Fill for a prompt over at the GKM: Brittany and Santana have been dating for a couple years now and have never tried using a strap-on. One night Santana asks Brittany if she misses being with a guy, her answer leaves Santana thinking. Santana ends up dressing like a guy (binding/packing) and seducing Brittany to take her back to her apartment and fuck her senseless. Bonus if there's never the use of 'him/he/guy' or the word 'strap-on' when they're having sex, Brittany knows it's Santana but plays along, sweet sex or cuddling/fluff when it's over.

Warnings: Strap-on sex, genderplay, crossdresing, some dirty talk and did I mention sex? There's definitely some of that going on. Probably NSFW either.

If you're looking for some (really) good strap-on smut, you should check out (if you haven't already) Swinging Cloud's two-shot Addicted. It's incredibly hot, like any of her stuff, and you won't be disappointed.


"Ugh San! Yes, baby, don't sto-oh."

Brittany's moans fill the room unabashedly as her girlfriend's slender but very capable fingers continue to push into her and make her body hum with pleasure. Santana hovers above Brittany, her own skin flushed and shimmering with a thin layer of sweat as she pants and thrusts, working Brittany into an uncontrollable oblivion.

She presses her lips against Brittany's chest, her tongue poking out to drag across creamy skin until her mouth surrounds one marvelous pink nipple on Brittany's supple breast. Her teeth nip at the tip, instantly bringing it to a peak, before she wraps her lips around the erect bud and begins to suck with vigor, the whole time her hand continues to pump between Brittany's legs, in and out of her hot, wet core.

"Baby, you're so beautiful." Santana breathes into Brittany's skin as she lets a hard nipple slip from her mouth with a wet pop. The feeling of Brittany's walls pulsing rhythmically around her fingers as she curls and bends and twists them inside of her is driving Santana wild. She shifts her hips to press them against the back of her hand, adding more pressure.

"I could do this forever." She then whispers as her palm brushes particularly hard against Brittany's clit and her fingers press deep inside, stroking that spot. Brittany whimpers, her hips moving in time with Santana's fingers. Her eyes flutter open when soft lips press to her cheek, and she's met with a look of unreserved love gazing back at her through warm, dark rich chocolate brown eyes.

Brittany tumbles over the edge seconds later, held in Santana's strong and caring embrace as she murmurs loving things into porcelain skin.


"Do you ever miss it Britt?"

Santana's question rouses Brittany from her sleepy, exhausted 'just had a whole marathon of amazing sweaty sex with her insanely hot girlfriend' daze. Brittany inhales deeply, her senses overwhelmed with the pure scent of Santana. Citrus and sweet with just a hint of a warm woody aroma. It's a scent she's only ever smelled on Santana, and one that never fails to remind her of everything she loves.

"Hmm?" Brittany says. Her eyelids flutter open lazily to gaze towards Santana as she shifts in the bed to lie next to her, resting her head on Brittany's naked shoulder. Santana's deep soulful eyes regard her with bashful but unconditional admiration.

To Santana, Brittany is the most wonderful and beautiful girl in the world, and everything they have is amazing. But sometimes, her insecurities still arise when she considers the fact that regardless of her own definitive sexuality and non diverting love for women (or one woman in particular), Brittany nonetheless remains completely and wholly open to the idea of loving a woman or a man (though she is strictly in love with just one woman, and has no desire to look elsewhere).

In no way does Santana ever fault Brittany for her desires, or have any issues with them, Brittany is after all dating Santana and has been for a while now, but Santana still often wonders sometimes if Brittany misses certain things about being with boys. Certain, specific things that Santana doesn't have readily available at her disposal.

She purses her lips in thought, wanting to pose the question properly, completely adoring of the way Brittany waits so patiently for her to ask.

Gnawing on the corner of her lip, Santana finally speaks up.

"Do you ever miss…you know…being with a guy?"

