then Clint's head lifted slightly and he choked out, "Steve!"

In an instant, Steve had crossed the room to his side. Hawkeye instantly slumped forward into Steve's open arms, head falling limply against the soldier's chest. Steve had immediately taken in the blood-stained hand clamped around his side, and one hand crossed Clint's back to press hard against Clint's bloodied hand, adding pressure to the wound. What astonished him further, however, was the fact that Hawkeye was dressed in his black archer's suit, a quiver of arrows slung on his back and his treasured bow hanging carelessly from his shoulder. He was astonished, for the archer had sworn to never touch those items again after the battle for New York, saying he could never take another life under someone else's order after what Loki had done to him. "Oh, Clint, what happened?" he murmured gently, supporting the injured man carefully.

"I didn't want to do it, Cap! Said I'd never do it again!" Clint mumbled incoherently, obviously deeply upset.

Steve's free hand went to the back of his head, soothing. "Easy, Hawkeye, easy. Whatever it is, it's gonna be okay."

Hawkeye seemed to relax slightly at his friend's voice, but then Steve felt a drop of moisture on his shoulder and knew the other man was crying, even though that was nearly inconceivable. Clint Barton was as tough as they came. "Hurts, Cap," Hawkeye panted heavily, nerves and emotions too shattered to hide any longer.

Without hesitation, Steve pulled the smaller man into his arms. Clint's head immediately burrowed itself deep in Steve's shoulder, where he muffled a cry of pain. "Easy, Clint. I gotcha. Bullet wound?" he asked firmly, his military training momentarily shoving aside the emotion in order to better deal with the situation. As he spoke, he hurried toward the elevator, relieved to see Jarvis had apparently read his mind and the door was opening on his approach.

"Yeah," Clint panted heavily.

"Still in there?"

"No," Hawkeye replied, but a violent cough cut him off and a tiny trickle of blood came from his mouth.

"No!" Steve gasped in horror, soldier mode forgotten at the sight.

To his astonishment, Hawkeye grinned faintly, even though it took almost every bit of energy he had. "`sokay, Cap," he slurred. "Burst my...throat. Not...coughing...up blood," he managed.

Allowing himself a quick sigh of relief, Steve addressed Jarvis. "Jarvis? Dr. Banner?" he demanded even as he shoved open the door to the apartment.

"On his way, Sir. He should arrive in about twenty minutes."

Too long for Steve's liking, but at least he was coming. He started to carry Hawkeye toward his bed, but Hawkeye began to struggle inexplicably. "No! Can't...lie down!" he insisted, breathing hard from the exertion.

Not understanding, but anxious to keep the other man calm, Steve reversed direction and carried him to the couch. Lowering him carefully down, he slid behind the archer so he was half sitting up, one hand still across the wound. Clint sagged back into Steve's side instantly, shivering. He was curled up into the tiniest possible ball with the exception of his right leg stretched straight out along the couch. Steve immediately tugged the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around him, pulling the injured man closer. He was finally able to see Clint's face clearly and was horrified to see deep bruises and a gash on his jawbone, as well as a bloody gash on his ear.

"Clint, can you talk to me? What happened?" His eyes widened in horror suddenly. "It's not Natasha, is it?" That might well be the one thing in the world that would cause the archer to suit up again.

Again Clint's lips parted in a tiny smile. "No, she's okay." Then his eyes darkened again and he pressed even closer to his best friend. "Didn't wanna do it...again, Cap!" he panted, breath catching violently. "Swore I'd never do it again!"

Steve's hand feathered through Hawkeye's hair, attempting to soothe the distraught man. "Ssh," he murmured gently. "I swear it's gonna be okay. We can get through this together, I promise. Jus' talk to me...please," he added, his voice cracking. He'd seen the archer seriously upset before, but never like this, and it was scaring him.

"Fury called me in." Clint's voice was so soft Steve almost missed it, but those four words explained it all. SHIELD. Steve would love nothing more than for the organization to disappear off the face of the planet. Not only did he passionately disagree with so many of their policies, but they'd also put the Avengers, particularly Hawkeye, through the ringer, then hung them out to dry when they no longer needed them.