Two hours and forty five minutes later David was gaping at the skyline as they approached the city. Jim and Spock spared the horizon occasional glances but otherwise remained focused on the road. All three were glad to be home. The traffic had been pretty busy since they entered the suburbs surrounding the area. They came into the city and Jim drove them to the transport facility first, where Spock got out and retrieved their car. David climbed up front with his father. Then they went home.

When they had parked David leapt out of the truck and grabbed Mickey's cage. "We're home!" he exclaimed.

"Yes we are, kiddo. Get your father to unlock the door," Jim told his son. David followed Spock to the front door and scurried in when he opened it. Spock came back to help unload the boxes from the truck. "He doesn't appear that traumatized," Jim observed quietly.

"Children are more resilient than the credit we give them. I am not insinuating he will have no repercussions from the last two weeks' events, however I believe with the appropriate support he will assimilate his experiences with ease." Spock carried two boxes in the house.

When they had unloaded they returned the truck and came home. Jim sat in the living room watching soccer while Spock started a new project and David lay on the floor reading a book. It was quiet until David raised his head and looked at his parents.

"Hey guys?" The men focused on the boy. "Thanks for bringing me home. Thanks for letting me live with you. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. Thank you."

"You're welcome, slugger. If you ever need anything you ask, okay? Even if it's just a hug," Jim insisted.

"I am pleased you are with us," Spock told the boy.

The night fell and life continued in the Spock-Kirk household, now the Spock-Kirk-Marcus household. The family celebrated their union quietly and then went on with their worlds. They were alive, they were together, and they were happy. That was all that mattered in the end.


David started school and was pleased to find most people didn't care who his parents were. He made several new friends who came over to his house to play. As explained, Spock did not mind the company. David started at his new dojo and Spock watched his afternoon sessions.

Jim stood in front of the assembly of cadets during the Spring Talent Show and sang 'Until It Sleeps' by an old group from the 20th century named Metallica. The crowd loved it, and that talent show brought in 5,000 credits for the local children's hospital. Jim was quietly asked to do next year's show as well. He remained oblivious to the fact that Spock had recorded the performance until David discovered the vid card and played it for his friends. Jim wasn't that upset.

Carol made a couple of weak threats to regain custody, but Jim always urged her to consult an attorney. She was either disinclined to do so or she was advised custody was not in her best interests because the matter would be dropped soon after that. David visited her three times a year, just as he had his dad. Jim and Spock missed him during Christmas but they understood the greater good of it all.

David made an ornament in school for his family's tree, a ceramic heart with three Starfleet badges in it. He explained to his teacher that the badges were his family and the heart was because he loved them. It was seen by an admiral and he paid David for the privilege of recreating the ornament for other Starfleet personnel. That Christmas many trees in San Francisco bore an ornament made by an eight year old.

Families in the Markview community noticed new activity at the house in the middle of the block. Two men and a young boy would play out in the yard. More precisely, one man would play with the boy while the other man would stand by and watch. The three would take walks in the evening and play soccer on the weekends. There appeared to be a lot of love in that two-story dwelling. And the city went on peacefully.



"Why do people do drugs? I mean, what's the point? Why?" David was drawing at the kitchen table.

"SPOCK!" Jim bellowed. His husband walked in quickly. "Our son is asking about drugs. And I believe, pursuant to our agreement last year in the birds-and-bees debacle, that's your cue. Have fun." Jim walked away.

David looked up at his stepfather expectantly. Spock shifted on his feet. "What is your inquiry?"

"Why do people do drugs?"

Spock blinked at him. "I cannot say with any certainty. The usual excuses are …." Spock sat down with the child and talked to him at length. He answered several more questions, refusing to dodge even the more troubling ones the child brought up. Finally David was silent. "Have I answered your questions in a satisfactory manner?" Spock asked.

"Well I really didn't need to know the chemical formula of cocaine, but yeah, you answered everything. Why couldn't Dad tell me? What did he mean, 'that's your cue'?"

Spock shook his head. "I agreed to handle this topic when it was raised."

"Because you know more about drugs?" David questioned.

"No. It was merely an arrangement between your father and myself."

"Oh. Hey, Father, when a woman's going to have a baby – "

"One moment. James?" Spock called. Jim entered from the living room. "I believe your topic of expertise has been revisited. I will bow out at this time." Spock left the room.

Jim looked at him. "What did you ask him?"

"I was just asking when a woman's about to have a baby – "

"Oh. Oh. Spock, that's not fair!" Jim exclaimed. He sat down. "Okay, ask." David posed his question and the patient parent tried his hardest to answer it. When they had hashed out an answer Jim sat back. I am so glad I have you with me on this journey, he told his mate silently.

I would have it no other way, Spock replied. I care for you both.

We love you too. Jim smiled and watched his son drawing.

A/N: Much love goes out to those who have been faithful to this epic journey I have created. Once again, any Vulcan language is gleaned from The Vulcan Language Dictionary online, at www. starbase-10 .de/vld . Spell-checked as thoroughly as possible, but there's always a flaw somewhere. Music is the property of its respective artists, all lyrics found online at www. metrolyrics. com . Thank you so much for mockingbirdhill, my beta extraordinaire who has been with me through these all.