Brittany's eyebrows scrunch together in the center of her forehead, a sign that she's immensely thrown off by the question. She reaches up with her free hand, the one not wrapped around Santana's waist, and scratches her head.

"Like, how do you mean San?"

Santana knows Brittany is a genius, but sometimes she needs a little more of an explanation to analyze things. Santana swallows the nervous lump in her throat.

"I just mean do you miss, like, being with a boy in that way. Having sex and all?"

Brittany giggles at Santana's words, clearly finding something amusing.

"Why would I miss them San? I've got you, and you're perfect."

Brittany's words send Santana's heart fluttering. She knows that Brittany's being one hundred percent honest, she can see it in those crystal clear blue eyes, but still she thinks that Brittany is perhaps dodging the main line of questioning that Santana's so readily laid out.

"I mean do you miss a guy's…you know…" Santana, honestly, really doesn't even want to say the word. After spending two years in high school pretending to enjoy sex with boys, Santana now shudders just thinking about it.

"You mean do I miss a guy's penis San?" Brittany asks, completely nonchalant about the whole thing and Santana mildly cringes. Some things still come so easy to Brittany, and even if Santana is seasoned at sex, it doesn't mean she's always absolutely secure about everything that goes along with it.

"Yeah, that's what I'm asking Britt."

Brittany flashes a beaming smile at Santana, and reaches up with the hand that was scratching at her head a moment ago to cup Santana's cheek, her thumb stroking softly against the slightly flushed skin. She tilts her head cutely and sighs. Santana tenses up briefly, knowing that whatever comes out of Brittany's mouth next is going to be the hardknock truth. It's one part of Brittany that's she's always admired, but it's also the part of Brittany that usually has the potential to hurt her the most.

"I like being with boys and girls, yes Santana, and that includes the different parts of each one, for entirely different reasons." Brittany starts to say and Santana knows she's being gentle on purpose, "Do I miss the feeling of being with a guy? Sometimes I do, but not because I want to be with a guy. It's more because it's just different. But Santana, being with you, in every way that we are and have been, that means more to me than anything else. And I wouldn't ever trade it for the world. I love you, and I love your fingers and I love your tongue and I love your body. You, and the things you do to me, are perfect."

Santana smiles at Brittany's answer, realizing it turned out a whole lot better than how she thought it would. Santana can kind of see where Brittany's coming from, even though she doesn't like boys or being with them, she does remember the way it felt to be with them. It was different, not in a better way like Brittany said, but just in a different way. She nods her understanding and acceptance.

"Okay Britt, I was just wondering."

"I know you were, and I was just reassuring you. I definitely love your girl parts Santana, because they're yours." She says placing a kiss to Santana's lips and nuzzling her nose against her cheek. Santana smiles and snuggles further into Brittany, lying there content just listening to the way Brittany breathes and the steady beat of her heart.

"But you know San, there is always the option of a strap-on, if you were ever interested."

Brittany's last words before she falls asleep have Santana's thoughts spinning in a whirlwind.


One Week Later

Brittany checks the time on her watch again. Quarter past seven. She checks her phone again, scrolling down to the last text message she got from Santana, noticing she didn't get the numbers mixed up as Santana confirmed that she would meet Brittany at the restaurant at seven o'clock on the dot, tonight.

Maybe she's just running late, Brittany thinks. She knows Santana's been working really hard at her dance classes lately, practicing hard and pushing herself. Sometimes she unintentionally runs late, Brittany just wishes that it wasn't tonight of all nights that she was late.

Their two-year anniversary.

Brittany still has a hard time believing that it's actually already here. Six months ago, Brittany couldn't believe that she'd actually finished her first year of college. Granted it was community college, but she'll take what she can get considering there was once a time that she never thought she'd graduate from high school and actually get to live out this dream of being in New York, with Santana.

