"There are nights when the wolves are silent, and only the moon howls." -George Carlin

~The Wolfen Chronicles: Time and Time again~


The old wolf shifts her ancient bones on her stone cold bed, hearing the joints scrape painfully against each other. Brittle bones create pain; but much more pain is coming, pain not just for her, not just for the wolves, but for every creature in existence, and a few that aren't.

Everything is silent for now. Her pups are up against their older sister finding warmth in their sleeping sibling's soft chest fur. The weary wolf studies the pelts of all four of her children; two dark brown, almost black, one the color of chocolate, like herself, and one the purest shade of white in the universe.

Trouble is brewing. In the distance, storms are building. Gods once peaceful are awakening once again.

She must know what is coming in order to protect her family. With a rattling sigh, she focuses and slips into a Time-Trance.

Clouded by golden light, the old wolf has a queer power to see into the future; it's a peculiar talent, true, but one that does not go to waste.

This time, what she sees frightens her, sending a shiver through her scarping bones.

Swirling around one another is night and day, dark and light, held into balance by two children. Siblings…? Perhaps. No, wait! The old wolf focuses on their faces.

Ah. These two. The Sorensons.

Trapped in the middle of the cycle between the two siblings are the wolves, howling to one another. A shot of terror floods her veins as she recognizes that all of the wolves have soulless black eyes.

With no warning, the old wolf has a sensation like she's falling, spiraling down into a pit. Her vision goes foggy, clouded and unorganized. She hears the voices of the two children, the voice of the Fairy Prince, and of his mother, but can't make out what any of them are saying.

The old wolf sees something; one of the precious Soul Stone, falling through the air with her. With a spark of light, she feels energy pass through her body, a gift from her soul itself. Out of nowhere, the brother grabs the powerful jewel and clutches it to his chest, before fading into the mass of the future.

The ancient wolf sees one last image in her mind before mentally smacking into the cold bottom of her dreams; herself, snarling and batting at something. That's normal for wolves, of course, but her eyes aren't their usual colors.

Both of her pupils are black as night, with no color besides the dark shadows.

Deeply disturbed, the wolf wrenches herself from her thoughts, gasping at the feeling of no oxygen in her feeble lungs. Her pups are in danger. Everyone is in danger.

The time for the weak old wolf has past; that was clear in her visions. So, mustering every last reserve of strength, the she wolf rises to her feet; muscles working smoothly at long last. The wolf simply wills herself to feel strong and young again, and her body obeys without question, mending her old bones.

The time of pretending to be Swift-Song has almost come to end.

Cadeliah is needed in the world once more.

She shakes out her thick and glossy new pelt, admiring the shine of oiled fur. Then she fluidly pads out of the roomy den and into the cold night air, looking up at the many stars.

Cadeliah closes her eyes, finding every ounce of magical power still remaining in her weary body, summoning it to do what is right. To herself, she murmurs, "O, Sisters, help them."

And then her mind plunges once more into the world of spirits. Except this time, she has a purpose. Her mind rockets through the world at breakneck speed, it's destination a small preserve nestled away in the hills of Connecticut. She wills her mind to whisper out one word, hoping that it's intended receiver gets her message.

Seth, whispers Cadeliah, Mother of the Wolves. Seth, I am here.

This was my first fanfic, so let me know how I did! Please review, and I'm sorry that it's a little confusing so far… just hang on until chapter one, and then we'll revisit all of the Fablehaven gang!