Santana, her girlfriend of two years. Her very late girlfriend of two years who hasn't had the decency to even text her to let her know what's going on. Brittany pouts. Now that she thinks about it, Santana had better have a darn good reason for being so la-

"Excuse me miss, I couldn't help notice such a beautiful woman such as yourself sitting here alone," A delicately masculine voice coming from behind Brittany interrupts her from her thoughts. She sighs. This is yet another reason why she wishes Santana was here, because then she'd be able to avoid these awkward situations where random individuals hit on her because she's sitting alone, at a bar.

Brittany turns with every intention of politely telling the stranger off when suddenly her breath hitches in her throat and she's rendered speechless. Right before her very eyes is a very well dressed handsomely refined gentleman, with tan skin and a charming smile, and most importantly a very alluring pair of dark chocolate brown eyes. Not the cheap candy aisle chocolate, but the straight from the source swirling with that delicious essence of the very best cocoa in the world kind of rich chocolate.

The kind Brittany would very much like to indulge in. Her heart skips a beat as her mouth suddenly goes dry. Pearly white teeth are revealed as supple lips are pulled up into a grin on the strangers face. Brittany can't stop staring.

"Are you alright?" The stranger asks and Brittany barely manages a coherent type nod. Brown eyes perk up and carefully kept eyebrows rise to just below the brim of a solid black fedora.

"May I buy you a drink?" The voice sends shivers down Brittany's spine, and she forgets much of everything else she had been thinking about tonight. The stranger steps closer, and a just barely there woody aroma invades Brittany's nostrils and her eyes go wide as her skin tingles.

Suddenly things become immensely clear to her.

"A drink would be wonderful," Brittany begins to say, lifting her right leg up to cross over her left knee, watching the stranger pay very close attention to the way her short pencil skirt rids just high enough to expose a smooth expanse of her milky inner thigh in the process. "But I don't even know your name." Her tone is light and flirty, and when brown eyes drag slowly up the rest of her outfit and meet her head on, they're a shade darker and swimming with desire.

An extra large grin gives way to indents on the corner of the stranger's cheeks, and with a raspy chuckle, they reply.

"You can call me…Santiago."

Brittany's heart races as the name falls from the softest lips she has ever seen. A particular buzz runs through her veins again and she inclines her head to the stranger who has just introduced themselves as Santiago.

"Santiago," Brittany replies, letting the name roll around on her tongue, she finds it very sexy, "I like it. Very exotic." She says with a sultry smile pulling at her lips.

"My name's Brittany, and I would love for you to buy me a drink."


The longer the night carries on, the more intriguing Santiago is to Brittany. She finds that Santiago is a confident, though not overly, and charming individual with a penchant for smooth talking and an easily likeable charisma.

And Santiago is most certainly not hard on the eyes.

Brittany finds herself, more than once, becoming distracted by the straight cut of the pinstripe suit Santiago wears and the form fittedness of it. The black and white pattern is accentuated with a sharp grey vest and an incredibly sensational red tie. Brittany's always loved the color red, especially when a particular shade of caramel skin is there to contrast with it.

In other words, Santiago is definitely not failing in the 'turning Brittany on' category. Santiago is quick to have Brittany's drink replaced before she fully finishes it, and even orders her an appetizer as they converse at the bar.

"How did you know the shrimp was one of my favorites?" Brittany inquires while taking a bite of the food she watched Santiago so confidently order for her. Santiago smiles from the stool next to her.

"I had a hunch."

Brittany giggles, delighted by that answer.

"You seem to be pretty good with those." She declares, taking another slow sip from her glass of fine Merlot. Santiago's return smile captivates Brittany's senses and quite suddenly the food and wine in front of her are no longer on her mind. She slides gracefully off of the bar stool, making sure to show a little extra skin, before she takes a step towards Santiago and runs her hands up the fine wool material tailored perfect to a muscular thigh.

When Brittany's fingertips brush over the apex of Santiago's thigh and hip, and she feels that unmistakable bulge, Brittany's eyes flick a shade darker and her heart stutters in excitement. She glances up into brown eyes once more, finding they wait patiently but gaze darker as well. With a slightly unsteady breath, Brittany's leans into Santiago's ear and brushes her lips gently across the lobe.

"My place is just down the block." She husks, and finds she doesn't need to say much else as Santiago stands from the stool and takes her hand, quick to lead her through the now crowded bar and out the restaurant door.

They walk down the street in haste, Brittany leading the way, only to have her senses overwhelmed when Santiago suddenly pulls her close and fits sensually supple lips against her own. Brittany moans at the action but presses back just as fiercly, arousal pooling between her legs a moment later as she feels an eager tongue trace the seam of her lips before pushing into her mouth.

Before she knows it, Brittany's back is being fitted against the door of her apartment complex and strong hands are firming over her ass and pulling her lower half tighter into that of Santiago's body. Brittany's head falls back in a pleasured gasp as she feels the hard strain that rests between Santiago's legs press firmly into her own center. Sure lips attach to her neck and suck with vigor for a blissful second.

"Going in? Unless you want me fucking you right here, which can be arranged." Santiago's smooth and husky voice filters into her ear as Brittany feels one strong hand shift around to the front of her skirt and ghost just under the hem of the material and across her bare inner thigh. Brittany gasps when she feels one of Santiago's fingers trace the lines of her lace thong. She nods her acceptance and scrambles to turn around in Santiago's arms to unlock the apartment complex's front door.

She has a very difficult time of it as Santiago presses close behind her, fitting strong hips against the curve of Brittany's ass. She groans at the hardness she feels once again, her breathing erratic as Santiago's hands smooth up her stomach and roughly cup her breasts.

"Shit." Brittany shudders, she can feel her wetness pooling between her legs, and her nipples are turning rock hard under Santiago's gifted hands. A nip to her earlobe and hot breath against the nape of her neck cause Brittany to curse again before she finally gets the door open and stumbles through it with Santiago still holding her closely from behind.

They tumble and crash towards the elevator, Brittany thankful that the lobby appears vacant and her apartment is only on the second floor. The elevator ride passes quickly, as Santiago pens Brittany to the wall and kisses her without abandon, the sound of their lips echoing a wet smacking sound all around them. They fall out of the elevator and crash randomly down the hall until they reach Brittany's apartment door where she turns around and fumbles to get inside with Santiago rutting into her from behind.

"Your ass is so fucking sexy, I can't wait to slip between those cheeks and take you hard." Santiago groans into Brittany's ear and her legs wobble under the intense pleasure that throbs between them. She gasps when she feels Santiago reach under her skirt once more and tug down her soaked thong. Brittany opens the door, stepping through it and out of her thong in the process as Santiago follows behind her, hands firmly squeezing her ass.

There's a mess of flying clothes as they quickly undress each other until Brittany is standing naked in front of Santiago in nothing but her black three-inch pumps. Santiago reaches out and grasps Brittany by the hips, pulling her close as Brittany takes a moment to examine the tight wife beater that Santiago remains in, and the thick length between Santiago's legs. Brittany groans at the sight. It's tastefully sized.

Brittany's imagining all the present possibilities when she suddenly feels cool metal against her skin. She looks down at her chest to see Santiago draping a silver necklace around her neck, and dangling from the end is a beautiful white gold and blue diamond snowflake pendant. Brittany gasps.

"Such a beautiful, special, incredibly unique woman deserves something as stunning as her." Santiago whispers, focused entirely on clasping the chain at the nape of Brittany's neck and letting the pendant settle perfectly in the center of her chest.

"It's beautiful San-" Brittany is cut off by Santiago capturing her lips and leading her into a passionate kiss. The next thing Brittany knows she's being backed up against her entrance table. When they break for air, Brittany glances down between their bodies, a burning want in her eyes. She makes to bend down on her knees but Santiago stops her.

"Don't worry about me baby, tonight's about you." Santiago husks, once more, deliciously in Brittany's ear. She shivers before the next words send another throb between her legs. "Now, turn around beautiful." Its spoken in such a demanding tone that Brittany almost collapses in a pile of mush at the words, but quickly complies.

"I can feel how much you want me. How much you want this." Santiago husks in Brittany's ear, pressing into her from behind and running a warm palm up the curve of her ass before dipping close to where Brittany wants Santiago most. She whines when fingertips slip through her folds, teasingly and then shudders as Santiago straightens two of them out and plunges them deep into Brittany's trembling sex. Santiago is quick to twist tan fingers inside Brittany and curl downwards when drawing them out, not hesitating to plunge them back into Brittany in the same fluid motion.

Brittany squeaks as she feels Santiago's fingers thrust in and out of her from behind, the pace steady, the angle sensational. She arches her back and pushes her ass a little higher into the air. She rocks back into the fingers, pressing them deep but aching for just a little bit more.

"P-please. I need more." Brittany begs. Her face squished against the cool wood of her entrance table. Santiago grunts behind her but a second later, Brittany feels a firmness press between her cheeks, a hard tip coating itself in her arousal.

"Is this what you want?" Santiago asks pressing forward slightly and teasing Brittany more. Brittany squeaks in pleasure and furiously nods her head.

"You want me deep inside of you, don't you? Stretching you until you scream?"

Brittany whimpers both at Santiago's dirty talk and the removal of thrusting fingers between her legs.

"I didn't hear you." Santiago husks in Brittany's ear after a few minutes of silence and she feels a firm tip press against her entrance.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me ple-OH GOD!" Brittany doesn't finish her plead. Instead a deep moan replaces it as she feels Santiago press into her from behind, sheathing the first few inches of an extremely hard member into her tight wet heat.

When Santiago starts pushing again, slow and careful against the obvious strain, Brittany pants and groans as her walls stretch to accommodate the new intrusion, her hands clinging to the side of her table. Santiago's hips meet the curve of Brittany's ass flush and Brittany feels her inner walls clenching, pulsing around and massaging the hardness sunk deep inside of her.

Hands smooth over the expanse of Brittany's back, before curling around her ribs and over the curves of her breasts. She grunts a little, needing a little less teasing and a lot more pleasing and rocks her hips backwards, drawing a groan from Santiago behind her. Getting the message, Santiago's hands find purchase on Brittany's hips and tan hips begin pumping in a calculated motion, thrusting in and out of Brittany in smooth figure eights.

"Mmm ugh. Y-you f-feel so go-ood. S-so ugh." Brittany chants as Santiago's hips continue to slap against her ass and the hardness deep inside of her stretches her. She squeaks when she feels the tip nudge her g-spot and she squirms a little. Santiago must recognize her squirming because in the next second, Brittany feels her left leg being lifted up and bent on the table, only to be pressed flat against the wood surface a second later. The move changes the angle behind her and allows Santiago to thrust deeper and faster.

"Fuck! You're so d-deep. Ugh, harder."

Santiago responds, angling upwards so the tip drags across Brittany's spot every deep thrust, a little harder each time.

"R-right there, oh my-oh my, God, right t-there!" Brittany moans at the feeling of being filled so deep and so well. Brittany's momentarily distracted by tan hands ghosting up her sides until nimble fingers are rolling her hard nipples between thumbs and forefingers. Santiago thrusts with determination, one hand sliding to Brittany's stomach and holding her close, the other continuing to tweak and pinch at her nipples. Teeth nip at the skin between her shoulder blades and hot breath blankets her sweaty skin.

She's so close, she just needs…

"Oh GOD yes!" Santiago finds a rhythm that allows the deep hard trusts to tap that spot inside Brittany, once, twice, three times as the fingers of Santiago's left hand finds her clit and rubs quickly in time with the thrusts to send Brittany hurling over the edge. Her walls clamp tightly around the hardness inside of her as her orgasm rips through her body and showers her with convulsions and tingling mind numbing aftershocks.

"Mmph, ugh so fuck!" Brittany cries as her walls continue to spasm and Santiago remains hunched over behind her, panting against the skin of her back. Brittany feels her arousal drip from her center and run down her leg, but she's not bothered to give a fuck. Not when she feels completely and utterly filled.

Before she can even catch her breath, Santiago is pulling back and the hard length is slipping from between Brittany's legs, earning a wince and whimper from her. But the feeling of emptiness doesn't last long because Santiago is straightening her body up and turning her around so they're facing each other.

Santiago takes a moment to admire the beauty of Brittany, her swollen sex, glistening with her arousal and her flushed pale skin, a slick sheen of sweat producing the illusion of glowing skin. Santiago leans in and licks across the expanse of Brittany's chest, feeling the way her heart thuds just under the surface. With a smile, Santiago's hands find a place just below the curve of Brittany's ass and tug upwards.

Brittany understands Santiago's desire and allows herself to be lifted and her ass to be set on the entrance table she was just fucked from behind on. Her body shudders as Santiago gently pushes Brittany's legs apart and steps between them. Their chests connect momentarily and the feel of smooth cotton brushing against her hard nipples sends a jolt through her body. She looks down to watch as Santiago rubs through Brittany's drenched folds and then glances up to watch the look on Brittany's face while leaning forward and pressing fully into her again.

Brittany's eyes roll to the back of her head and Santiago doesn't waste a second grabbing her legs and fitting them on strong hips, Brittany quickly locks them behind the small of Santiago's back, drawing them closer together and pushing Santiago into her further. The rhythm starts and Brittany notices that this time around, Santiago is watching with rapt attention at the connection between them, a long shaft disappearing into Brittany's sex only to pull back out coated in her sweet juices.

Santiago moans when Brittany rocks her hips forward, doubling the efforts between them. And Brittany's on the edge again embarrassingly fast.

"Fuck, I'm close. Ugh-OH-so clo-ohh!" Brittany moans, her words becoming incoherent as Santiago's hips angle up again and continue to pump into her. Brittany wraps her arms around Santiago's strong neck, gripping on for dear life as she feels that spot inside of her being nudged again, and again and again until it's tipping her into her next orgasm and she's coming hard and clenching tight.

Instead of slowing to a stop, Santiago's thrusts remain steady even as Brittany's walls don't allow much room for movement deep inside of her. Santiago takes a step backwards while still holding Brittany close and turns to walk to her bedroom.

Laying Brittany gently on her bed, Santiago follows on top of her, never disconnecting any part of them. Santiago adjusts between Brittany's legs, pulling on her hips until her ass is resting on tan thighs before continuing to thrust into her with vigor.

"I can still feel you coming." Santiago moans, licking plump lips. "Shit, come for me, fucking come for me again Britt. Ugh." Santiago then husks thrusting into Brittany deeply and holding the thrust to draw a gasp from Brittany as she bites her lip. Santiago's thumb comes down and presses thoroughly into Brittany's clit as her arousal coats the hardness between her legs and Santiago watches in fascination before sliding back into Brittany's still incredibly tight core at a glacial pace. Santiago's other hand smoothes up and over Brittany's stomach, admiring the way muscles clench and quiver under a tan hand.

Heat encompasses Brittany's entire body, and when she opens her eyes to glance up at her lover, dark rich chocolate brown eyes stare down at her with adoration. Santiago slides out until just the tip remains in Brittany before pushing all the way back in, leaning forward to press cool lips against flushed pale skin, fingers tugging at a hard nipple. Brittany almost cries at the tender mix of soft and rough, and reaches out to cup Santiago's cheeks, drawing those perfect lips to her own.

As they kiss, Santiago's tongue dipping hotly into Brittany's mouth and caressing the curves of her teeth and stroking every inch of her, her orgasm hits her unexpectedly and she arches her back, pushing Santiago into her further, the thumb on her clit still working in tense circles, until her walls squeeze tightly and she completely falls apart in Santiago's arms again.

"Ugh San!" She cries out into the dark room.

For a moment the rest of the world is silent Brittany and she blacks out from the intensity of pleasure pulsing through her and the love she feels from the person above of her.


When Brittany wakes up, not entirely sure of how much time has passed, she feels soft lips pressing into the skin of her shoulder and the fingers of a tan hand tracing soothing patterns into her still quivering stomach. There's still a dull throb between her legs, but not an unbearable one.

"I love you Brittany. Happy anniversary." A soft familiar voice invades Brittany's consciousness and she recognizes the change in atmosphere. Still breathing heavily, she turns over to face her lover, reaching out to untangle long wavy locks from a very impressive up do and stroke her fingers over a flushed tan cheek. She admires the way Santana's chest is now free from it's binding, her round perfect breasts bouncing a little as she takes a deep breath in at Brittany's touch.

"God Santana, that was amazing." Brittany murmurs as she snuggles in close to her girlfriend, slipping a thigh between Santana's legs and noticing the absence of a particular something. Brittany's heart skips and that pulse between her legs picks up as she considers what just happen with that lovely but entirely fake something only moments ago with her insanely sexy girlfriend. She looks up to see a lazy smile covering Santana's lips as she scoots a little closer to Brittany, wrapping her arm around her and slipping her own leg between Brittany's.

"It wasn't too much?" She asks, worried about the slight loss of control she might have had but Brittany simply shakes her head and presses a reassuring, loving kiss to Santana's lips.

"Not at all. It was so hot. You were so hot. If I didn't already love you so much just the way you are, I'd be very interested in knowing Santiago you all the time." Brittany admits and Santana giggles softly.

"Well, it can always be arranged for Santiago to come out and play every once and a while." She jokes and nuzzles her nose cutely against Brittany's before suddenly pulling back in slight concern, "Just as long as you don't get too attached." She adds with a hint of insecurity. Brittany smiles and softly trails her fingers down Santana's left forearm, taking her wrist in her hand and coaxing it further down her side until it rests on the curve of her ass.

"Trust me when I say it wasn't anything that Santiago was packing that made me enjoy that. You, Santana, have always been enough for me." She says before shifting her leg from between Santana's and guiding tan fingers towards the front of her body, pushing them down until they meet wet, sticky heat. Santana gasps but smiles at the contact. She doesn't need much more direction and is quickly slipping two fingers up and down Brittany's folds before pressing them into her tight and waiting core.

Brittany moans at the intrusion of Santana's fingers, rocking her hips forward and burying them deeper. But as Santana starts to draw them out, intent on thrusting them back in, Brittany reaches down to stop her.

"I don't need you to do anything more than keep your fingers in me. I just want to feel you like this Santana, because this is one of the many things I really love about you. I love feeling you inside me, and I always will. Two years from now, and two years from that, and two years from that, and so on." Brittany murmurs and Santana's heart thumps desperately against her chest. Brittany swings her leg over Santana's hip and draws their bodies closer, ensuring that Santana's fingers are pressed deep and snug inside of her before she kisses Santana's forehead and drifts off into a blissful sleep with the hint of a woody aroma filling her senses.

Santana smiles at her girlfriend and buries her face into the crook of her neck, pressing light kisses there and glancing again at the snowflake pendant that still rests lower and against Brittany's chest.

"Happy anniversary baby." She whispers before falling off into a deep peaceful sleep.

I don't really have anything to add. This was my first time filling a prompt from the GKM, so yeah. If you have something to say though, please by all means feel free. I love hearing your thoughts! If not, and you need to go take a cold shower, that's okay with me too.

Look for a Faster soon! Thanks y'all!